How does Tetris deal with trauma?

Therefore, playing Tetris shortly after a distressing event could interrupt these processing centres within the brain. In turn, this would reduce the recurrence of unwanted visual memories – intrusions – associated with the trauma.
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How does Tetris help mental health?

After four weeks, nurses who played Tetris experienced one-tenth the number of intrusive memories compared to those who did not play; they also reported improvements in other symptoms, such as insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Overall, nurses who played Tetris saw a 73 to 78 percent reduction in flashbacks.
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Does Tetris reduce intrusive memories?

Results showed that the researchers' hypothesis was right: those who had played Tetris had fewer intrusive memories of the trauma in total over the week immediately following the accident than the controls.
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How do you release trauma from the body?

10 Ways to Release Trauma From the Body
  1. Acknowledge Your Feelings. It is human nature to avoid feeling difficult emotions. ...
  2. Practice Yoga. ...
  3. Shadow Work Exercises. ...
  4. Practice Stillness. ...
  5. Meditation. ...
  6. Self Care. ...
  7. Journaling. ...
  8. Massage.
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Does Tetris help with grief?

These flashbacks can be incredibly distressing and even debilitating. But here's where Tetris comes in. Research has shown that playing Tetris immediately after experiencing a traumatic event can significantly reduce the occurrence of these intrusive memories.
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Can Tetris Treat Trauma?

Is Tetris good for PTSD?

playing Tetris (or perhaps a similar game) for around 20 minutes in the hours after experiencing a traumatic event may help to reduce subsequent intrusive memories. playing Tetris at the point of recalling a previous traumatic experience may also reduce intrusions and distress.
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Is Tetris like EMDR?

EMDR and Tetris have both been found to be beneficial in reducing intrusive memories following a traumatic birth. Success has been noted in other clinical areas such as the Emergency Department.
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What part of the body is trauma stored?

This can happen anywhere in the body, and for trauma survivors, it is most commonly held in the core of the body, the stomach, abdomen, and low back, as well as the upper torso, chest, shoulders, and spine.
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What trauma is stored in the hips?

The hips serve as a storage facility for emotional tension, stress, and trauma. Due to our sedentary lifestyles, poor posture, and emotional suppression, many individuals accumulate tension in the hip region. The hip muscles, particularly the psoas muscle, are notorious for harboring emotional stress.
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Where is grief stored in the body?

Every emotion we've ever experienced lodges itself in this area, in particular, in the large intestine. When we experience grief we find it hard to let go, storing all the emotions inside of us, in particular, around the rings of Houston which sit on the lower left side of our abdomen.
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Is Tetris good or bad for your brain?

Studies have revealed that engaging with Tetris can increase gray matter in the brain, potentially leading to better cognitive function and enhanced problem-solving skills. Mental Health Benefits: In addition to its cognitive perks, Tetris has also been linked to mental health improvements.
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Why is Tetris so calming?

Applications in trauma therapy and cravings

These reminder cues followed by the interference task of playing Tetris competes for cognitive resources with the traumatic memory, disrupting the consolidation process of the traumatic memory traces, reducing their intensiveness and emotional impact.
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What happens if you play too much Tetris?

What is the Tetris effect? The Tetris effect (also known as Tetris syndrome) occurs when people devote so much time and attention to an activity that it begins to pattern their thoughts, mental images, and dreams. It takes its name from the video game Tetris.
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Why is Tetris so addictive?

Speaking to its longevity, the game's creator, Alexey Pajitnov, said that, "Tetris is a very simple game, but it appeals to many players because it's both visually and intellectually challenging." “I think that's what makes the game so addictive.
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Is it healthy to play Tetris?

Playing these types of games has also been shown to improve cognitive functioning, which could also be a benefit, particularly for patients who struggle with cognition due to depression or anxiety. If you are interested in Tetris for yourself or a patient, Lopatin (2023) recommends the following free apps: Tetris.
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Does Tetris help IQ?

Performance on Tetris showed a moderate positive correlation with a standardized test of visuospatial WM, but not with measures of other cognitive abilities indexing verbal aspects of WM or general reasoning abilities.
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How do you know your body is releasing trauma?

Alterations in Energy Levels: Fluctuations in energy can reflect the body's attempt to heal. Energy level changes can be linked to the body's fluctuating stress hormones during trauma recovery, resulting in: Periods of hyperactivity or restlessness. Sudden drops in energy or feeling overwhelmingly fatigued.
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How to unlock your hips to release trauma?

Yoga is a powerful tool for releasing trauma from the body. Hip-opening poses, such as pigeon pose, can be a hip trauma release pose that can help release tension and emotions stored in the hips. Practicing yoga can also improve your range of motion and mobility, allowing you to move more freely and comfortably.
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What are trauma releasing exercises?

TRE® or Trauma and Tension Release Exercises, is a somatic body based practice for people suffering with stress, anxiety, trauma or PTSD. It doesn't require talking about an event, feeling or issue, therefore it overcomes the language barriers that can bring up added stress.
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What does unprocessed trauma look like?

Intrusion symptoms may look like nightmares about the trauma, dissociation, or intrusive memories. Avoidance may look like physical avoidance of a certain place or possibly avoidance of a specific topic. Changing in mood may be depression, anxiety, guilt, or feelings of isolation.
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Does crying release trauma?

By concentrating on what's happening in your body, you can release pent-up trauma-related energy through shaking, crying, and other forms of physical release. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps you process and evaluate your thoughts and feelings about a trauma.
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What trauma is stored in the belly?

Trauma: Effect on Nervous System and Gut

As a psychotherapist, I often see clients who feel grief, anger, sadness and anxiety in the gut or stomach. For us to heal, these emotions need to be felt slowly with mindful awareness so that they can move through us and pass.
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Does Tetris heal trauma?

This time frame is critical to the recovery of those who have experienced real-life traumatic events. For instance, Tetris has also been shown to greatly aid in mental recovery when played within six hours of a traumatic event.
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Will I cry during EMDR?

During EMDR sessions, it is not uncommon for individuals to experience strong emotions, including crying. So, the short answer is that while not everyone cries during EMDR therapy, it is common for people to shed tears at some point during their EMDR journey.
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Why is Tetris good for your mental health?

Moreover, research has shown that playing Tetris can reduce anxiety levels. A study published in the journal “Emotion” found that playing Tetris for just 20 minutes a day decreased participants' levels of anxiety by almost 40%.
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