How do you describe thunder damage?

A concussive burst of sound, such as the effect of the thunderwave spell, deals thunder damage. Caused by a sonic boom, or otherwise extremely loud sound, representing the concussive force and damaging effect on the ear.
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Does thunder damage make noise?

The shatter spell is an excellent example of detailing that Thunder damage makes noise. But not all spells that deal thunder damage are audible. It looks like the ones that are audible (Thunderwave, Thunderous Smite, Thunder Step) all involve moving the target (with the exception of Thunderclap).
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What is the description of thunder?

Thunder is the loud noise that comes right after lightning. It also can refer to a loud, booming sound, or mean to move heavily but quickly. Thunder is made up of the rumbles and cracks accompanying lightning during a thunderstorm.
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What type of damage is thunder?

Thunder used to be called sonic; damage caused by sound or shockwaves. While getting hit by a tidal wave would be bludgeoning, damage from sheer momentum tossing you around too fast would be thunder. Extremely loud screaming would be thunder.
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How would you describe loud thunder?

  1. rumble.
  2. crashing.
  3. booming.
  4. explosion.
  5. rumbling.
  6. cracking.
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D&D Damage Types: Thunder

How do you describe thunder in creative writing?

Use expanded noun phrases, onomatopoeia, similes and adverbs to make your opinion sound exciting. E.g: Bright, flashing lightning lighting up the sky like fireworks; banging, crashing thunder roaring furiously, sizzling, electrifying lightning zipping across the night sky.
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How would you describe the sound of thunder and lightning?

When lightning strikes, the narrow channel of air through which it travels reaches temperatures of up to 30,000 °C almost instantly. This intense heating causes the air to rapidly expand outward into the cooler air surrounding it creating a rippling shockwave which we hear as a rumbling thunder clap.
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Why does thunder hit so hard?

Thunder is created when lightning passes through the air. The lightning discharge heats the air rapidly and causes it to expand. The temperature of the air in the lightning channel may reach as high as 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, 5 times hotter than the surface of the sun.
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What sound does thunder make?

The combination of millions of shock waves gives thunder the continuous booming/rumbling sound we hear. The temperature of the atmosphere affects the sound of thunder as well as how far it travels. Sound waves move faster in warm air than in cool air.
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What does force damage look like?

I think of force damage as slightly transluent semi-solid magic energy matter. Think heat wave gut punching you. I tend to describe it in the form of pure manifested energy, translucent, pulsating, unleashing itself as directed by the spell-caster.
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What does it mean if thunder is super loud?

Amplified thunder

In a typical ground-based storm, thunder dissipates in all directions, a quick loud boom or rumble. However, in a temperature inversion, the sound becomes trapped and refracts back to the ground. This trapping and refracting can cause the thunder to be amplified, making it sound louder than normal.
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Why is thunder quieter at night?

Sound waves travel from hotter area to colder area. During daytime when sun shines the Earth,the air near the Earth is hotter than the air above. So the sound waves will be refracted to the sky while at night the air near the Earth is colder than the air above, so the sound waves are refracted to the Earth.
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What are the two sounds of thunder in a sound of thunder?

e.g. "A sound of thunder" first means the sound of the dinosaur's step; then it means the firing of the rifle that kills Eckels.
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What does thunder smell like?

“It sent static up my arm,” he said. “It smelled like something inorganic burning, like wires or plastic.” Others have compared the odor to chlorine, cleaning supplies or, unsurprisingly, electrical sparks. Odds are, you've smelled lightning-produced ozone before.
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What is the onomatopoeia for electric shock?

zap (an electric shock).
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What does it mean when thunder shakes your house?

As the shockwave rushes outward it can run into structures like your house, causing it to rumble or shake. Essentially your house is shaking or rattling from those rapidly heated air molecules hitting it! Cloud to ground lightning is the typical producer of house-rattling thunder.
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Is thunder more powerful than fire?

Both lightning and fire are powerful natural phenomena that can cause significant damage and destruction. However, in terms of raw power, lightning is generally considered more powerful than fire.
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Why does thunder feel good?

The steady constant of a background hum and rumble can even help those who experience sensory overload. Other experts say storms can be good for anxiety because it actually helps our brains switch off – as humans, we are constantly searching for sound.
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Can thunder sound like a bomb?

The sudden heating causes the surrounding air to expand violently and creates big sound waves, like what happens in a bomb explosion, along the entire length of the lightning bolt. We usually hear a loud boom followed by several seconds of rumble.
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Why is thunder so loud in Texas?

"It's traveling slower through the cold air, faster through the warm air above, so that actually makes the sound waves refract more towards the ground."
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How long can thunder rumble?

A typical lightning bolt is 4 - 5 miles long. Since sound travels about one mile in 5 seconds, the rumbling sounds of thunder from a single bolt can last for up to 25 seconds from start to finish. And, we can hear thunder from lightning up to 10 miles away.
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What are 5 vocabulary words to describe a thunderstorm?

Synonyms of thunderstorm
  • weather.
  • thundershower.
  • precipitation.
  • shower.
  • rain.
  • rainstorm.
  • rainfall.
  • downpour.
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What is a small sentence for thunder?

Her dog is afraid of thunder. Lightning flashed and thunder boomed/crashed. Suddenly there was a loud clap of thunder. We could hear the rumble of thunder in the distance.
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What is a simile to describe thunder?

Thunder like a whole sea overhead. Thunder like the ocean when in strength and breadth and length it sets to shore.
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