How do you get a dead Sims urn?

One was by the front door, the other was by another sim's urn. So if your sim died while playing another household, maybe try looking around their home lot for the urn or in their household inventory as @jpkarlsen suggested. That last step seems a bit harsh but at least you'll have the urn.
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How to find a dead Sims urn in Sims 4?

Visit his home lot if you know where that was at the time of his death. You might find his urn there.
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What is the cheat to find the urn in Sims 4?

I just figured out a cheat. So you do "testingcheats true" cheat and add the dead body/ghost to a current living family and then you type in "bb. showhiddenobjects" in the cheat bar and buy the urn.
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How to find a lost tombstone in Sims 4?

Go into build mode and open the cheat bar (ctrl shift C) and type in bb. showhiddenobjects. Then exit and enter build mode again. There should be a grave on the lot, most likely inside another grave (I think they mean here if you had a different sim die before).
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How do you turn a grave into an urn in Sims 4?

In The Sims, The Sims 2, The Sims 3, and The Sims 4, whether a grave appears as an urn or a gravestone will depend on whether it is inside or outside; an urn will become a gravestone if it is moved outside, and a gravestone will become an urn if it is moved inside. Sims can "Mourn" over graves or urns.
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How to find Dead Sims without the Tombstone or an Urn | The Sims 4 Cheats

Where can I buy an urn in Sims 4?

You can get a Tombstone/Urn from debug items in Build/Buy but it will have no relation to the deceased sim.
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How to bring back dead in Sims 4?

There are five different methods for bringing a Sim back to life, and these include:
  1. Using the Book of Life.
  2. Eating Ambrosia.
  3. Wish at the Wishing Well (Romantic Garden Stuff)
  4. Cast the Dedeathify Spell (Realm of Magic)
  5. Drink Vitality Nectar (Horse Ranch)
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Is there a graveyard in Sims 4?

A graveyard or cemetery is a home feature found throughout The Sims series, a type of community lot in The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, and a world feature in The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs and The Sims 4: Snowy Escape. They are where the headstones of deceased Sims are placed after they die.
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Why did my sims urn disappear?

Answers. If you aren't playing on that lot, chances are that you can't receive the urn/gravestone of the specific Sim and it just disappears. You can always double check the Household Inventory in Build Mode if you go in and play on that lot again, but I doubt it'll be there.
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How to see how a Sim died?

If the sim was a playable and has other playable relatives, you can look in one of their family trees and it will usually tell you what a dead sim in the tree died of. Another way is look at the color of the ghost and if they have any animations on the ghost like leaving puddles.
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How do you turn an urn into a ghost in Sims 4?

Interact with the gravestone or urn and select Strengthen Connection to reinforce the ghost's connection to the material plane. Ghosts won't spawn each night, but there is a chance they will appear on the lot that contains their gravestone or urn each night.
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How do you bring a Sim back to life in Sims 4 without an urn?

In Sims 4, bringing a Sim back to life can simply be done by having another Sim beg the Grim Reaper to spare their life. When the Grim Reaper appears upon the death of a Sim, select the option to plead on the Grim Reaper. There are slight variations to this interaction depending on the Sim's mood when pleading.
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How to create ambrosia in Sims 4?

To make Ambrosia Sims 4, players need to have these ingredients at their disposal.
  1. Death flower.
  2. Potion of youth.
  3. Angelfish.
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How do I add a dead Sim to my family?

Eventually the dead Sim will show up (usually at night) and you can interact with them. Once you have a friendly relationship with the Ghost Sim (or if you did before they died) you can invite them to your Household again and then, voila!
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Where to find Day of the Dead Celebrator in Sims 4?

Day of the Dead celebrators will roam all areas of your neighborhood wearing Day of the Dead attire. Click to interact and get your skull! In addition to using the tombstone method to spawn celebrants, you can also look for NPC celebrants roaming town at dusk and dawn.
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Where is my sims ghost?

Ghosts appear on residential lots that have the remains of a deceased Sim in the form of either an urn or tombstone. They can appear at any time between 12:00 am and daybreak but they don't always appear.
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How do I retrieve my urn?

Steps to Get an Aadhaar URN Number Online

Step 1: Visit the official Aadhaar self-service portal. Step 2: Enter your Aadhaar number or VID. Step 3: For verification, enter the security or captcha code. Step 4: Then request OTP; you will get this in your registered mobile number.
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Can you revive a Sim from an urn?

When a Sim dies in-game, their character data gets transferred to their urn or tombstone. So, any Sim who died in-game and who still has a tombstone or urn can be resurrected. Any Sim whose urn or tombstone has been deleted is gone forever.
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What does a green ghost mean in Sims 4?

Ghosts possessing the fridge, microwave and stereo. The color of a ghost depends on their mood. If they are Sad, they will be blue. If they are Happy, they will be Green.
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Can Sims get pregnant accidentally?

If your Sim “discuss expending family” with a Love interest it can happen that you have a miracle pregnancy. The game doesn't filter played sims and unplayed sims. It's the same bug/feature as the ring in the bag scenario just you don't have the call.
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Do vampires have to sleep in coffins Sims 4?

Vampires regain energy slowly by sleeping (though they'll gain it much faster if they sleep in a coffin), or they can use a self-interaction called Vampire… > Dark Meditation that basically serves as a quick, impromptu nap that restores about 20% of their energy.
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What does leaving a sugar skull offering do?

Sugar Skulls can be obtained by leaving Sugar Skull Offerings at any tombstone or urn. This will summon a Day of the Dead NPC that will give you a random Sugar Skull. Once you find a tombstone or urn, or cause a Sim's death to make one, you can click on it and choose Leave Sugar Skull Offering.
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What is the cheat for dead Sims 4?

The Sims 4 killing cheats and unkilling cheats
  • death.toggle true - kill your Sim.
  • death.toggle false - unkill your sim.
  • sims.add_buff Ghostly - your Sim becomes a ghost for four in-game hours.
  • stats.set_stat commodity_Vampire_SunExposure -100 - kills a Vampire sim (requires The Sims 4 Vampires expansion)
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Is there a cheat to bring a Sim back to life?

If you wanted to cheat it (since you did all the work) you can select your ghost sim in question and enter the cheat code traits. remove_trait KillerRabbit with testingcheats on, and it should remove the death trait therefore bringing your sim back to their normal sim self.
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