How do you summon Ranni the witch?

At the very end of the game, after defeating the final boss, if you've completed all of the previous steps in this questline you'll have the ability to summon Ranni using a summon sign on the ground.
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How to get Ranni to spawn?

You can meet Ranni very early on, once you have spoken to Melia and unlocked Torrent at the 'Gatefront' Site of Grace then travelled back to the Church of Elleh. Ranni will appear there - giving you the Spirit Calling Bell that allows you to summon spirit ashes.
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How do you summon Ranni in the end game?

After defeating the final boss of Elden Ring outlined in our Elden Ring main bosses guide, you'll see a blue summoning sign on the ground that'll allow you to bring in Ranni. Trigger it to start the Age of Stars ending, a permanent decision that'll end the game in the way she wishes.
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Why won't Ranni spawn at rannis rise?

This is because Blaidd is required to continue her quest line and he will not leave the Radahn Festival until Starscourge Radahn has been defeated. Once Starscourge Radahn has been defeated, Ranni will reappear at Ranni's Rise and her quest line can be continued from then on."
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How do you get the summoning bell from Ranni?

When you speak to her, she'll ask you if you can summon Torrent. Reply "yes" to her inquiry. When you've done so, she will gift you with the Spirit Calling Bell as well as the Lone Wolf Ashes. It's important that you visit Renna early on in your quest to become Elden Lord.
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Elden Ring - Killing everything that can't be killed

Why can't I get the Spirit Calling Bell?

If you don't speak to Renna early enough in your journey, she'll eventually stop appearing at the Church of Elleh. If this happens, you'll need to wait until you've reached the Roundtable Hold a bit later in the game where you can then purchase the Spirit Calling Bell from the Twin Husks merchant.
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How do you get Ranni the witch to appear?

To speak to Ranni, you'll have to complete Caria Manor in northern Liurnia. Upon defeating Royal Knight Loretta, you will gain access to the Three Sisters area containing three distinct towers. Head towards the westernmost one to reveal that it is called Ranni's Rise. Here is where you'll find her.
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Does Killing Blaidd ruin Rannis Quest?

This leads to a battle in which Blaidd is ultimately killed. However, despite the evident deterioration of his mind, Blaidd never once audibly turns on Ranni herself. It is possible to personally free Blaidd from the Forlorn Hound Evergaol, but nothing changes in the storyline as a result of this choice.
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How to marry Ranni?

Interact with Ranni's doll body to place the Dark Moon Ring on Ranni's finger. Her doll body will then disappear and Ranni, fully restored to her previous life-sized doll form, will appear and thank the player. She confirms that the player is now her consort and promises that they will meet again.
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Can you get Ranni as a summon?

At the very end of the game, after defeating the final boss, if you've completed all of the previous steps in this questline you'll have the ability to summon Ranni using a summon sign on the ground. This will prompt Ranni's Age of Stars ending for you, the best ending in the game.
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Is Ranni the Witch good or bad?

Praising her character design as "gorgeously magical", she nevertheless stated that as a character, Ranni had a clear evil streak as the catalyst for the Shattering.
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How to activate rannis ending?

Elden Ring Ranni ending

To activate this ending, you have to complete the Elden Ring Ranni quest and use her summon sign in the arena after you've beaten the final boss.
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Why is Renna's rise blocked?

Renna's Rise is blocked off by a magical barrier, not unlike those seen in Sellia, Town of Sorcery or its Hideaway. Head back towards Ranni's Rise and get to the top to speak with Ranni the Witch and begin her questline. You will be charged with uncovering Nokron the Eternal City with her servant Blaidd .
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What happens if you tell Ranni no?

If players decline Ranni's offer and choose not to help, there are no downsides, and players can continue on their quest to find the Erdtree.
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Is Ranni missable?

Ranni herself is visually hard to miss, but she possesses one of Elden Ring's most missable quests, as there are so many steps and triggers to initiate before you reach its climax at the game's end.
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Why does Blaidd go crazy?

He's going against the Greater Will by assisting Ranni with her rebellion, so when you complete Ranni's questline, Blaidd no longer has a purpose, his mind snaps and he goes insane, something he's known will be a risk but has been desperately convincing himself won't happen.
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Why does Blaidd turn evil?

Blaidd was made by the Greater Will to be the shadow of an Empyrean. His loyalty is to Ranni, but he's also controlled in part by the greater will. So, when she turns against them, he goes absolutely mad and loses himself to the conflicting nature of him being created for what are now two totally divergent purposes.
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Is it worth killing Blaidd Elden Ring?

Once slain, he will drop his armor set (armor, gauntlets, and greaves) and Royal Greatsword. It must be noted that Blaidd will not drop these items if he is killed before this point. Players who have slain him prematurely are not doomed, however.
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Who killed ranni the witch?

In what would become known as the Night of Black Knives, the assassins murdered Godwyn the Golden, killing him in spirit, while Ranni killed herself in body, transferring her spirit into a doll said to be modeled after the image of her mentor, the Snow Witch.
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Why can't I see Ranni?

This is because Blaidd is required to continue her quest line and he will not leave the Radahn Festival until Starscourge Radahn has been defeated. Once Starscourge Radahn has been defeated, Ranni will reappear at Ranni's Rise and her quest line can be continued from then on."
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How do I meet Ranni again?

Finding Ranni the Witch

Players will not see her again until they reach Liurnia, where she can be found past Carnia Manor, in Ranni's Rise tower, the middle of the three. Ranni can be found at the top of the tower.
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What happens if I summon Ranni at the end?

The Age of Stars - Ranni's Ending

After the last boss battle, you can summon Ranni using the stones. She'll promise that now is the ages of the stars, and refer to your character as her consort, eternal. Complete Caria Manor so you've unlocked the Three Sisters subregion in Liurnia of the Lakes.
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Who is the blue girl in Elden Ring?

Renna is an NPC in Elden Ring. Renna is a blue humanoid character that has four arms and two faces.
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Why can't I use my spirit ashes?

You can only summon Elden Ring Spirits with Ashes when close to a Rebirth Monument, a little square statue about waist-high. You'll know when you're in range of one, because of the white symbol of a tablet on the left side of the screen.
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