How do you get the final dragon mask?

This dragon mask can be acquired after collecting all the previous masks. To collect this mask, entry into Bromjunaar Sanctuary is required, which can be found within the central barrow in Labyrinthian. There lies a Wooden Mask that sends its wearer back to a time before the destruction of Bromjunaar Sanctuary.
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How to get final Dragon Priest Mask?

To those who aren't familiar, Konahrik is the "final" base game dragon priest mask you obtain in Skyrim after collecting every other one. Upon placing them all in the Labyrinthion and wearing the wooden mask, you are brought back in time where you can take Konahrik, after which you go back to your original timeline.
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What is the last Dragon Priest Mask?

The final mask is Konahrik, the greatest mask. You will have to go to the central barrow at Labyrinthian, then go to the broken shrine and put on the wooden mask.
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How to get nahkriin mask in Skyrim?

The mask of Nahkriin may be obtained during the main quest The World-Eater's Eyrie (before the player enters Sovngarde portal). The mask is held by the Dragon Priest, Nahkriin, on top of Skulfdahn Temple.
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Why does Paarthurnax say Krosis?

When Paarthurnax, Odahviing and tamed dragons engage in discussion with the Dragonborn, they tend to say "Krosis" to reflect a negative emotion that cannot be remedied, similar to the human phrases "too bad," "alas" or "what a shame." For example, when Paarthurnax is asked about Dragonrend he says, "But I do not know ...
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How to get The Final Dragon Priest Mask Skyrim

Who is the hardest dragon priest?

Here's every Dragon Priest to be found in Skyrim and its DLCs, ranked from easiest to hardest.
  1. 1 Miraak. Miraak is the final boss and main antagonist of the Dragonborn DLC, and he certainly lives up to that name.
  2. 2 Nahkriin. ...
  3. 3 Krosis. ...
  4. 4 Ahzidal. ...
  5. 5 Dukaan. ...
  6. 6 Otar The Mad. ...
  7. 7 Zahkriisos. ...
  8. 8 Rahgot. ...
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How many Dragon Priest masks are there in total?

A Dragon Priest Mask is a powerful and unique piece of headgear that can be obtained after defeating each of the fourteen unique dragon priests found throughout Skyrim. 9 Dragon Priest Masks can be found in Skyrim and 4 can be found in Solstheim, from the Dragonborn expansion.
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Where is the blue dragon mask?

As far as I can tell, by the time of Rise of Tiamat they already have all five masks, or at least working towards getting the last one. Red is in Severin's hands, black is with Rezmir, blue is in Xonthal's tower, green is with Neronvain, and white is with Varram/the Zhents.
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Where is the black dragon mask?

A black dragon mask is a cosmetic item available from opening elite reward caskets. It provides no stat bonuses. It can be stored in a treasure chest of a player-owned house's costume room, where it is classified as an elite level item.
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Where is Krosis Dragon Priest Mask?

The enemy Krosis is a Dragon Priest and mask that can be found at Shearpoint which is between Saarthal and Fellglow Keep (closer to Fellglow Keep on top of the nearby mountain).
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Who wore Konahrik?

Alduin. Alduin, Konahrik's dragon overlord/master.
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What is the best dragon mask?

Thus, this article has been updated to include quick instructions to finding each mask.
  • 8 Zahkriisos.
  • 7 Dukaan.
  • 6 Ahzidal.
  • 5 Volsung.
  • 4 Krosis.
  • 3 Nahkriin.
  • 2 Otar.
  • 1 Konahrik.
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How to get a Konahrik mask in Skyrim?

This dragon mask can be acquired after collecting all the previous masks. To collect this mask, entry into Bromjunaar Sanctuary is required, which can be found within the central barrow in Labyrinthian. There lies a Wooden Mask that sends its wearer back to a time before the destruction of Bromjunaar Sanctuary.
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Is Konahrik worth it in Skyrim?

If anything, Konahrik is the weakest of the priests. His mask does nothing but have a chance at summon his ghost. His abilities are no different that regular non-unique priests. While all the other named priests have semi-unique gear, and skill sets.
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Who is the easiest elder dragon?

While Lunastra is arguably the easiest Elder Dragon, it's by no means an easy fight. She possesses a special ability to turn the very air around her into a blistering aura that can damage the player if they come too close, but this aura is also highly flammable, which can be easily exploited by the player.
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Who is the strongest of the 4 true dragons?

The First True Dragon to come into existence, Veldanava, dubbed the Star King Dragon, exists as the will of the Creator God and, as such, is the most powerful being in the entire verse.
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Who is the toughest dragon?

The strongest Targaryen dragon is considered to be Balerion the Black Dread, who was ridden by Aegon the Conqueror. He was the largest dragon ever recorded, with a wingspan of over 200 feet and a length of around 300 feet.
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What is the shout to defeat Alduin?

For both fights, you will have access to the powerful “Dragonrend” shout, which will force him to the ground so that you can fight him hand to hand (this is necessary even when fighting with ranged weapons).
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What does Alduin say when he is defeated?

So the last words Alduin say after defeating him are “Zu'u unslaad! Zu'u nis oblaan” and after researching what it means it actually translates into “I am eternal!
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What does Paarthurnax call the Dragonborn?

Paarthurnax will call the Dragonborn "elf" if the Dragonborn is one of the elven races, "orc" if the player is an Orc, "Argonian" if the player is Argonian, "Khajiit" if the player is Khajiit, or "mortal" for the other races when the Dragonborn greets him with Fire Breath.
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