How do you get exalted with silver covenant?

If you are aiming to become a Champion of all five Alliance factions in the Argent Tournament, you will end up Exalted with the Silver Covenant before you finish. This is true even if you are a non-human race.
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Where can I get Silver Covenant Tabard?

from Hiren Loresong at the Silver Covenant Pavilion in the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown. You must have completed A Silver Confidant to be eligible to buy it.
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How do you get exalted with Argent dawn fast?

You can complete "Annals of the Silver Hand" Repeatedly using the SAME INSTANCE. Just to summarize, if you want to get exalted with Argent Dawn in less than an hour, just repeat the quest "Annals of the Silver Hand" because you can repeat it without resetting the instance.
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How to increase rep with Alliance Vanguard?

Building reputation with Alliance Vanguard is primarily achieved through a combination of a quest line and daily quests, and by Heroic WoTLK-era dungeons (and a few select Normal dungeons) while not wearing the tabard of another faction.
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Where is the vendor in Silver Covenant?

Hiren Loresong is a vendor who can be found in the Silver Covenant Pavilion of the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown. He offers various items to players who have earned the achievement A Silver Confidant.
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How do I get rep with the Silver Covenant?

How to get rep with the Silver Covenant?

As of patch 3.3, you gain rep with The Silver Covenant by running heroics. Most people who run heroics often will find themselves exalted quite incidentally.
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Where is the Silver Covenant Quartermaster?

Comment by Thomasmo. He is found in the Silver Covenant Pavilion at the Argent Tournament Grounds.
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How can I get Vanguard rep fast?

Play Strikes And Nightfalls

Each strike, Battleground, and Nightfall you complete will increase your Vanguard Rank by varying amounts. Reputation gains are based on strike scoring.
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Which dungeons give Alliance Vanguard rep?

How To Increase Alliance Vanguard Reputation
  • Caverns of Time - The Culling of Stratholme.
  • The Oculus.
  • Ulduar: Halls of Lightning.
  • Utgarde Pinnacle.
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How do you increase Alliance rank?

Alliance ranks depend on two things, days of membership in the alliance and total VP collected. To climb in ranks, thresholds in both categories must be met, peaking at 100 days of membership and a total of 800k VP collected.
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How do you get ascended exalted?

How to fast farm The Ascended reputation?
  1. Do all of the available world quests.
  2. WQ now grants an additional reputation but harder to complete.
  3. Get the Contract: The Ascended to boost reputation farm.
  4. Do the Shadowlands Callings for the Ascended faction if you are a Kyrian.
  5. Complete x3 weekly Ascended PvE quests.
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How long to get exalted with Warsong Gulch?

The max rep you can get per game is 105. Which means you will have to win 400 games. In a perfectly balanced battle group you will lose 400 over that same time period. So you have to play 800 games to hit exalted.
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Where can I buy Covenant renown?

Buy Renown 60 Catch-Up Item

Broker Mark of Distinction from Au'Dara, located near the Flight Master in Oribos. This will give an automatic boost to Renown 60 to any character on your account. This can be used either for new alts, old alts who haven't completed Renown 60, or for characters choosing to change Covenants.
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How do I get my guild tabard?

Once a guild's heraldry has been designed, any guild member can purchase a tabard by visiting the guild's store and searching for the item type "Guild Items".
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How to get exalted with the Silver Covenant?

Reputation. Quests: Exalted with the Silver Covenant can be reached through reputation from Argent Tournament dailies. If you have not done any Tournament quests, roughly a month from scratch will get you to Exalted.
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How do you farm Wrynn's Vanguard rep?

The fastest way to gain rep is as follows: Kill non-player mobs in the outskirts of Ashran and collect artifact fragments. Rares especially give large numbers. Turn these fragments in to Anenga.
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Do you get more Vanguard rep for Nightfalls?

Vanguard Reputation & Inventory

Higher-difficulty activities, such as Legend, Master or Grandmaster Nightfalls offer the most reputation! Stay in the queue to create an Activity Streak that provides a bonus to reputation gains as you continue to play.
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How much Vanguard rep per Grandmaster?

While the regular Vanguard Ops playlist and the Hero difficulty for Nightfalls are a 1x multiplier, Legend Nightfalls have a 1.2x multiplier, Master Nightfalls have a 1.4x multiplier, and Grandmasters have a 1.5x multiplier.
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Should I reset my Vanguard rank?

Players will have their Vanguard Ranks automatically reset once they pick up the final rank reward available from Zavala. Resetting Vanguard Ranks will allow players to continue to earn rank-up rewards, with a few rewards varying from their first completion of the Season.
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Where is the silver sword set?

Description. The classic tale of a journey through war-torn Europe. Alone and fending for themselves in a Poland devastated by World War Two, Jan and his three homeless friends cling to the silver sword as a symbol of hope.
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Where is the covenant chain?

The Covenant Chain is embodied in the Two Row Wampum of the Iroquois, known as the people of the longhouse - Haudenosaunee. It was based in agreements negotiated between Dutch settlers in New Netherland (present-day New York) and the Five Nations of the Iroquois (or Haudenosaunee) early in the 17th century.
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Where is the chaos servant covenant?

Discover Chaos Servant covenant. Near the bell in Quelagg's Domain, lies a staircase which leads down into a room with a sphere symbol in the middle. There should be a wall made of spider webs in this room, strike the webs and they will dissipate, revealing a hidden area.
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