How do you get out of the bottom of Blighttown?
Once you get down to the ground level, the second bonfire is in a tunnel. You can continue past the second bonfire to find an elevator to carry you up to Blighttown's other set of walkways. This area (which does not connect to the first) has more useful items to grab.How do I get out of Lower Blighttown?
Go up the waterwheel, climb to the top with the ladders, grab the Londo key, then follow the cave out. You'll be in the Valley of the Drakes. Open the locked door on the left with your key and you'll be in the Londo ruins. Head left and take the elevator up to Firelink.How do you get to the bottom of Blighttown?
Use your Key to Blighttown to open the gate in front of you and head down the ladder nearby. When you reach the bottom, two Infested Barbarians will be waiting. Kill them both using backstabs and timely dodges.How do I get out of Blighttown after killing Quelaag?
There's a lift system (right after exiting the cave that leads into Quelaag's place from the mountain in the Swamp) to north west of where you're facing. The lift is a shortcut out.How do you get through Blighttown without getting poisoned?
Anyway, run around to the other side of the ledge without dropping down, there's a spider shield to help with poison resistance. As others have said, there's also a poison ring and the rusted iron ring available. I had a big supply of moss from the forest and I only had the shield at the time, worked for me.How to get back to Firelink Shrine from Blighttown
What should I do after killing Quelaag?
You can go back to Firelink Shrine and attempt the Catacombs, or you can go back to the Undead Parish and go past the Blacksmith to Darkroot Forest and fight The Great Gray Wolf Sif. Or, you can leave Sif for later and go to Sen's Fortess and fight the Iron Golem on your way to Anor Londo.How do I get back to Firelink Shrine after quelaag?
You'll end up in the valley of drakes, cross the plank bridge near you to the tower, climb up to new Lando Ruins, keep left and up a couple of stairs, pull the lever and call the platform down, go up and you'll be back at firelink shrine.Is there a bonfire at the bottom of Blighttown?
The other bonfire is located just inside a tunnel accessed through the swamp at the bottom of Blighttown; near the area between the two paths leading to the Depths and Valley of Drakes. This bonfire is usually accessed first by players using the Blighttown shortcut connecting the Valley of Drakes.How do you skip most of Blighttown?
You have the master key, go into new londo, open the shortcut to the right just before the enchantment blacksmith, then go to the cave on the right and kill the trolls, descend and then you will be able to find your way around. You can rush straight for the boss. You can skip 99% of it if you have the master key.What level should I be at Blighttown?
It's one of those areas that can find action all over because of master key access. If a player is running the game normally they will usually be around level 30 when reaching Blighttown.What is Quelaag's weakness?
Firstly, Quelaag deals a lot of fire damage and is also immune to it. Apart from Flash Sweat, avoid Pyromancies altogether, whilst making sure to wear fire and physical resistance armour such as the Black Knight Shield. Next, Quelaag is weak against lightning damage.Is there a boss in Blighttown?
There is a tunnel at the top of the hill that leads to the boss, Chaos Witch Quelaag.Where to go at the bottom of Blighttown?
The bottom floor of Blighttown connects to two other areas. You can follow the tree roots up into the Great Hollow or you can head up the hill in the bottom left of our map to enter Quelaag's Domain and ring the second Bell of Awakening.Why is Blighttown so infamous?
Many players would put Blighttown in the “bad” category. It is, for a not insignificant number of Dark Souls players, an obscenely unpleasant experience. For one thing, it's a swamp level, the hellish fusion of water levels and sewer levels and pretty much every kind of environment that's nasty, slow, and waterlogged.Why is Shiva not in Blighttown?
You must talk to Shiva at the forest hunters base before he will appear in Blighttown and sell you his wares. Note: If you leave the covenant by any means, Shiva will no longer appear in Blighttown. Note: Shiva will reappear if you talk to Oswald of Carim, absolve your sins and rejoin the covenant.How do I get out of Blighttown from the bottom?
Either climb back up to the depths, running as fast as you can, or head to the bottom of blighttown, find the bonfire on ground level, and use the wooden elevator to get up.Is Blighttown optional?
You can completely ignore Ash Lake, Depths, Lower Burg, most of Blighttown, Painted World, Valley of the Drakes and Darkroot Basin if you want. To skip most of blight town, you need to go through the Valley of Dragons. Also, either the depths or Valley of Dragons is not optional.How many bonfires are in Blighttown?
There are TWO bonfires in Blighttown. One is on the stone wall, the other in the swamp in the right wall.Is there a bonfire after Quelaag?
After defeating Quelaag, you will get access to the Second Bell of awakening in Quelaag's Domain. Before you go, there's a hidden bonfire here to find. Head downstairs, and strike the back wall for it to disappear. Beyond here are some friendly characters you can talk to, as well as the bonfire.What boss is after Quelaag?
Ceaseless Discharge is a boss you can fight after facing Quelaag and on the way to Demon Ruins in Dark Souls. If you're looking for more help, our Dark Souls walkthrough and guide can help with all other areas of the game, including the dreaded Taurus Demon, Capra Demon, Ornstein and Smough bosses.Should I go Demon Ruins after Quelaag?
Even if you could handle it, you can't get to the end boss yet. Go back to the Firelink Shrine. Demon Ruins should be done a lot later. You should go back to the Undead Parish by the blacksmith to Sen's Fortress.What does Quelaag's sister give you?
Quelaag's Sister can initiate the player into the Chaos Servant covenant.Where are you supposed to go after Blighttown?
Progression wise, you need to head to Sen's Fortress, which is over by Andre. Demon Ruins, kill Ceaseless then back out of BT and onwards to Sen's. "A dirty mind is its own reward."What does Quelaag's soul give you?
General information. The Soul of Quelaag can be used to ascend a katana +10 into the Chaos Blade, or a curved sword +10 into Quelaag's Furysword. It can also be consumed for 8,000 souls, or fed to Kingseeker Frampt for 10,000 souls.
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