How do you dig faster underwater in Minecraft?

The Aqua Affinity enchantment speeds up how fast you can mine blocks underwater. It basically makes mining underwater the same speed as mining on land. You can add the Aqua Affinity enchantment to any helmet or leather cap using an enchanting table, anvil, or game command.
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What enchantment makes you mine faster underwater?

Aqua Affinity is a helmet enchantment that increases underwater mining speed.
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How do you increase your speed underwater in Minecraft?

There are a few ways to do this. One: Put depth strider enchant on your boots to walk on the sea floor faster. Finally: Swim with dolphins to get the dolphins' grace status effect, which increases underwater swimming speed.
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How fast is mining underwater in Minecraft?

Usage. Usually when the player's head is underwater, mining blocks takes 5 times as long as mining while out of water. Wearing armor with Aqua Affinity causes this penalty to be ignored. All levels have the same effect.
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What does aqua affinity do on Minecraft?

Minecraft Aqua Affinity is an enchantment that increases the player's mining speed when they are underwater. It allows the player to mine blocks faster and more efficiently, saving time and effort.
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How to mine faster while underwater - Minecraft

Is Aqua Infinity a good enchantment?

Aqua Affinity is a fairly simple enchantment that is very effective and somewhat of a necessity for us underwater builders. It's also just a generally useful enchantment for mining in underwater ravines, getting out of a tough situation if you're drowning, and much more.
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Can you put respiration and aqua affinity on the same helmet?

Is it possible to get Respiration and Aqua Affinity on the same set of armor in Minecraft? It is possible but only on the helmet. They are not mutually exclusive, so it can happen.
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Does gold mine faster than diamond in Minecraft?

Diamond pickaxe has a base mining speed of 8, while a gold pickaxe only has a base mining speed of 2. This means a diamond pickaxe inherently mines four times faster than a gold pickaxe, regardless of enchantments.
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What is the mine faster effect in Minecraft?

Haste is a status effect that allows a player to temporarily mine blocks faster than normal. Haste increases mining speed by an increase of 20% per level (40% with Haste II).
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Is there a faster way to mine in Minecraft?

If you want to mine the fastest in the game, you can combine both the methods by using an efficiency five enchanted tool with the Haste two status effect. This will allow you to break any block with the correct tool instantly. Even if you click the left mouse button once, the block in front will break.
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How much slower do you mine underwater in Minecraft?

Mining while underwater or swimming takes 5 times as long. But note that it only happens if you are underwater. If you mine a block that is underwater, but you are off the water, then there is no speed penalty.
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Can sniffers swim in Minecraft?

Sniffers don't swim properly and their walking animations freeze when in water.
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Does speed work underwater Minecraft?

While having the slowness or speed by using /effect give or drinking a potion, will slow your movement or make your movement faster, but if you enter water you will walk as if it is nearly normal.
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What enchantment makes you dig faster?

The Efficiency enchantment speeds up how fast you can mine blocks in the game. You can add the Efficiency enchantment to any pickaxe, shovel, or axe using an enchanting table, anvil, or game command. Then use the enchanted tool to mine and see just how quickly you dig up items!!
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What is the best helmet for underwater in Minecraft?

While not being especially defensive, the turtle shell helmet gives you a flat out 10 second time increase for breathing underwater. Minecraft still has some surprises left though. The best gear you can bring into the water depths is definitely the conduit.
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What potion helps mining underwater?

With the Potion of Water Breathing, you can mine the seafloor without fear of drowning. Instructions in this article apply to Minecraft for all platforms including Windows, PS4, and Xbox One.
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Why am I mining slow in Minecraft?

The only natural cause of Mining Fatigue is from affliction by an elder guardian, and the only natural effect level is III. Other levels can be achieved via commands. In Java Edition, once per minute, elder guardians in the vicinity search for any player within 50 blocks to afflict with Mining Fatigue III.
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What potion increases mining speed in Minecraft?

You start off with a regular Awkward Potion. Adding a Blaze Powder to the mix, you make a normal Strength Potion. Then you add Sugar which increases mining speed, making a Haste Potion.
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Is Golden armor better than diamond?

Originally Answered: Is gold armor better than diamond in Minecraft? Not really. Gold armor is easier to give good enchantments to but diamond armor lasts much longer and offers much higher protection from damage.
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Is it better to enchant gold or diamond in Minecraft?

Gold tools in general have higher enchantability, meaning that gold tools has a higher chance of receiving better enchantments using an enchanting table. Also, gold toons mine faster than diamond tools.
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What is the most efficient mining level in Minecraft?

Due to being the safest layers to mine where all ores exist in reasonable quantities (especially diamond), layer 10 to 15 are usually considered the best area in which to start mining.
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What's the highest level of thorns?

The maximum level for the Thorns enchantment is Level 3. This means that you can enchant an item with up to Thorns III. The higher the level, the more powerful the enchantment.
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Is a turtle helmet better than Respiration 3?

This is because the turtle shell is outshined by respiration level III diamond helmets. even though it offer slightly less time to be underwater the helmet has better durability and armor.
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What does Curse of Vanishing do?

Curse of Vanishing is an enchantment that lets you curse an item. This can be armor, weapons, or any item that can be enchanted. When the player dies, rather than drop on the floor like any other item in the inventory, the item will vanish, never to be seen again. It is removed from the world entirely.
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