How do you get cute spray for Sojourn?

To get the cute spray for Sojourn, you need to get 4 kills with a single use of her ultimate Overclock. Sojourn is a strong character with a very powerful ultimate. Just keep your distance using your slide to move away from enemies that get too close and, with some luck, you should be able to find 4 enemies to kill.
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What is the pixel spray achievement for Sojourn?

She has a fantastic pixel spray, which you can see up top. To unlock that, you'll need to claim the On The Move achievement. You'll have to kill an enemy with a charged Railgun shot while sliding. Sojourn's cute spray is all yours when you complete the Taking Charge achievement.
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What is the hardest spray to get in OverWatch?

The pixel sprays can be some of the hardest sprays to unlock for a hero and act as a massive flex in game to anyone who has tried and failed to get them.
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How to get mercy cute spray?

To get the cute spray for Mercy, you need to resurrect 5 allies without dying. This is a game of waiting for your ability to come off of cooldown and find a safe opportunity to bring a dead player back to life. Do your best to keep away from the fights whilst aiding your team with healing and damage boost.
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Who is the hardest OverWatch character to play?

Some of the hardest characters to play in Overwatch are those that feature a risk system such as Pharah's, as she cannot remain in the air indefinitely. There's a good reason that Pharah is one of the hardest Overwatch characters, and that's her dependency on movability and counters.
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Sojourn Cute & Pixel Spray Guide: Taking Charge and On The Move Achievement

How to get Genji achievement?

Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Genji's Dragonblade in Quick or Competitive Play.
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Why is Sojourn so strong?

Sojourn has had a lot of cybernetic upgrades in her life, starting out of necessity in her childhood, before moving onto voluntary upgrades. Sojourn's legs and arms are cybernetic.
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How do I aim better as Sojourn?

Overwatch 2 Sojourn guide: Aiming the Railgun
  1. Lead your shots with primary fire. ...
  2. Combo primary and secondary fire together. ...
  3. Be patient when aiming. ...
  4. Keep your crosshair at head level. ...
  5. Watch enemy movement for patterns. ...
  6. Don't be afraid to bodyshot to confirm kills.
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Why is Sojourn a robot?

At a young age, Sojourn, whose real name is Vivian Chase, contracted an autoimmune disease that began affecting her vital organs. At the age of 13, Vivian started receiving cybernetic implants, which allowed her more freedom.
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Who is the least liked character in Overwatch?

  • 6 Echo. Echo is a hero who never quite hit the mark in Overwatch. ...
  • 5 Winston. Winston was one of the old poster boys for the original Overwatch and the lore of the series, but has always struggled to find popularity in game. ...
  • 4 Junker Queen. ...
  • 3 Roadhog. ...
  • 2 Torbjorn. ...
  • 1 Wrecking Ball.
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Who is canonically the strongest in Overwatch?

When it comes to raw strength, Sigma, an eccentric astrophysicist who harnesses the power of gravity, seems to dominate the Overwatch community's opinion.
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Why is Oni Genji rare?

Common Problems

The Oni Genji skin was a reward for the first week of the Nexus Challenge 2.0. This event is no longer active, and it is no longer possible to obtain this skin. Additionally, in Overwatch 2, this skin is not available for Console play.
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What is the rarest mercy skin?

After 6 years, Blizzard is finally bringing back the rarest Mercy skin in Overwatch, and there's a new version too. The Pink Mercy skin helped raise $12.7M for breast cancer research, and you'll be able to get it once again.
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What is the rarest peely?

Even though not all of them are available, Agent Peely has a total of four styles: standard Agent Peely, team GHOST, team Shadow, and the golden agent, one of the rarest gold skins in Fortnite.
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Can I still buy pink mercy skin?

You'll be able to purchase the Pink Mercy skin and the Rose Gold Mercy bundle from the in-game shop, or from your preferred game platform store including the Shop, the Microsoft Store, the PlayStation Store, Nintendo E-Shop, and the Steam Marketplace.
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How to get soldier cute spray?

It is unlocked upon completion, with no need to spend credits in order to use it. The sprays themselves are more simplistic, childish versions of the playable heroes. Enabler: Get 4 kills or assists with a single use of Ana's Nano Boost. Charge!: Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Bastion's.
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How do you get Orisa cute spray?

For Orisa's cute spray, which you'll get via the Tip of the Spear achievement, simply score an environmental kill by knocking an enemy off the map with an Energy Javelin throw.
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