How do you save Astarion from Cazador?

To free Astarion, one of your party members needs to use the Help action on him, thus freeing him up to fight and permanently removing his contribution to Cazador's buff. If you don't free Astarion, Cazador will complete the ritual after a few turns, killing Astarion permanently, so make freeing him a priority.
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How to keep Astarion from ascending?

Instead, if the player wishes to keep Astarion from going through with it, the protagonist must tell him that the ritual will kill many people and that Astarion will not be proud of what he has done. Of course, Astarion will still kill Cazador, but he will be glad that he didn't become a Vampire Ascendant.
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How to keep Astarion from leaving party?

Option 2: Persuade Astarion To Stop

If you are currently romancing Astarion, you will also have the option of making a DC 20 Insight at advantage, then a lowered DC 15 Persuasion check instead to talk him down. This will cause him to kill Cazador in a violent rage, but remain in your party on good terms.
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How to let Astarion stay in the sun?

Curing him of vampirism would be a solution that gives him the freedom to walk in the sun, but at the cost of changing who/what he is. It's counter productive to everything you spent the game teaching/telling him. He can be a vampire spawn and find a way to acquire a sunwalking ability or find an item that grants it.
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How to stop the ritual and keep Astarion?

You need to send someone over to Astarion and use the "Help" action on him ASAP in order to keep him alive, which will then stop the ritual's countdown and give you as much time as you need to fight the boss with all four party members.
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Baldur's Gate 3: How to Cheese the Cazador Fight

Should you let Astarion bite you?

Should you Let Astarion Bite You? Letting Astarion bite you is an easy way to get approval with him. The simple answer is yes, as the only downside is gaining the Bloodless debuff, while Astarion gains the Happy buff and his approval rating of you increases.
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How to save Astarion?

To free Astarion, one of your party members needs to use the Help action on him, thus freeing him up to fight and permanently removing his contribution to Cazador's buff. If you don't free Astarion, Cazador will complete the ritual after a few turns, killing Astarion permanently, so make freeing him a priority.
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Can you save Astarion from burning?

Because Astarion is a vampire whose depiction matches that of many popular vampires, he would burn if exposed to sunlight. Due to the Mind Flayer tadpole's effects on his body, this is no longer the case as he can safely travel alongside the party during the daylight hours.
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Can God Gale save Astarion?

God Gale ending can cure Astarion's vampirism !
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Does Astarion become evil if he ascends?

If Astarion ascends, he loses all that character development and goes back to how he was when players first met him after the Nautiloid crash, but with the added evilness, hunger for power, and controlling demeanor. If the player chooses to prevent him from ascending, he later thanks them for saving him from himself.
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Can you resurrect Astarion if you stake him?

So y'know how you can stake him if/when he tries to bite you in camp? Turns out in EA (early access) you can't resurrect him if you do that, not with a Res Scroll and not with that weird talking Skeleton guy.
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How to get Astarion's good ending?

That ending hinges on the decisions you make in Astarion's companion quest in Cazador's Palace. If you stop him from Ascending into a powerful vampire lord, you'll get the 'good' endings, but if you let him Ascend, he'll offer to bite you, turning your character into his vampire spawn.
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Should I let Astarion make a deal with Raphael?

While you can refuse, Astarion will be upset, and you'll need to deal with Raphael's nemesis anyway, so it's worth accepting the quest. If you successfully kill Yurgir for Raphael, he'll appear in your camp during your next long rest to explain the marks on Astarion's back.
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Will Astarion leave if he doesn't ascend?

You can flatly forbid Astarion from continuing the ascension ritual. Like option two, Astarion will refrain from ascending and simply kill Cazador. Regardless of your relationship with him prior to this, however, Astarion will be disappointed and leave your party permanently.
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Can you find Astarion after he leaves?

If you walk away from his offer or simply never approach him to begin with, you can always find Astarion in the same spot on the beach, even after you leave for Act 2 without him.
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Can you turn Astarion good?

Astarion's Good Ending Comes With A Cost In Baldur's Gate 3

While this gives Astarion the benefit of being free from Cazador's control and lets him keep the others used in the ritual alive depending on dialogue choices, he'll remain a Vampire Spawn for the foreseeable future.
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Can Astarion turn you?

He also becomes more romantically possessive, and, if the player character asks him nicely, will turn them into a vampire spawn, too. Upon another long rest, the ascended Astarion will give the player-controlled character the opportunity to turn into a vampire spawn by drinking a drop of his blood.
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Do I give Astarion blood?

If you plan to make Astarion a permanent part of your party, you should consider letting him suck your blood for the Happy buff. This buff will add a +1 to all his checks. He will also permanently gain the Vampire Bite action in battle.
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Can I make Gale a god?

Gale Dekarios, one of the origin characters, can become the God of Ambition by using the Crown of Karsus and challenging Mystra, the Goddess of Magic. Gale's new form as the God of Ambition grants him high stats, powerful spells, and the ability to inspire allies, suggesting he may appear in combat in the future.
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How to stop Astarion from dying?

If Astarion becomes locked into the ritual, you will be able to free Astarion with the Help action to bring him back into combat or kill any of the spawn (Astarion included) to prevent Cazador from being able to ascend.
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What happens to Astarion after the game?

The Two Fates For Astarion Post-Baldur's Gate 3

Astarion can either remain as a vampire spawn, or he can become an ascended vampire. Both of these fates come with benefits and consequences, and players have been split on which is the best fate for Astarion.
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Does Astarion love Tav?

While it's arguable whether Astarion even likes Tav in the first chapter of the game, as the game wears on and the characters go through more trials and tribulations, it's obvious that he forms real feelings. Later, he'll even go on to express this through dialogue.
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Can you revive Astarion after the Cazador fight?

Take Astarion with you as usual, wait for Cazador to restrain him, and then... push him off the edge. Like, seriously, kill him. Don't worry, if you kill him, you can still revive him later on, just as long as Cazador doesn't use him in the ritual.
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How to romanticize Astarion?

Gain Astarion's approval by:
  1. Supporting his whims.
  2. Showing support for him concerning his condition.
  3. Aligning with characters typically referred to as monsters, such as Goblins.
  4. Being ruthless.
  5. Displaying dramatics.
  6. Presenting displays of power.
  7. Appreciating fine things.
  8. Demonstrating cruelty.
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Can I find Astarion on the ship?

Where to Find Astarion. Astarion can be found early on in Baldur's Gate 3 similar to the other companions, Shadowheart, Gale, and Lae'zel. Find him southwest of the Roadside Cliffs near the Nautiloid ship wreckage on the beach.
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