How do you stop being sad in PZ?

If the player finds good tasting food, like chocolate, or spruces up bland food with salt and other ingredients, it will improve their moods. A rarer but more effective source of enrichment is entertainment. Players can improve their character's mood by listening to music or watching TV.
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How do you get happy in Project Zomboid?

Just stand outside or go kill some zombies are the easiest ways to get rid of boredom. Getting rid of sadness: meal that give happiness or taking anti-depressants. Also remember the higher your cooking skill the better the bonus from cooked food.
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Why is my character depressed in Project Zomboid?

Your char is the only lonely survivor on the known world. That's makes him very unhappy.
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How do I stop being stressed in Project Zomboid?

Stress can be treated by smoking cigarettes, reading literature, and distancing from the zombies. Stress reduces the damage of weapons (shaking hands…), and chronic stress will lead to unhappiness.
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How do you fix unhappiness in Project Zomboid?

Players can improve their character's mood by listening to music or watching TV. The most effective mood lifter comes from reading one of Project Zomboid's many in-game books. Players should consistently be on the lookout for media while they scrounge for food.
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How to Cure Depression in Project Zomboid

How do you stop feeling sick in Project Zomboid?

The issue is likely to be associated with the illness in Project Zomboid. In order to get rid of nausea, it is necessary to establish the cause and try to take a nap in a secure place without damp and cold conditions. Lemongrass is one more food you can take in order to prevent food poisoning.
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How do you reduce panic in Project Zomboid?

This moodle can be removed and prevented temporarily by using beta blockers or alcohol, which greatly improve panic reduction speed. Sleep will boost the rate of panic loss, but there is a chance for a sleeping character to abruptly wake up with strong panic and stress due to a nightmare.
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What does being dirty do in zomboid?

Mostly is changes how you look. Ripping bloody/dirty Clogher is more likely to give you dirty rags than ripped sheets. Also being dirty causes your wounds to get infected (normal infection, not zombification) more often. And last but not least, Hemophobes are freaked out it they wear bloody clothes.
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How to get desensitized in PZ?

After you kill 500 (Modifiable through Sandbox Options) zombies through melee or gun combat (no fire burns), you get the chance to become desensitized. This chance increases as you get more zombie kills. If you reach 2000 (Modifiable through Sandbox Options) zombie kills, you automatically become desensitized.
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What does Q do in zomboid?

Project Zomboid

Q (shout) and V (hide UI) are the first things new players should rebind to some other key away from the main keys.
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How do you not get bored in Project Zomboid?

It is usually triggered by standing idle for too long, being indoors, reading skill books, or eating poor quality/stale/rotten food. This moodle can be removed by reading literature, watching television, listening to CDs or a radio, becoming panicked (by fighting zombies), and being active outdoors.
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What does boredom do in Zomboid?

As innocuous as this may seem, boredom in Project Zomboid can lead to unhappiness, and if your character's unhappy, they'll perform actions slower than usual.
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Why am I terrified in Project Zomboid?

Being a nervous wreck is a negative moodle. It means your character is nervous because of zombies or chance of being infected. Originally posted by Cynabal: smoke a cigarette or drink a hot cuppa.. otherwise get some distance from zombies.
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Are bites always fatal in Project Zomboid?

Unless you or the owner of the server you're playing in turned the setting off, bites are 100% fatal every time. If you get bit, that's it, game over. Over the course of the next few days, your character is going to get sick, anxious, and eventually keel over before joining the undead.
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Can scratches infect you in Project Zomboid?

Lacerations are 25% infectious, scratches 7%, and zombie bites 100%. If you come across a wound that indicates "bitten," your character has contracted an infection and will perish. One must, of course, remember that wounds do not necessarily come from zombies alone but may come from any number of other causes.
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Is there a cure in Project Zomboid?

There is no cure.

Once the player contracted the infection, the symptoms gradually worsen, the player will go through different moodle states and the health bar will be drained until inevitable death. Once dead, the infected body will be reanimated as a zombie.
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Why do I hear screaming in Project Zomboid?

Meta event. Up to once a day, the player may hear random gunfire, screams or dogs barking in the distance. It is not currently possible to locate the source of these "meta sounds", but they will cause zombies to migrate.
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How do you stop being sick in Project Zomboid?

Curing a cold in Project Zomboid is similar to curing one in real life. Firstly, you'll need to find a safe building to hide and rest up in. Colds generally take around a week to cure in the game, so make sure you find a building that's easy to defend and full of supplies wherever possible.
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