How far can villagers detect workstations?

In Bedrock Edition, all villagers search for unclaimed job sites in a 16 block radius and 4 block height.
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What is the range of villager villages?

A village expands it's borders to include new claimed points of interest outside it's boundaries. However, villages can expand further. Beyond the initial borders, within an additional range of 32 blocks horizontally and 52 blocks vertically, lies the potential for expansion.
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How do you stop villagers from stealing workstations?

Place a torch in front of a villager and the villager will try to pathfind around it, not through it. Only exception is open fence gates. Other non-solid blocks will block a villaer from pathfinding. Whenever a villager loses its path, it might choose to disconnect from workstation.
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How far does a villager need to be away from a bed?

Villagers can connect to a bed that is 16 blocks horizontally and 4 blocks vertically from the bottom of the feet of ANY villager in the village (and which doesn't already have an owner).
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How far do villagers need to be from workstations?

A villager can interact with their workstation horizontally even with a two block gap. Vertically a villager will interact with a workstation directly above their head, but not a block above that. A villager will revert to being unemployed if: They are in range of their claimed workstation's coordinates.
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HOW TO CONNECT A VILLAGER TO A WORKSTATION and the Differnece betweenJava and Bedrock Minecraft

What is the job block range for villagers?

In Bedrock Edition, all villagers search for unclaimed job sites in a 16 block radius and 4 block height. If a site block is found, it is added to a shared list of valid job site blocks for the whole village.
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Will villagers be mad if you steal?

Villagers should be able to see you stealing from chests in the village and tell any local Iron Golems that someone is stealing. This wouldn't cause the Iron Golem to attack the player initially, but if you get caught two or three times, then it would attack you.
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Why isn't my villager linking to a bed?

Moving the bed or the workstation will sometimes allow the villager to connect again however if you remove the bed or workstation and place it in the same block as it was previous then the villager will still not connect to it.
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How to make villagers not claim a bed?

Just turn on hit boxes (F3-B) and break the bed without hitting the villager. This wakes the villager and turns the bed back into an entity, and you can pick it up, place it, and click on it it sleep much faster than the villager will try to path-find to its new location.
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What is the minimum distance between two villages in Minecraft?

The minimum distance between two Villages or Iron Golem Farm is at least 32 blocks. It can be more than that but 32 blocks are the minimum. Does every Minecraft World have a village? In short, Yes.
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What is the rarest village in Minecraft?

#1 - Snowy

The snowy tundra biome is among the rarest to find on a Minecraft map. This subsequently makes the snowy village the rarest village type of them all. Snowy villages have perhaps the most unique terrain of all the villages.
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Can you have 10 villagers?

Animal Crossing's Island Villager Limits Explained

Each neighbor has their own appeal, but some Animal Crossing villagers are more popular than others. By allowing players to obtain 10 different villagers, each of the personality types can be acquired with room for two duplicates.
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What is the villager detection range for golems?

In Java Edition, a villager can attempt to spawn an iron golem while not having a golem alive within the box of radius 16 blocks around the villager and more than 30 seconds has passed.
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How far does a villager have to be to unclaim a bed bedrock?

It's under my knowledge that the villagers must be 100 blocks away to unclaim a bed and allow more villagers to be bred.
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What is the random tick distance in bedrock?

In Bedrock Edition, all chunks inside simulation distance (or specified in the /tickingarea command) are ticked on every game tick. Random ticking randomly occurs in blocks in ticking chunks, regardless of player position inside the chunk. The 128-block distance used in Java does not apply.
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How rare is mending villagers?

Getting a mending villager at random is almost impossible, as natural swamp villages are scarce. You may have to start multiple new worlds before you find any natural swamp villages. Even so, discovering natural swamp villages does not mean you'll find a mending villager.
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How to stop villagers from taking other workstations in Bedrock?

I have 2 solutions: 1. Simply add a button inside the UI of all workstations that disable villagers from linking to that block. 2. Add an item called "Builders Hammer" or something similar and whenever you right-click the workstation block it will disable villagers from linking to that block.
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Why won't villagers breed?

If your villagers are not breeding, there could be a number of reasons for it. It could be that the beds are already claimed by other villagers, the roof over the beds is too short, or the villagers don't feel safe with whatever is in the surrounding area.
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Why do pillagers hate villagers?

According to the Minecraft Mobestiary, the Illagers were banished from villages for committing "unspeakable activities." An example of this banishment could be seen in The Rise of the Arch-Illager, the prequel novel of Minecraft Dungeons. This is likely be the reason why the Illagers feel such hatred for Villagers.
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Do villagers forget I hit them?

Unlike some angry mobs in Minecraft, villagers don't have a specific timer for how long they stay mad after being hit. Instead, their "anger level" works differently: Hitting a villager decreases their "gossip value" by 1. This value represents their overall opinion of you, and hitting them significantly decreases it.
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Does killing a golem angry villagers?

Villagers don't get angry when you kill the iron golem within their village.
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How to cure zombie villagers?

Armor. A zombie villager is a variant of the zombie that can be cured into a normal villager using a golden apple while it is under the effect of Weakness.
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Why won't my villager accept a job?

They won't take any form of profession until after they have linked with a bed. If the villager is not linked with a bed, they won't be able to take a job. Place a bed near the villager and give them a few seconds to link with it. Once linked, they should be able to take on a profession.
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How to make villagers breed?

Make sure that villagers receive 14 food points – a bread delivers 4 points and similarly, potatoes, carrots, beetroots come with 1 point each. 5. After that, leave two villagers in a building and come back in the next 20 minutes – a baby villager would appear, and grant a bed to him/her as well.
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