How do you deal with Winston OverWatch?

Playing against Winston. Generally, Winston should be focused down by the team to minimize the amount of time he can spend causing chaos. Avoid being right next to each other, as the Tesla Cannon attacks multiple targets at once, but don't be too far sperad out.
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How do you deal more damage as Winston?

General Strategies
  1. Winston is a great Tank for new players. ...
  2. Winston's charged shot can be combined with Jump Pack and melee when diving an enemy, dealing a burst of up to 130 damage: Start charging Tesla Cannon's secondary fire slightly before leaping and try to hit the leap as close to them as possible.
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How to deal with mercy as Winston?

  1. Dive the other support to force mercy to peel for them. Now you have both the supports using cooldowns on themselves instead of on their team. ...
  2. coordinate with your dps to dive her. She has to ga away from your jump so that's a at least 1.5 second max 3 seconds window for your other dps to kill her.
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What is the best healer against Winston?

Additionally, Reaper can outheal Winston's damage from The Reaping's healing power, and will be able outheal the damage if Winston is using Primal Rage and knocking him into a corner repeatedly. Roadhog can kill Winston in a similar fashion to Reaper, albeit with a slower-firing gun.
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How to properly play Winston?

Winston's Tesla Cannon doesn't deal a huge amount of damage, so in 1v1 situations against other tanks, Winston will be vulnerable. He can instead use his abilities to isolate and quickly eliminate many support characters like Zenyatta or Mercy. Use Jump Pack for diving into an enemy, knocking them back.
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WINSTON ... For Noobs

What is Winston's weakness?

Winston is doomed to be unsuccessful due to his weak willpower, unorganized planning style, and indulgent nature.
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How much damage does Winston's Primary Fire do?

Winston's primary fire shoots a short cone of damage which damages any players in its radius. Its damage per second is just 60, which is lower than other tanks.
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Who hard counters Winston?

Winston Counters are heroes who do large amounts of damage and pretty much kill winston before he can kill them. Reaper and Bastion are among this Winston Counters and are mostly tank hero counters in general. Winston has simple playstyle and is easy for any new player to pick up and play.
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Does Junker Queen counter Winston?

A Winston-Junker Queen match-up is very map and skill dependent. Junker Queen has high and effective damage against Winston considering his hitbox size, but Winston can also completely deny Junker Queen space and damage with his barrier.
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Can Winston shoot through Zarya?

The projectile from Graviton Surge is destroyed if it hits an enemy Zarya's barrier or D.Va's Defense Matrix, but if it hits Winston's or Reinhardt's barrier it will simply activate where struck. It is still not a good idea to fire it at those places, as they will lessen or negate your team's ability to combo with it.
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Can Genji deflect Winston ult?

As a general rule, Genji cannot deflect beam attacks such as Zarya's primary fire, Mei's primary fire, Symmetra's primary fire, or Winston's Tesla Cannon.
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Who should I target as Genji?

Genji is a flanker who normally attacks the backline, as such, Ana is a high-priority target for him. Ana's self-defense tools, Sleep Dart and Biotic Grenade, can both be deflected, and will severely cripple her team if it hits one of them. Depending on how much health Bastion has, Genji can seriously counter it.
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What bothers Winston the most?

4. What bothers Winston the most, along with the sense of nightmare? He is bothered because he does not clearly understand why the falsifications take place. He wonders if he is a lunatic.
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What is Winston most afraid of?

Winston is horrified and confesses that rats are his greatest fear. They are also somehow connected to a recurring dream he has about something unendurable hidden behind a wall of darkness. In the dream, he always feels that he knows what is behind the wall, but he wakes up before he becomes conscious of what it is.
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What is Winston's biggest problem?

Under the oppressive regime of the Party led by Big Brother, Winston lives a life characterized by hatred for the Party, rebellion, fatalistic views, and paranoia. The more Winston rebels, the greater the risks he takes, since he knows that he's virtually guaranteed to be caught.
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How old is Winston from Overwatch?

A lot of fans were alarmed to find out that Winston is 31 since gorillas only live to be 35 to 40 years old. On the other hand, Hammond is 16 when hamsters live, well, two to three years.
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What is Winston's role in Overwatch?

A super-intelligent, genetically engineered gorilla, Winston is a brilliant scientist and a champion for humanity's potential. Tank heroes soak up damage and shatter fortified positions, like closely grouped enemies and narrow chokepoints. If you're a tank, you lead the charge.
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