How do you befriend Brewster in Animal Crossing?

If you want to get on Brewster's good side, drink the coffee immediately like he asks — from which you'll then hop off the stool and head on your way. (After three days of consistent coffees, you'll be able to take coffee to go. More on that later!)
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How do you become friends with Brewster?

Brewster is the coffee bar tender... not a resident. You can't get his pic and you can't do jobs for him. All that improves his friendship is buying one cup of coffee a day because that's all you can do with him.
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Can you build a relationship with Brewster?

Players can develop a relationship with Brewster by visiting The Roost every day in ACNH. Although spending 200 Bells daily might seem impractical, it pays off as the player will receive gifts from Brewster if they consistently buy coffee.
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How do you get Brewster to come with you?

How To Unlock Brewster & The Roost
  1. Completed the K.K. ...
  2. Upgraded the Museum to include the Art exhibit.
  3. Donate at least one Fish, Bug, Fossil, and piece of Art.
  4. Be the Island Representative, also known as the primary player on an island.
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How do I get gifts from Brewster?

After unlocking Brewster and The Roost cafe in your museum in the 2.0 Update, the pigeon will give you gifts depending on how many cups of coffee you've bought from him.
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How To Unlock Brewster | 2.0 Update Animal Crossing New Horizons

What happens if you let Brewster's coffee cool?

Brewster is reserved, saying little to the player and showing little emotion. One exception to this is if the player opts to let their coffee cool before drinking it; Brewster becomes shocked and ridicules the player for not drinking it hot. Brewster has a deep voice, similar to that of cranky villagers.
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Can you get a job at Brewster in New Horizons?

As mentioned above, once you got close enough to Brewster, you could work a part-time job at The Roost. You would need to learn your villager's favorite types of coffee and correctly prepare them to unlock rewards such as the special Gyroids and the special Roost furniture line.
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How do you get Brewster to give you milk?

The more you make visits to The Roost, the closer you'll slowly become to Brewster. Eventually, he'll make an offer to craft you a special drink, which may include pigeon milk.
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How often does Brewster give you a gift?

After three days, he'll reward you with the ability to take coffee to-go, but the gifts don't end there. After six, 12, 16, 21, 31, 41, and 51 days, Brewster will give you presents as a thank you for supporting his small business. They range from a DIY recipe to coffee-themed items... And a Gyroid that looks like him.
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Why won t Blathers mention Brewster?

If Blathers doesn't mention Brewster, then it's likely you need to open up more of your museum and further establish your island. This can include: Donate at least one item for each area of the museum (bugs, fish, fossils, sea creatures, art)
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Does Brewster give you a job?

The first dialog you will get from Brewster if you met the requirements of buying enough coffee is he will tell you that you can buy coffee at the counter (its for take out) then after that he will give you the dialogue to work for him.
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Who can you marry in Animal Crossing?

This game is not like StarDew Valley or The Sims. You can not marry. It is the single life forever. However you can have friends visit you and or live on your island.
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Can you marry a character in Animal Crossing?

One of the rare features from Animal Crossing games that are added to this game is Marriage. In New Leaf 2, players have the ability to get married. When marrying special villagers, there are 24 marriage candidates available, 12 for each gender, same-sex marriage IS an option.
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What happens if you say its way too hot to brewster?

When given a coffee, if the player replies with "It's gotta cool," they will then have the option to say "It's too hot." The player can continue to say this, but Brewster will always say the same thing. The perfect temperature of coffee he suggests in New Leaf can change.
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Why does Brewster offer pigeon milk sometimes?

It's easy to assume that pigeon milk is just a fun Animal Crossing joke, because of course pigeons don't have milk. They're birds, not mammals. They don't even have nipples! But, as it turns out, this pigeon milk may be Brewster's special way of saying that he likes you.
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Does Brewster give you water?

You'll have to choose "Separate checks!" and those who do not have enough Bells for coffee will get water. If no one has enough Bells for coffee then everyone gets water. Also, if your friend has not unlocked to-go coffee at the cafe but you do, Brewster will also allow them to purchase a to-go cup at the counter.
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Does drinking coffee in ACNH do anything?

Like other foods in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, drinking takeout coffee will give the player energy to break rocks and dig up trees.
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When can you start giving Brewster gyroids?

Brewster will store gyroids for you, starting the day after you drink your seventh cup of hot (not cooled) coffee. Right after you drink the 7 cups you must be at the bottom part of the counter to talk to Brewster. He will NOT offer to store the gyroids if you talk to him on the left side of the counter.
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Can you get too much coffee from Brewster?

Fortunately, there are no restrictions on the amount of coffee players can drink in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. However, Brewster does warn players about the consequences of drinking too much coffee in the game. Several players have tried drinking too much coffee in the game despite Brewster's warnings.
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Should I take pigeon milk from Brewster?

The Roost's Pigeon Milk Is Basically Bird Puke

Making this worse is that its texture is not that of milk but more of a runny cottage cheese, meaning that New Horizons players visiting the Roost who made the mistake of using pigeon milk in their coffee will have to enjoy their morning beverage with chunks in it.
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Should Brewster wait for coffee to cool?

With multiple iterations of the coffee connoisseur, players have had many experiences with Brewster and this pigeon has made some opinions very clear. One of the most well-established pieces of advice from Brewster is that coffee needs no time to cool and waiting for that hot cup of joe to chill is unacceptable.
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Should you say yes to pigeon milk in Animal Crossing?

He just says sure and then he'll offer it to you again the next time you visit him. There are no consequences for choosing yes or no. I always say no (I drink my coffee black irl anyway), and after a while, he stopped offering it to me every time.
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Can I give Gyroids to Brewster?

It turns out, however, that Brewster (owner of the Roost coffee shop) is really into collecting gyroids. He will store your gyroids in his back room for you if you bring them to him. Brewster will only offer to do this after he has gotten to know you.
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What do I do with Brewster's photo?

As a photo item, interacting with the photo will give information on Brewster's birthday, star sign, and favorite saying. Brewster's photo can be obtained from Blathers by talking, if requirements for The Roost unlock are met.
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Can you get a job in ACNH?

Launch the Animal Crossing: New Horizons game and visit the airport to request to go to work. The option to go to work becomes available at least one day after all the following conditions have been met: The Resident Services building has been completed (upgraded from a tent) You have attended Tom Nook's DIY workshop.
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