How long does it take to beat the Witcher 3 Blood and Wine?

When focusing on the main objectives, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine is about 15 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 40½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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How long is Blood and Wine compared to main?

The original run is around 100 hours, Hearts of Stone is about 10–15 hours, Blood and Wine is around 20–30, all of it depending on how much you explore.
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How long is Witcher 3 with all DLC?

Whether you choose the leisure or rushed approach, it will take at least 150h to complete this game with all DLCs and expansions at 100%. A pretty impressive piece of fun! But The Witcher III is definitely worth it as one of the best RPG recommendations ever made.
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Is Blood and Wine longer than the heart of stone?

10 Blood and Wine is much bigger

Heart of Stones is an excellent DLC too, but it will only keep you occupied for about half the time of Blood and Wine which is something to keep in mind if you're trying to choose between the two games.
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How long is the Hearts of Stone DLC?

Hearts of Stone will take Geralt on an all-new, 10-hour-plus adventure into the wilds of No Man's Land and the nooks and alleys of Oxenfurt, where he'll try to complete a contract from the mysterious Man of Glass.
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Everything You Need to Know About the Final Expansion - The Witcher 3: Blood & Wine

Is Heart of Stone DLC worth it?

The Hearts of Stone DLC for the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is rock-solid. A completely new storyline, new side quests and new areas to explore all come together in this stunning first DLC for the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. A must have for all Witcher fans. Hearts of Stone expansion is worth every penny.
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Should you play Hearts of Stone before Blood and Wine?

The recommended way to experience The Witcher 3 DLC is by its release order. This means completing Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Hearts of Stone, and Blood and Wine in that order. However, it is possible for players to jump into Hearts of Stone first, even ahead of the main campaign, without any major story confusion.
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Which DLC is better, Heart of Stone or Blood and Wine?

Both present new content, adventures, and heroes that are often described as better than those in the base game. In the end, Blood and Wine wins! While it doesn't feature such a gripping storyline, BaW triumphs with a new location, improved mechanics, and more gameplay hours.
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How many endings are there in Blood and Wine?

Blood and Wine also features three main endings which concern the fate of its central characters: Duchess Anna Henrietta, her estranged sister Syanna, and vampire Detlaff.
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Is the Blood and Wine expansion good?

Yes, Blood and Wine gives you a interesting and big new land to explore, with new enemies, quests, and an interesting enough story… Recently I completed The Witcher 3, now I want to play its expansions.
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Is The Witcher 3 bigger than Skyrim?

Compared to Witcher 3's size, calculated on Reddit to be approximately 49 real-world square miles (127 square kilometers), Skyrim falls drastically short and reaches only 15 square miles (39 square kilometers).
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Is The Witcher 3 the longest game ever?

The Witcher 3: Game Of The Year Edition reigns as one of the longest RPGs, requiring around 125 hours to complete its epic open-world adventure.
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Should I play The Witcher 3 DLC before or after the main game?

I agree with the other answer, that on a first playthrough it is the better experience to do the DLCs after the main game, one after each other. Heart of Stone has an intriguing and compact main story and Blood&Wine plays in a whole new area. Thus they both have their own character. B&W is best done last.
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What level should you play Blood and Wine?

You should be somewhere around level 30 to 35 to start.
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Which Blood and Wine ending is the best?

There are a few different endings to the Blood and Wine Expansion. If you get the ribbon, Syanna will survive, and you'll be forced to kill Detlaff. There's a big ceremony, Geralt gets the equivalent of the Medal of Honor, and the two sisters make up. This is the so-called "best ending".
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Does Blood and Wine affect main story?

The expansion has no bearing on the main game. The can be done completely independently. If your asking what mission matters to the outcome of Blood of Wine, it's literally just the last mission segment "Night of the Long Fangs."
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Should I play Blood and Wine after main quest?

You can start them when you want, but it's best to do so after you finish the main story of the base game.
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Can Regis stay in Toussaint?

The main thing to note about this ending is that Regis is allowed to stay in Toussaint because he's not forced to betray Dettlaff. For this reason, some people believe this to be the best ending — although the one where both Anna and Syanna survive is probably still the most popular one.
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Can you spare Dettlaff?

Dettlaff can be killed multiple ways but can only live if you let him kill Syanna and then don't fight him. You as Geralt will go to prison if Detlaff kills Syanna. Anna and Syanna can either both die or both live. But the only way to get them to both live is to have Syanna meet Detlaff and have given her the ribbon.
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What does the Blood and Wine DLC add?

It adds a new map entirely separated by the ones in the base game, many new game mechanics, a new story that many consider to be even better than the one in the main game and a feeling of closure for Geralt at the end.
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How many hours is Blood and Wine DLC?

When focusing on the main objectives, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine is about 15 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 40½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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What is the best sword in Witcher 3 Blood and Wine?

Aerondight (Silver)

Probably the name that gets thrown around the most when people start talking about the best Witcher 3 weapons, the Aerondight is a best-in-class silver sword available exclusively with - yes, you guessed it - Blood and Wine.
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What level should I be to play Heart of Stone?

The Hearts of Stone DLC starts at level 30, and although the player is able to begin the DLC at any level they want, it will be challenging to fight the enemies in the DLC if the player isn't at least level 30.
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Should I play Heart of Stone before Isle of Mists?

Storywise Hearts of Stone could be done before going to the Island of Mists. In my oppinnion one don't neccessarily just OP playing HoS, If you already are at the level when you can complete the HoS quests like level 32'ish, you are already overpowered for the endgame.
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How long is Hearts of Stone?

When focusing on the main objectives, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone is about 10 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 18 Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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