How do you get unbanned VC on Roblox?

You can contact the Roblox Appeals team to review the situation if your content or account has been banned or moderated, or any of your content has been blocked or deleted. The Appeals team will give the moderation a second look and make any necessary adjustments to your asset or account's moderation status.
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How do you get voice chat back on Roblox?

While you are not enabled for chat with voice you can toggle the selector back on at any time to re-enable chat with voice.
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Are Roblox VC bans permanent?

To prevent further violations: By preventing you from accessing the platform, Roblox aims to stop you from engaging in any further activities that violate their terms of service or community guidelines, potentially leading to a longer or permanent ban.
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Can Roblox take away VC?

When dealing with VC-related user reports, it is clear that there is no review procedure in place. Roblox appears to suspend/ban everyone who receives enough reports, regardless of whether or not that user did anything wrong.
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Can you get IP banned on Roblox VC?

If someone with the same IP gets banned from VC, you will also be banned. Restart your router.
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How To Get Roblox Voice Chat Back After Being Suspended

Why is Roblox VC disabled?

Roblox takes appropriate content restrictions seriously. To make sure the voice chat feature is not misused, it's currently locked behind an age restriction. As such, you will need to prove you are 13 years old or above to use voice chat.
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Can 13 year olds get Roblox VC?

There are some rules: you have to be at least 13 years old and be verified. If your account isn't 13+, you unfortunately won't be able to use this feature just yet, but the time will come! After verifying with either an ID or phone number, you'll get to use voice chat as beta completely rolls out.
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How long is a permanent ban on Roblox?

Understanding a Roblox ban

While temporary bans often last a few days, permanent bans, on the other hand, are forever. Some of the most common causes for being banned on Roblox are: Cheating or exploiting the game.
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What are the Roblox voice chat rules?

17+ experiences on Roblox may include vulgar or obscene language and allow it in user communications (including text and voice chat). However, we do not allow users to use Strong Language to discriminate, insult, harass, or intimidate others, including: Slurs or hate speech. Strong Language used in a sexual context.
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Why is my VC grey on Roblox?

If for whatever reason your verification was removed (no known instances of this yet) then it'd probably grey out voicechat. Most importantly, check your device. Try using voicechat on your phone, and if it works then it's a problem with your computer/microphone.
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What is the Roblox 17+ update?

In September 2022, we launched Experience Guidelines with the Age Recommendations of All Ages, Ages 9+, and Ages 13+. We're updating our Experience Questionnaire and Guidelines, Community Standards, and the 17+ Policy Standards to add Ages 17+ as a new Age Recommendation. Content is generally suitable for all ages.
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Why did Roblox add 17?

Now, creators will be able to offer experiences for those 17 and older that feature more mature themes and storylines like in TV shows or stand-up comedy. These experiences may contain more violence, blood, or crude humor. You can read more about what's permitted here.
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How to enable 17 on Roblox?

How to verify your Age ID
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to Settings (the gear icon located at the upper-right corner of the site)
  3. Select the Account Info tab.
  4. Underneath your birthday, click the button that says Verify My Age.
  5. A popup will appear and on your desktop computer, you will see a QR code.
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What does red triangle on Roblox VC mean?

From left to right, these represent: loading, loaded and muted, loaded and unmuted. There is an additional state that may encounter, which looks like loading but with a small red triangle with an exclamation mark. This indicates some problem with the voice chat.
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What happens if you get banned 3 times on Roblox?

But, getting banned three times doesn't automatically result in the deletion of your Roblox account. However, repeated violations of Roblox's rules can lead to more severe consequences, including account deletion.
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Can I use my moms ID for Roblox VC?

Yes you can, Roblox said “13+” and 13 year folds obviously cannot use a ID since they don't have one, that in mind, They mean your parents. You can use your mom or dads ID since that is technically consent “Hey you can let my son/daughter have voice chat” so yes you can use your parents ID.
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Does Roblox VC save your ID?

We want you to know that we take our community's safety and privacy seriously, and Roblox never stores raw ID document data. When a government-issued ID is scanned for verification, an anonymized value is generated, allowing Roblox to safely verify identity without risking exposure of the user's real identity.
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How to get Robux for free?

While there is no way to get Robux for free, you can purchase Robux individually, or through a premium subscription. You can also earn Robux by making clothing and accessories for Roblox avatars or by making making pay-to-play games or games with in-game purchases.
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What happens if you get 15 warnings on Roblox?

Depending on the offence, bans might range from severe to mild. Users may be suspended or banned for varying periods of time. For warnings, you get 15 warnings before getting banned.
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Is Roblox warning for parents?

But is Roblox safe for kids? The unfortunate truth is: not always. Roblox allows players to create their own experiences — which means that secreted within the popular gaming platform is also inappropriate adult content, cyberbullies, scammers, hackers, and online predators.
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