How do you make a skeleton pick up armor?

You can't directly give mobs items, but zombies and skeletons will automatically pickup weapons, armor and items if thrown on the ground.
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Can skeletons equip armor?

A skeleton can fight with weapons and wear armor, can load and fire a catapult or trebuchet, scale a siege ladder, form a shield wall, or dump boiling oil. However, it must receive careful instructions explaining how such tasks are accomplished.
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Can skeletons pick up helmets?

Skeletons can pick up dropped armor, items, and pumpkins. Skeletons, just like zombies, won't burn in daylight if they wear a helmet or a pumpkin if they are in water, cobweb or aren't exposed to direct sunlight. Skeletons have a 20% chance of spawning in the Nether.
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Can skeletons pick up swords in Minecraft?

Unarmed Skeleton (In Creative Mode) can pick up swords and even sometimes axes, but they DO NOT pick up any given bow, either enchanted or not. It doesn't matter if the bow is dispensed or dropped.
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Can skeletons wear diamond armor?

Skeletons have a 0.04% chance of spawning wearing a full set of Diamond armor. It is possible to give a Skeleton a sword.
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What are skeletons attracted to in Minecraft?

Q. What are Skeletons attracted to? Skeletons do not seem to be attracted to anything other than targeting the player. While they may not be interested in anything other than attacking the player, you can wear a skeleton head to prevent attracting them sooner.
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How to get a zombie villager to pick up an item?

These zombie villagers automatically pick up and hold any item that they come across (except jack o'lanterns‌[Java Edition only], mob heads and pumpkins, as these are worn on their heads), and use any armor, weapons, or tools picked up.
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Can zombies pick up armor?

Picking up items

Some zombies are capable of automatically picking up dropped items that they come across. Mob heads and carved pumpkins are automatically worn on their heads. Zombies can equip armor, weapons or tools.
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How do you get a zombie that can pick up items?

Use the command /summon minecraft:zombie ~ ~ ~ {CanPickUpLoot: 1b} to summon a zombie that can pick items. Give the zombie any stackable item. Kill the zombie to get the item back.
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What is the king skeleton in Minecraft?

The skeleton king is a summonable undead hostile boss mob that can summon the undead from underneath its enemies and teleport behind them unsuspectingly. It is the only source of the legendary crown of rule and "Death".
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How much XP does Creeper give?

Drops. When killed, creepers drop: 5 experience points, if killed by the player or a tamed wolf.
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How rare is a full diamond zombie?

The likelihood of a Zombie being equipped with a full diamond set is only 0.04%, making this encounter highly unusual and prized. It is unclear whether the player was able to defeat the Zombie, as it was even stronger in hard mode and potentially found the player's drops from a previous encounter.
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Can zombies wear netherite armor?

No, mobs can not spawn with netherite armor.
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What's the weakest sword in Minecraft?

Golden. To get the materials for a golden sword, you will need to turn gold ore into ingots. Gold is a soft metal which has many purposes in Minecraft. The sword has the lowest durability of all the swords in the game and has the same damage as a wooden sword.
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How rare is a skeleton with an enchanted bow?

Skeletons now have a 1/40 chance of dropping a bow only when it is killed by the player. There is a 1/5 chance the bow may be pre-enchanted with Power 1. The bow will not be damaged if dropped by the skeleton. Skeletons will chase any player they see within a 16 block radius.
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How to make a skeleton pick up armor?

You can't directly give mobs items, but zombies and skeletons will automatically pickup weapons, armor and items if thrown on the ground.
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How rare is a skeleton head?

Mob loot. A wither skeleton has a 2.5% chance of dropping a wither skeleton skull when killed by a player or a tamed wolf.
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How far can a skeleton fall without dying?

Spiders are the weakest at just 18 points, requiring a fall of 20 blocks to be left at death's door. Skeletons, zombies, and creepers all have 20 points of health, and need a fall of 22 blocks. Witches are the strongest with 28 points of health, requiring a fall of 30 blocks to reduce to them one point of health.
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Do wither skeletons pick up armor?

Some wither skeletons may have the capacity to pick up dropped gear in Normal and Hard difficulties. The chance depends on regional difficulty, with up to 55% of them capable of picking up swords higher than stone tier plus any armor.
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Is skeleton armor good?

Top-quality Skeleton Master Armor dropped from Floor VII is considered one of the best damage sets in the game, potentially even outclassing Superior Dragon Armor in Strength & Crit Damage.
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Can all zombies pick up armor?

A zombie can pick up items such as weapons and armor from the ground and then equip it. This can make a zombie a tougher mob to kill.
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How much HP does a skeleton have in Minecraft?

Health Points

for health. This gives a skeleton 20 health points (because 1 heart = 2 health points). To kill a skeleton, you need to inflict 20 points of damage to the skeleton.
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