How do you harvest golden seeds?

How to Gain
  1. They can spawn from Water rarely. Water level 4 - 1% Water level 5 - 2% Water level 6 - 3% ...
  2. Open Dragon Egg Chests/Dragon Nest Vaults harvested from Midas Trees.
  3. Buy from Kala's Shop for 30 Dragon Gems.
  4. Harvest the Bearer of the World Crystal.
  5. A chance to spawn when merging Golden Dipped Berries.
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How to pick up Golden Seeds?

You'll have to enter the Fringefolk Hero's Cave by using two Stonesword Keys (which you can choose as a keepsake or you'll, eventually, find in the world), navigate the poison and traps, and then beat the dungeon's boss, the Ulcerated Tree Spirit. You'll get a Golden Seed as a reward for defeating it.
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How to harvest Golden Seeds in Merge Dragons?

First off, you can snag them by merging three or more of the Prism Flowers. Also, don't forget to keep an eye on the dragon trees because every now and then, they might drop a Golden Seed as a rare treat. And lastly, tapping on Midas Ducks can also give you those shiny golden seeds.
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How do you know when seeds are ready to harvest?

Harvesting Your Seeds

When the plants and pods are brown and crispy, seeds are ready for harvest. Cut the seed pods off and place them in a paper bag if harvesting together, otherwise you can harvest them individually. If harvesting individually, crush the seed pod and collect your seeds.
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Is it legal to pick golden poppies?

Most of us Californians grew up believing it is illegal to pick California Poppies, because it is the state flower. As it turns out, that is somewhat of a myth! While there is no law protecting the California Poppy specifically, it is illegal to remove or damage plants from property that a person does not own.
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Growing the Mighty Orange Giant Amaranth - Over 10 feet Tall!! AMAZING HEIRLOOM!!

Do seeds need to be dry before harvesting?

For some seeds, you may have to leave them out to dry for up to a month. Left-over moisture on the seeds is sure to lead to mold growth and rot, making them unviable. If you had rain before harvesting the seeds, rather wait a few days for the seeds to dry on the plant.
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When should poppy seeds be harvested?

Flowering begins in late spring to early summer followed by seed pod maturation in mid- to late summer (80–90 days after planting). Harvest during dry weather conditions when the seeds begin to rattle inside the pod.
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Can you harvest poppy seeds from green pods?

If you choose to collect the seeds leave the pod in the ground until it turns brown and woody. Then, clip the pod off the plant and turn upside down, head first into a bowl (at this point some seeds may fall out).
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How do you get the golden seeds in merge mansion?

Golden Seeds are created once you merge two Level 4 Empty Seed Bags. Empty Seed Bags are secondary leftover items after the Seed Bags (which are spawned by the Flower Pots) have been emptied.
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How many golden seeds do you need?

How many Golden Seeds to you need to fully upgrade? You can use one Golden Seed to upgrade the flask twice before you'll need two Golden Seeds. After two upgrades the amount goes up one again until finally you need five Golden Seeds for an upgrade.
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Do golden apples do anything in Merge Dragons?

Summary. Golden Apple of the Cosmos is a decorative item. It can be merged into a Dragon Egg Chest (Midas Duck variant: 17 Dragon Gems to open), a Dragon Nest Vault (Midas Duck variant: 85 Dragon Gems to open), or, very rarely, a Mega Nest Vault (750 Dragon Gems to open).
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What are golden seeds good for?

Golden Seeds are vital in Elden Ring, as you can use them to increase the charges shared by your Sacred Flasks. These Sacred Flasks, split into the Flask of Crimson Tears and Flask of Cerulean Tears, allow you to restore health and FP, ensuring your survival in difficult dungeons and brutal boss fights.
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What happens if you plant poppy seeds from the grocery store?

But the fact of the matter is these seeds are seeds that can be planted. Most of the poppy seeds that you purchase for culinary use are from the Breadseed Poppy variety. You can plant these seeds, let the flowers grow, harvest the flower heads and let their seeds dry out for more culinary use.
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How do you know when poppy seeds are ripe?

There are several sure indicators of the seeds being ready for harvesting. First, the plump, upright seed capsules should be fully dry. Holes should have opened up immediately below the neat little disk that tops the capsule. The final sign is a free rattling of the seeds within the capsule when it is shaken gently.
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How do you harvest and save poppy seeds?

After poppies bloom in spring, seed pods will form. Let the pods dry in place on the plant. Clip the dry pods, and place them in a paper bag. Store in a cool, dry place over summer.
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How long should I let seeds dry?

Spread the seeds on newspapers, in a cardboard box, or in an old telephone directory, and allow them to dry between one and three weeks. Often seeds need to be separated from the chaff (the seed casings and debris).
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Can you plant seeds immediately after harvesting?

Planting freshly harvested seeds works best on perennial and cold-season vegetables, like cole crops.
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Can I dry seeds in the sun?

A 10-year storage life can be achieved by drying seed to less than 8 percent moisture. To do so, dry seed at 100 degrees F for six hours. Obtain this temperature by spreading the seed out in direct sunlight. However, because sunlight is harsh and easily can exceed this temperature, drying in the shade is better.
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Is it illegal to grow poppies in your yard?

While it's true you can find many varieties of poppy meant to decorate your garden, the Papaver somniferum poppy is highly illegal to buy or grow. The DEA defines the entire plant, save for the seeds, as opium, and has placed it on Schedule II.
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What are three interesting facts about the golden poppy?

Golden poppies grow throughout California. They bloom from spring to early summer and often cover wide valleys, fields, roadsides, and hillsides with a spectacular orange carpet. Golden poppies are drought resistant, grow best in native soil with lots of sunshine, and prefer temperatures from 50-75 degrees.
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Are golden poppies invasive?

The California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) is the state flower of California. Every garden can find a place for this easy, cheerful annual. It self-seeds freely and will give your whole neighborhood poppies, but is not particularly invasive.
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