How do you get glowstone fast?

Trading and drops Although glowstone can only be found in block form in the Nether, all renewable ways of obtaining glowstone are accessed through the Overworld. Journeyman-level cleric villagers sell glowstone for four emeralds. Wandering traders sell glowstone for two emeralds.
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How to get glowstone easily?

Glowstone is a light-source block found naturally in the nether realm. When a glowstone block is mined with a regular pickaxe, it drops two to four glowstone dust. Players can use a silk-touch pickaxe to obtain glowstone as a block.
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Is there a way to mine glowstone faster?

Slowly mining it with something that does have the enchantment is way more efficient. If you mine a glowstone block with a sword, it will be unnoticably faster, and combined with the fact that swords cannot be enchanted with Silk Touch, and that it damages the sword extra, this is inefficient.
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What is the drop rate of glowstone?

Mining. When broken using anything other than a Silk Touch-enchanted tool, a glowstone block drops 2-4 glowstone dust. A Fortune enchantment increases the chances of higher drops, with Fortune III allowing an average yield of 3.5 glowstone dust per block.
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Can you craft glowstone?

In the crafting menu, you should see a crafting area that is made up of a 3x3 crafting grid. To make a block of glowstone, place 4 glowstone dust in the 3x3 crafting grid. When making a block of glowstone, it is important that the glowstone dust is placed in the exact pattern as the image below.
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Is glowstone rare in Minecraft?

They can be found in every Nether biome, although they are significantly rarer in soul sand valleys, because the ceiling of this biome is made of soul sand or soul soil below which glowstone blobs cannot generate; they can still occasionally generate in caves and canyons in this biome, because the ceiling is made of ...
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What biome has glowstone?

Glowstone blobs can be found in every Nether biome, although they are significantly rarer in soul sand valleys, because the ceiling of this biome is made of soul sand or soul soil below which glowstone blobs cannot generate; they can still occasionally generate in caves and canyons in this biome, because the ceiling is ...
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Where can I get glowstone collection?

Obtaining. Glowstone Dust. Glowstone collection can also be obtained from Witches that spawn on Private Islands.
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Is it better to brew Redstone or glowstone?

Brewing redstone with a potion will cause that potion's duration to be extended; whereas brewing glowstone with one will cause it to become stronger (a healing potion will heal more, for example).
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Is it better to mine glowstone with fortune or silk touch?

Just doing a small test, I mined 50 glowstone blocks with fortune III. I concluded that it is better to use silk touch. Fortune III doesn't give enough dust back to equal to or be greater then using silk touch.
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Does glowstone help crops grow?

An alternative that also provides light so some crops can continue to grow at night is to suspend a block above the water with one space of air between them—so you can neither fall into the water nor jump on and off the block—and place torches on that block (or use a jack o'lantern or glowstone as the block).
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Does glowstone melt snow?

If some type of light source (e.g. Torch, Glowstone, Lava) is placed in snow, the snow will melt, and will not be replaced by snowfall until the light source is removed.
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Does glowstone stop mobs from spawning?

One of the most basic ways to prevent mob spawning is by placing torches. These increase the light level around them, stopping hostiles from spawning. Other blocks such as glowstone or shroomlight emit higher light levels, but are harder to come by.
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What does glowstone drop?

If glowstone is broken using a tool with Silk Touch, the block drops itself. If a tool with Fortune is used, it has a higher chance of dropping a large amount of glowstone dust—but never more than 4. When a glowstone block is broken using any other tool, it drops 2–4 glowstone dust.
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What potion does glowstone make?

Glowstone dust can be used to create thick potions, increase the potency of certain potions and revert potions to their default duration. It can also craft glowstone blocks, one of the brightest blocks in the game.
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How long does glowstone glow?

Glow Stones absorb either natural or artificial light and then emit that light as a soft glow during darkness. Exposure of around 30 minutes will give a glow time of approximately 6 – 8 hours. The glow starts off brightly and diminishes as the night progresses.
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How to get glowstone fast?

Firstly, you could go to the Nether and find some glowstone on the nether roof. If a tool with Silk Touch is used, the block drops itself. Otherwise, it drops glowstone dust. If Fortune is used, it has a higher chance of dropping a large amount of glowstone dust—but never more than 4.
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How do I find glowstone?

It occurs naturally in the Nether, generating on the underside of netherack, but if you're having trouble finding it then clerics in Minecraft villages will sometimes sell small amounts in exchange for emeralds.
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Do witches drop glowstone in Minecraft?

A witch may drop Stick, Glass Bottle, Glowstone Dust, Redstone Dust, Spider Eye, Gunpowder or Sugar. The likelihood of a witch to drop sticks is 25%, while the remaining items have a probability of 12.5%.
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Is glowstone brighter than sea lanterns?

They're tied for the brightest light in the game. Sea lanterns emit a light level of 15, which is the same as glowstone, redstone lamps, beacons and jack o'lanterns.
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