How do you get covenant rewards?

Players in Dark Souls 3 can pledge allegiance to various Covenants to earn rewards while playing multiplayer content. Each Covenant acts differently, with some being cooperatively based, while others encourage you to hunt players down aggressively.
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Which covenant has the best rewards?

Here are 10 of the best Covenant rewards players should focus on earning first in Dark Souls 3.
  • 8 Sacred Oath.
  • 7 Great Deep Soul.
  • 6 Archdeacon's Great Staff.
  • 5 Wolf Knight's Greatshield.
  • 4 Warmth.
  • 3 Darkmoon Ring.
  • 2 Old Wolf Curved Sword.
  • 1 Darkmoon Blade.
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What is the point of the covenants in Dark Souls 3?

Covenants are an important mechanic to those who seek them in Dark Souls 3. Players can find new allies, enemies, and a bounty of rewarding items and powers to help them journey through the difficulties of Dark Souls 3.
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How do you equip covenant items in Dark Souls 3?

After you have the item, open your Equipment menu, and place the covenant item in Covenant slot on the left. It's the one surrounded by the diamond-shaped box. That's it.
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What does pledging to a covenant do in DS3?

Covenants are a staple in the Dark Souls franchise and online gameplay. Joining a covenant may change the parameters with which players connect to each other. The covenant the player is a part of will show with their nameplate to others and may cosmetically change the appearance of their phantom.
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Dark Souls - Armor Guide: Special Armors

What is the best covenant to pledge to ds3?

It depends on your play style. I'm part of the Blades of the Darkmoon covenant because I like helping hosts fight off invaders. Sunbros help you go through the game. Watchdogs of Farron makes you invade players who go into the area before Farron Swamp.
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What happens if I join the covenant?

Once you are a member of a particular Covenant you must obey the rules of that group, otherwise you will lose standing within that order. If you perform tasks that are within the 'rules' of that Covenant it is possible to level up your Covenant Level, leading to rewards.
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How do you unlock Covenant armor?

The covenant armor set must be the preferred armor type for the character that obtained it. Renown 80 for that covenant must be reached by the same character who obtained the armor set. This must be repeated for each armor type that you want to unlock.
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How do you get Covenant weapons?

These weapons can be purchased from Slayer Araya, the Covenant Armor Trader in the eastern portion of the Seat of the Primus, after completing the eighth and final chapter of the Necrolord Campaign, Assault on the House of Rituals. Each weapon costs 3500 and 10.
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How do you unlock covenant abilities?

Covenant Campaigns

You'll be introduced to them through the Shadowlands storyline and at max level, you'll get to join one of them and get access to their rewards, including a class-specific Covenant ability, a Covenant Signature ability, unique transmogs and more!
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Can you leave covenant ds3?

You can switch covenant at any time without penalty, so pick and choose as you go to keep things interesting. Joining: Collect from Emma in the chapel near the fight with Vordt of the Boreal Valley.
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Does leaving a covenant reset your rank ds3?

Upon leaving a covenant, even with through Oswald, half of the progress the player has made in ranking up in the covenant is lost, should they wish to rejoin later. For example, having offered 30 humanity to a covenant will be reduced to 15 if one should rejoin and want to attain the previously held rank.
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Is there a penalty for leaving covenant Dark Souls 3?

It is possible to leave or abandon a covenant by joining another covenant. However, abandoning a covenant in this manner will count as a sin, which will make the player the target of Dark Moon invasions unless they absolve their sins via Oswald of Carim, for a fee equal to their level times 500.
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What are the 5 great covenants?

There are several covenants in the Bible, but five covenants are crucial for understanding the story of the Bible and God's redemptive plan: the Noahic Covenant, the Abrahamic Covenant, The Mosaic Covenant, the Davidic Covenant and the New Covenant.
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What is the easiest covenant to max out?

Some covenants are easy to level up in while some require some clever thinking and hard work.
  • 9 Rat King Covenant. ...
  • 8 Company Of Champions. ...
  • 7 Pilgrims Of The Dark. ...
  • 6 Brotherhood Of Blood. ...
  • 5 The Dragon Remnants. ...
  • 4 The Blue Sentinels. ...
  • 3 The Bell Keepers. ...
  • 2 Heirs Of The Sun.
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Who is the strongest covenant?

But, in truth, no such inheritor lives and likely never will.
  • 8 Grunts (Unggoy)
  • 7 Drones (Yanme'e)
  • 6 Jackals (Kig-Yar)
  • 5 Engineers (Huragok)
  • 4 Hunters (Mgalekgolo)
  • 3 Brutes (Jiralhanae)
  • 2 Elites (Sangheili)
  • 1 Prophets (San'Shyuum)
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Can I get all Covenant mounts?

Probably. The problem is if you go just the one character route and swap covs, you have to constantly grind renown and anima. The downside is what happens if they add more mount rewards in 9.2 or 9.3 to covenant renown? The best way to get everything imo, is to just play 4 characters.
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How do you get legendary powers in Covenant?

Legendary Powers Catch-Up System

You can purchase the item from Renown quartermasters at your Covenant Sanctum for 35 Grateful Offerings that you get from doing activities related to the Anima Conductor that you unlock at Renown level 3. You must also have 4 Anima streams permanently reinforced to purchase the item.
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How do you get forbidden armor?

Forbidden armor is a Hardmode armor set consisting of the Forbidden Mask, Forbidden Robes, and the Forbidden Treads. Crafting the full set requires 3 Forbidden Fragments and 46 Titanium Bars or Adamantite Bars. A full set of Forbidden armor will provide the following stats: +26 defense.
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How do you get Aaron's armor?

Aaron's set are vanity developer items that can be obtained rarely (5% chance) from Treasure Bags in Expert Mode. They are acquired simultaneously. They are the set made for AaronC, an artist who formerly developed graphics for Terraria.
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How do you unlock Altair armor?

Each tomb holds a seal to be placed on the statues in the villa. After you get all the seals the armor will be unlocked. The tomb locations are: Florence-the fox shows you the first one, the building at the top of san giovanni district.
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How many covenants can you join?

You can join and leave covenants as much as you like without committing a sin (the sins are not completely explained, but they have to do with killing other players for no reason other than to take their humanity and souls, but I digress), however, you reset the ranks you gained from the previous covenant, and of ...
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Can I turn covenant into a settlement?

It is possible to settle in Covenant if the player completes the Human Error side quest. If the Sole Survivor sides against the Compound then returns after completion, it will initiate a battle with the residents and settlers, after which it is possible to use the workshop.
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What happens if I break a covenant?

Ignoring a restrictive covenant means that you could potentially be faced with a legal claim against you and injunctions to stop you from making the changes you wish to. You may have to pay damages to the other party to compensate for the breach too.
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