How long does Turn Undead last?

Channel Divinity: Turn Undead Each undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.
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How many times can you use Turn Undead?

Specifics: With this feat, the character can force undead to flee in terror. This ability may be activated three times per day, plus the character's charisma modifier. The character's level and charisma are used to determine how many undead are turned.
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How does turning undead work?

Turn Undead operates under the same logic as fear and charm-based spells: It takes enemies out of the fight until the duration expires or they take damage. This functionally breaks an encounter into two smaller encounters, divided between those who passed and failed their saving throws.
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What is the range of Turn Undead?

Turn undead is a channel divinity cast by nearly all clerics. When a cleric casts turn undead he or she pushes any undead within a nearby area of five feet in radius back at least fifteen feet, perhaps further depending on the cleric's strength of personality.
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How good is Turn Undead?

Turn Undead is a fairly niche tool in a cleric's arsenal, as it only targets on kind of creature type. Luckily, when you're facing off against hordes of zombies or a haunted mansion full of ghosts, it's an extraordinarily powerful tool for various tactical situations.
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Baldur's Gate 3 when turn Undead crits

Does Turn Undead have a cr limit?

In 5e, there's no CR limit for Turn, and most undead's Wis saves don't scale with CR. So at higher levels, once the Save DC is high enough and the cleric can use it twice per short rest, this becomes an auto-win button for the players.
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How much damage does Turn Undead do?

In its most basic form, Turn Undead is essentially a highly effective crowd control ability for any undead foes. Turn Undead becomes even more powerful when a Cleric reaches Level 5. At that point, Turn Undead will also deal 4d6 Radiant damage to any undead that fail their Wisdom saving throw.
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Why is Turn Undead called Turn Undead?

#Turn undead is, in fact, a special sort of prayer to your god, not a spell, although it doesn't affect your prayer timeout. The name comes from Dungeons and Dragons, where it is a specific supernatural ability for causing undead beings to turn and flee.
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What are undead weakness?

Fire, ice, lightning, holy water, someone who is really fast. The only things zombies are immune to is Sleep and Charm spells as all Undead are.
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Does Turn Undead need line of sight?

The rules seem to imply that the undead have to be within range and sight/earshot only at the beginning of the effect. Which makes sense since part of the feature is that they run away from you and would then cease to be within range at some point.
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Does Turn Undead affect dhampir?

Dhampir are half typed by undead so in addition to the traits listed, there are all those traits that undead have, including susceptible to turning.
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Does Turn Undead affect vampires?

Vampires, being undead, are susceptible to Turn Undead.
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Does Turn Undead work on zombies?

A level 5 Cleric uses their one use of Channel Divinity to use the Turn Undead effect. The zombies in the area that fail the save are instantly destroyed; the zombies that passed the save are now turned and will move as far away as possible during their turn.
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Does Turn Undead work on a lich?

Spells that do Fire and Radiant damage are common and will probably work just fine against a Lich. A lich is Undead, so most spells and abilities (except the Cleric Turn Undead feature) will be quite effective. Of course, Power Word Kill is your go-to if you want something dead.
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What is the saving throw for Turn Undead?

Channel Divinity: Turn UndeadD

Each undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw.
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Can you blind undead?

Yes Undead (and Constructs) can be blinded unless specific effect or creature has immunity. Some effects that cause blindness may not work on Undead, however. Blindness/deafness spell for example, specifically affects living creatures.
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Do undead feel pain?

Long story short; zombies have most likely experienced nerve damage that contributes to the common notion that they experience little to no physical pain. It could just be due to trauma, injury, infection, or Trioxin. But they most certainly seem to ignore discomfort in their ultimate pursuit of human flesh.
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What hurts undead?

Undead creatures are damaged by positive energy, are healed by negative energy, and don't benefit from healing effects.
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Why do all clerics get Turn Undead?

All clerics, no matter what god they serve and in what form, MUST vanquish the undead when they encounter them, to keep the cycle of the multiverse going. In summation, all clerics have Turn Undead because otherwise the multiverse might be destroyed.
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Does Turn Undead work on revenant?

The revenant is immune to effects that turn undead. Vengeful Tracker. The revenant knows the distance to and direction of any creature against which it seeks revenge, even if the creature and the revenant are on different planes of existence.
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Is Turn Undead magical?

At 2nd level, you gain the ability to channel divine energy directly from your deity, using that energy to fuel magical effects: Turn Undead... This clearly marks Channel Divinity as a magical effect, and the Magic Resistance of the Flameskull would be triggered for advantage on the saving throw for Turn Undead.
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What does pray to Turn Undead do?

Turn Undead is an Action provided by the Cleric Class at Level 2. Its description says “Pray to Turn all undead that can see you.” Turned creatures flee away from the Cleric that used this ability.
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Can undead be healed?

Unlike many video games, Undead in D&D are not resistant to being healed. Cure Wounds will revive an Undead character's health just as much as a regular, living person. As well, being a Reborn does not, mechanically, make you Undead.
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How much damage does holy water do to undead?

Holy Water (flask)

If the target is a fiend or undead, it takes 2d6 radiant damage. A cleric or paladin may create holy water by performing a special ritual.
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