How do you know if you have the Knox virus?

Diagnosis. Those infected will suffer influenza-like symptoms for up to three days after contracting the illness, and eventually succumb - after which they will then reanimate within an hour after death. The infection could also apparently be detected via blood tests.
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How to know if you're infected with zomboid?

You can open a medical panel to check whether the character is infected. To do this, tap on the heart icon on the left part of the screen. In the medical panel, you can see the health of your character and the injuries he has suffered.
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How did the Knox infection start?

The initial cause and origin of the "Knox Infection" remain a mystery, with characters in the in-game radio station, KnoxTalk, speculating a variety of possibilities, including a prion disease, an act of God, or bio-terrorism.
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How do you know if you have been bitten in Project Zomboid?

Check your health panel by clicking the heart icon in your left side panel. Any wounds will be listed under the body part affected.
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How to cure infection zomboid?

There is no cure.

Once the player contracted the infection, the symptoms gradually worsen, the player will go through different moodle states and the health bar will be drained until inevitable death. Once dead, the infected body will be reanimated as a zombie.
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Are you going to turn in a zombie in Project Zomboid?

How do you know if you have Knox virus?

The game will never outright tell the player that they are infected, and will instead develop symptoms over time. Therefore, if scratched or lacerated, you may not be able to know you're infected until the nausea and worse symptoms start.
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Is the zomboid virus airborne?

Initially the virus was fluid transmission only- Blood and saliva. However, after a bout 2~ weeks, The virus abruptly mutated and began spreading via air transmission.
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Is a bite always fatal Project Zomboid?

Unless you or the owner of the server you're playing in turned the setting off, bites are 100% fatal every time. If you get bit, that's it, game over. Over the course of the next few days, your character is going to get sick, anxious, and eventually keel over before joining the undead.
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How to amputate in PZ?

Get a Saw or a Garden Saw, right click on it, and choose which limb to amputate. You can also drag n' drop your Saw item directly into the afflicted area to start cutting it off.
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What is the longest time someone has survived in Project Zomboid?

If one month in game is 30 in game days. and one in game day is one real life hour. that means that 11 months of survival is equal. to 330 days or 330 hours survived in a single game. That's just a little over more.
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What is the end goal of Project Zomboid?

A massive city and the surrounding areas to traverse, explore and loot. Open-ended sandbox world – survival is your only goal, and we're sorry to tell you… you WILL die eventually. Get infected.
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Can a zombie scratch infect you in Project Zomboid?

How to cure an infection in Project Zomboid. As mentioned above, the zombie infection cannot be cured. If you see sickness moodles and do not have food poisoning or a general infection listed in the health menu, but you do have a scratch, laceration, or bite from a zombie, you are infected and will die.
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How did the Knox virus start?

For those who don't want to read the whole explanation; I posit that the Knox Infection is not an exclusively airborne bioweapon or act of god, but rather a zoonotic infection (most likely a fungus) that first started in crops present in Kentucky, likely wheat, and later mutated to become airborne/bloodborne and cause ...
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Can zombies smell zomboid?

Are Zombies following blood you lost? They cannot smell you. They can only hear/see as of right now. I believe that you need to clean yourself and clothes to avoid infections if you have a wound or just to have a clean clothes and look like all the normal people do have.
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Why is the heart shaking in Project Zomboid?

If the heart is shaking, it means your health is going down. In the health panel, is the wound bandaged? If not, Do you have a bandage to apply? You need a ripped sheet, denim strip, leather strip, adhesive bandage, bandage, etc to bandage it- If you have none available, no options will appear when you right click.
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Can you cut off your arm in Project Zomboid?

If you get bitten or get an infection, you can cut off your limb with a 50% chance of dying during the cutting unless you have something to ease the pain, and a 100% chance of bleeding out unless you get a tourniquet to stop the blood flow.
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Can you break doors in PZ?

It is also possible to break down a door with a melee weapon. The axe is the most efficient, but other weapons such as a hammer, or baseball bat can also be used. Breaking down a door will create a lot of noise. It is currently not possible to pry open doors with crowbar without the mods.
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How do you stop bleeding in PZ?

Bandages. Bandages are used to treat injuries and will stop wounds from bleeding. Bandages will become dirty over time, but can be washed with clean water in the player's inventory. Getting bandaged by a doctor with high first aid skill will cause the bandages to last longer before becoming dirty.
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Can you cure a bite in Project Zomboid?

Bites can heal but it takes a lot longer than say a scratch. It is more like a deep wound. But a bite usually means you have the zombie virus, and that is incurable. FYI, you can 'continue' that same save game, with a new character once your existing one dies.
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Why am I queasy in Project Zomboid?

Nausea can be caused by a variety of factors, including zombieization, eating or drinking badly, being outside in cold or damp weather, and other situations. Regretfully, once a zombie bites you, transformation is unavoidable; there is no cure for zombification.
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Does Project Zomboid have lore?

The lore suggests that the initial outbreak of small hordes resulted from loud meta events (gunshots, helicopters flying low overhead).
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What's the goal of Project Zomboid?

The main goal in Project Zomboid is to stay alive as long as possible... or die trying. When the player dies, a message will scroll from bottom to top indicating how many years, months and days have passed since the game started. Also, dying Auto-Saves the game, meaning you have to start a new character.
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What year is Project Zomboid set in?

Project Zomboid is set in the year 1993 and this is how everyone looked before they were zombified.
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