How do you trigger Serana marriage dialogue?

Specifically, the dialogue branch with the tag, "You talk about being lonely a lot," must be triggered and completed in order to activate the marriage option. The earliest I have been able to trigger this option is immediately after the start of the quest Chasing Echoes.
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How to get Serana to talk about marriage?

You cannot marry her, period. You can force her to do so by mods but she will not speak to you or anything like that because Bethsoft did not and never will program and record her for marriage. You'll just have to get over it.
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Does the Serana dialogue addon let you marry her?

For the romance, marriage is implemented, but not in the official sense. That means potentially eloping with Serana at the end of the romance questline, but no formal marriage ceremony (due to Serana's past trauma with temple ceremonies, i.e. Molag Bal and how she first became a vampire).
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How do you force marriage dialogue in Skyrim?

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  1. open console with ~
  2. click the NPC u want to marry.
  3. type. addtofaction 19809 1.
  4. press enter.
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How to make Serana marriable?

Put on the amulet and when talking to Serana, an option to propose to her will appear. After receiving a positive answer, head back to the Temple of Mara and ask to organize the wedding. In some time, fans will be informed that the wedding has begun and that they should attend.
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Asking Serana to marry me | Skyrim

How to install marry me Serana?

Download "Marriable Serana" by clicking "manual" next to download on NexusMods. Unzip the file and add it to your Skyrim folder, usually found at C / Program Files (x86) / Steam / steamapps / common / Skyrim and move the mod folder into Skyrim's data folder.
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How does marry Me Serana work?

You can marry Serana after completing the quest "Kindred Judgment". This's a simple mod. The mod just adds Serana to the vanilla marriage options. It's the same way that you marry another marriable NPC.
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Why is my marriage not triggering Skyrim?

also, if you go to the temple and wait inside, you will need to exit and re-enter the temple of Mara to trigger the wedding. You can ask the priest and your spouse for another chance, and you can reschedule. After asking the priest to arrange a wedding ceremony, he will say come back in a day or something like that.
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Can you be intimate in Skyrim?

Your character can get married in the game but no explicit sex is shown. If you sleep in your home shared with your spouse (implied off-screen sex), you receive a "Lover's Comfort" bonus for a limited time. Players can have their character in their underwear.
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Can I marry Elisif in Skyrim?

Accepted Answer. Normally you can't marry Elisif the Fair, it requires a mod that is known to be a bit buggy.
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How to sleep with Serana?

Sleep Feature
  1. Considering she's already become your friend and you've also romanced her, you can ask Serana to sleep in any bed that is player-owned/unowned, considering there's a double bed nearby. ...
  2. When you tell her this, she will automatically path to the nearest double bed and proceed to sleep.
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Where does Serana go after you marry her?

She will continue to adventure with you for as long as you want her to be your active companion. If you do not want to travel with her, she settles down either in Fort Dawnguard or Castle Volkihar depending on which faction you sided with in the DLC.
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How to cuddle with Serana?

If you have Amorous Adventures installed AND have completed the quest line Chasing Echoes. If you have Serana Dialogue Edit installed, Serana will snuggle up to you if your relationship value is 50 or over (she admires you). If it is lower than 50 she will not snuggle up to you.
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How to trigger Serana marriage dialogue?

If you claim that you never knew your parents, it will immediately activate the above branch. This can be done in Dawnguard Keep immediately after initializing Chasing Echoes, and will activate the marriage dialogue.
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Is Serana in love with Dragonborn?

Their shared moments of laughter, pain, and courage had forged a bond that was impossible to ignore. Yet, they knew that their love was forbidden. Though Serana$$C_ENC_2$$ and Dragonborn$$C_ENC_1$$ were deeply in love, they were from different worlds. She was an immortal vampire, and he a mortal savior of Skyrim.
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Who is best to marry in Skyrim?

Skyrim: 10 Best Marriage Options
  • Aela the Huntress is a prominent character in Skyrim and a member of the Companions guild. ...
  • Mjoll the Lioness is an opponent of the Thieves Guild and can be married after completing her quest. ...
  • Dravynea the Stoneweaver is a mage in Kynesgrove who can be married after completing her quest.
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Can your spouse leave you in Skyrim?

You can't formally get a divorce in Skyrim, but you might be able to get a new Marriage Partner. For good or bad there is a way to back out of your marriage in case you find a more suitable partner or got stuck with coyote ugly because you needed a place to couch surf.
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Can you take a wife in Skyrim?

Getting married in Skyrim is actually pretty easy. All you need to do it head to Riften and find the Temple of Mara. Once there, speak to the priest about weddings to have them explain how the process works. You'll then need to buy an amulet of Mara, which you can then wear while speaking to your potential betrothed.
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Can you kiss in Skyrim?

Kissing scene is powered by the physics engine and doesn't rely on animations. Player can't kiss npc that are sitting or using furniture. After each kiss you will recieve a kiss effect: carring capacity bonus + faster stamina regeneration.
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How do you get the marriage dialogue in Skyrim?

To do so, you must complete the quest The Bonds of Matrimony, which involves speaking with Maramal about marriage and wearing an Amulet of Mara which signifies that you are available to be married.
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Can you marry nocturnal in Skyrim?

Near the end of the Thieves Guild questline, you'll meet her face-to-face in person. When you do, take that quick opportunity to get down on your knees with your Amulet of Mara in hand and beg her for marriage.
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What happens if you say no at your wedding in Skyrim?

You can call off the wedding during the ceremony if you no longer wish to get married. However, this will cause your guests, fiancé, and Maramal to be upset with you. Make amends with your spouse, and then speak to Maramal again. He's naturally distressed by your actions, but he'll agree to give you another chance.
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How to get Serana to marry you?

Talk to Serana. You should see additional dialogue that lets you ask if Serana has something on her mind. This should open up the standard marriage options you receive for other in-game marriable NPCs. Note that you can't already be married if you want Serana as a wife.
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Why do people love Serana?

The reason others prefer Serana is also because she's one of the very few followers who has even a bit of real backstory and unique interactions with the world around them. Most followers, even Lydia, you know nothing about and all they do is fight with you and carry stuff.
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Can you marry Serana if you side with Dawnguard?

9 You Can't Marry Serana, But She Does Have Dialogue About Marriage. You may be wondering if you can marry Serana after finishing the Dawnguard DLC; however, it's impossible to marry her without mods.
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