How do you know if you have pure white tendency?

Pure White and Pure Black world tendencies have glowing effects: Pure White has a horizontal line indicating a lens flare, while Pure Black has red wisps floating within the icon.
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How to get Character Tendency to pure white?

To get White or Pure White Character Tendency, you can perform actions such as defeating Black Phantoms (player invaders or NPC invaders) and defeating the Old Monk from the Maneater Archstone in online mode.
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How do I make my tendency white?

Your actions in any World only change the Tendency in that World. World Tendency shifts toward White whenever you kill a boss or a Black Phantom. If you kill all the bosses in a World without losing any White Tendency you can reach Pure White in a single playthrough.
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How to check Character Tendency?

Players have a rough view of their character's tendency in-game by viewing the statue at the center of the archstone status display menu. The brighter the statue, the whiter the character tendency is (and vice versa).
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How to tell if you have pure white World Tendency?

You'll notice a sphere below each Archstone. The following colors represent its tendency. Pure White and Pure Black world tendencies have glowing effects: Pure White has a horizontal line indicating a lens flare, while Pure Black has red wisps floating within the icon.
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How to get Pure White World Tendency (Solo/Offline) | Demon's Souls Remake PvE Guide

How to get pure white World Tendency shrine of storms?

In the case of Pure White World Tendency, enemies will be easier to defeat and the player will be stronger, but they'll also earn less souls for their efforts. The main way to achieve Pure White World Tendency (often abbreviated as PWWT) is to defeat any of Demon's Souls' difficult bosses.
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Does killing red phantoms increase World Tendency?

killing those red phantom npcs just takes your world tendency up to neutral. but I don't think it changes your character tendency. Miralda, Scirvir, Rydell, Satsuki, Selen black phantoms will also boost your character tendency.
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Why can't I use a Blue Eye Stone?

To use the stone, players must be in soul form and in an area that allows Blue Eye Stone. Also, to use it, player must be "online". You need to be at the same level range in order to be summoned.
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Does killing NPCs affect World Tendency?

Kill 3 of the special named NPCs. Killing these will also move World Tendency -60% towards black.
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Does killing Yurt affect Character Tendency?

Killing Yurt has no effect on either World Tendency or Character Tendency.
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Does killing Garl Vinland affect Character Tendency?

Killing Garl Vinland in either his Body Form or Black Phantom form won't have any effect on World Tendency or Character Tendency.
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How to get pure black World Tendency?

The primary way of lowering World Tendency is to die in Body Form. If a player dies while in this form, their World Tendency shifts towards black by -30%, meaning it only takes four deaths to go Pure Black from neutral.
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Does killing Satsuki affect tendency?

Killing Satsuki while he is in body form will lower World Tendency by -3.
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What is the benefit of pure white Character Tendency?

Pure White Character Tendency also increases the damage you'll deal when summoned to help in another person's game as a Blue Phantom. Other than that, the only notable thing about Pure White Character Tendency is that it enables you to get the Friend's Ring from the Monumental on the upper floor of The Nexus.
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Does tendency reset in ng+?

To-do Checklist before New Game Plus

Kill off NPCs to obtain their equipments and souls. (This is not recommended for inexperienced as your Character Tendency does not reset going into NG+ and Pure Black tendency you'll get from killing NPCs comes with a number of negative effects to the user.)
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What Stone is the evil eye?

The belief of the evil eye is strong in Assyrian culture. A blue/turquoise bead with two, seven or nine small holes resembling eyes around a necklace is often worn and is said to be protection from the evil eye.
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How rare is crystal blue eyes?

Blue eyes are the second most common eye color in the United States, with 27% of the population having them, but only 8–10% of the global population. Brown eyes are the most common eye color worldwide, with 70–80% of people having them. Gray and green are the rarest eye colors. How rare are blue green eyes?
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Who can use Tiger Eye stone?

Anyone drawn to its powerful energy can wear Tiger's Eye. It's especially beneficial for those seeking to ground themselves, enhance their power, and protect their aura from negative influences. However, as with any crystal, it's important to trust your intuition and choose what feels right for you.
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Why is my World Tendency not going down?

World Tendency only updates after warping back into a world via an Archstone after beating a boss. If you haven't yet, try warping back to the Nexus then the Tower Knights Archstone and the Tendency should be updated. My escape is death, but not this one.
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Why won't the Monumental give me the ring?

You just need Pure White Character Tendency, and have said "Yes" to hear his request. To confirm PWCT, pull out the Demonbrandt and see if it reads 480 attack power(or use the North Regalia with White CT and see if it reads 540).
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How do you lighten World Tendency?

World Tendency
  1. Dying while Human will cause your world to shift towards Darkness (Dying as a Phantom will not change your Tendency)
  2. Killing a Boss Demon will cause your world to shift toward Light.
  3. Doing good deeds for NPCs will cause your world to shift toward Light.
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Does dying in soul form affect tendency?

No it doesn't. So dying in soul form effects world tendency? :O.
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How to get Ronin ring?

Ronin's Ring can be found in the Shrine of Storms 4-2, in the slug room before the Old Hero boss battle. The ring is found in the same small cave as the Hiltless weapon. Alternatively, you can get this ring by killing Scirvir the Wanderer in his Human Form.
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How to get dragon bone smasher?

Dragon Bone Smasher is a rare very large sword in Demon's Souls. It can be found in the Dragon God's boss arena by taking the left path from the entrance. The rubble blocking the path to the Smasher will only be cleared if World Tendency is Pure White.
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