How do you evolve Crimson Shroud?

Crimson Shroud is a weapon in Vampire Survivors. It is the evolution of Laurel, requiring Metaglio Left and Metaglio Right both fully leveled to evolve.
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How to unlock Metaglio Left?

Metaglio Left is a passive item in Vampire Survivors. It is unlocked after obtaining the Yellow Sign. It cannot be found via level ups, and must be found as a stage item. Metaglio Left increases Recovery by 0.1 and multiplies Max Health by 1.05 per level.
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How to get evolved Laurel?

Collecting Metaglio Left and Metaglio Right

All you have to do is pick them up. Once you have both items and Laurel, you can work towards evolution. You will need to max Laurel and both Metaglios to do this, and then open the chest.
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What does Laurel upgrade?

Laurel can be evolved into Crimson Shroud with Metaglio Left and Metaglio Right both at max level.
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Does Laurel Lance turn good?

Laurel was resurrected by Barbara Kean, 9 months after her death, Laurel has become good and became a vigilante known as Black Canary and saved lots of people in Star City from criminals and assassins.
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How to Get Crimson Shroud | Vampire Survivors

Is Crimson Shroud worth it in Vampire Survivors?

Its extra protection may seem useless if you are already killing everything before you take damage, but its automatic nature protects from stupid mistakes and being overwhelmed.
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How do you evolve Squakabilly?

Evolutions. This Pokémon does not evolve.
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How do you evolve Frigobox?

You can do this by giving your Frigibax the Lucky Egg to hold, then participate in normal battles against wild Pokémon or trainers, Auto Battle, or use resources like Rare Candy and EXP Candy of various sizes. Frigibax will then evolve into Arctibax at Level 35, Then Artibax evolves into Baxcalibur at Level 54.
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How do you fully evolve Pawmo?

To evolve your Pawmo into Pawmot, you have to walk with it in Let's Go mode — when you release your Pokémon from their Poké Balls by pressing the R button. After taking 1,000 steps, your Pawmo will evolve into Pawmot the next time it levels. (You can level it by making it gain EXP via battle or by using a Rare Candy.)
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How to evolve a fire wand?

Fire Wand is a weapon in Vampire Survivors. It is the starting weapon for Arca Ladonna. It is unlocked for all characters after destroying 20 Torches. Fire Wand may be evolved into Hellfire with Spinach.
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What does the stone mask evolve with?

Passive item

Stone Mask is required for the evolution of Gatti Amari, Vicious Hunger. It is also required for the evolution of Night Sword, Muramasa, in which Stone Mask must also be fully leveled. Stone Mask can be found as a stage item in Inlaid Library, Moongolow, Boss Rash, Mt. Moonspell, and Abyss Foscari.
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How to unlock mad groove?

Mad Groove (VIII) is one of the Arcanas in Vampire Survivors. It is unlocked by reaching minute 31 in Mad Forest. After picking this Arcana and at every even minute afterwards, all stage items, pickups (including Experience Gems), and light sources are moved towards around the character.
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How do you unlock Raptros?

Purchasing the first skin unlocks Raptros in adventure mode.
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How do you unlock Phigros?

Unlocking songs

Songs in the Single Collection are unlocked by purchasing them in the Single Collection individually with Data. Songs cost 16 MB (16384 KB), but new releases only cost 4 MB (4096 KB). rank or higher on the same difficulty of the previous song in the chapter.
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How to unlock Moongolow?

To unlock Moongolow you'll need to unlock Hyper Mode for four normal stages. At this time, Vampire Survivors only features four normal stages in the form of the Mad Forest, Inlaid Library, Dairy Plant, and Gallo Tower. Hyper Mode is unlocked by defeating the boss-like enemy that appears at roughly the 25-minute mark.
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How do you evolve Chardacet?

Either way, the Charcadet you want to evolve will need to be set as your buddy. Once it is, do the following to evolve it: To evolve Charcadet into Armarouge, defeat 30 psychic-type Pokémon in battle. To evolve Charcadet into Ceruledge, defeat 30 ghost-type Pokémon in battle.
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How to evolve annihilape?

Instead, Annihilape is one of the special evolutions in Pokemon GO. To evolve it, players will need to have 100 Mankey Candies and defeat 30 Ghost or Psychic-type Pokemon with Primeape assigned as their buddy. This is a tricky one since players will actually need to take part in battles to be able to evolve Primeape.
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How do you evolve Oxidrake?

It evolves from Copperage when a Copper Nugget is used on it, which evolves from Copling starting at Level 29. Oxidrake was designed by Twitter user @muto157 as part of a Loomian Design Contest.
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How do you evolve Tamatchi?

Overfeeding, underfeeding, not responding to calls for attention, marriage, and specific items are all ways of trigger a Tamagotchi to evolve into another form. On some releases, it can evolve further into a Senior if it hasn't married by a certain age.
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How do you evolve Hollibunch?

Hollibunch is a Plant/Light-type Loomian introduced in Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow. It was designed by YoloDraws. Hollibunch evolves from Mistlebud when a Decorative Lights is used on it.
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How do you evolve Endovul?

Flaskit is a Basic/Crystal-type Doodle. It can either evolve into Vuliable starting at level 29, evolve into Noxvul by using Strange Catalyst on it, evolve into Endovul by using Strange Solution on it, or evolve into Exovul by using Strange Substance on it.
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Can you beat the reaper in Vampire Survivors?

There is a long and complicated process to killing the reaper in Vampire Survivors. Ultimately, you will need to have both the Crimson Shroud and Infinite Corridor weapons to do it. You can create these evolutions with weapon combos.
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How much HP does Red Death have in Vampire Survivors?

Infinite Corridor is an unbelievably strong weapon that halves the health of all enemies on screen in a single attack rotation, meaning, that even Red Death's 600,000+ HP pool will be decimated if you can find a way to outlast their devastating attacks.
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Who is the hardest character in Vampire Survivors?

1 Mask Of The Red Death

It's not easy, but it can be done. Red Death's bonus is a huge increase in move speed, and its starting weapon is the Death Spiral. That's right, this character begins with an evolved weapon.
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