How long to beat Lonesome Road?

this is one road you must walk alone. How long is Fallout: New Vegas - Lonesome Road? When focusing on the main objectives, Fallout: New Vegas - Lonesome Road is about 4 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 6 Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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How long does Lonesome Road take to complete?

The estimated time to complete all 5 Lonesome Road achievements for Fallout: New Vegas is 4-5 hours. This estimate is based on the modal completion time from 857 TrueAchievements members that have completed the add-on.
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Is the Lonesome Road DLC worth it?

The story is really excellent that adds a lot to the lore and the dialogue from the main NPC of the dlc, Ulysses, is very interesting to hear. Unique weapons and armor are also added that are very good and powerful. This is the best dlc for New Vegas and anyone who owns the game should get this add-on.
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What is the shortest FNV DLC?

All DLC time depends on how much you're exploring, but in order from shortest to longest from what i remember is:
  • Honest Hearts.
  • Lonesome Road.
  • Dead Money.
  • Old World Blues.
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Should I play Lonesome Road before or after the main quest?

It doesn't really matter, except for slightly different dialogue depending on who you're siding with in the MQ. The game ends when you finish the main quest so you have to do Lonesome Road first.
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Lonesome Road Part 11: All the Loot & Perks! - Fallout New Vegas

Can you go back to Lonesome Road after beating it?

Can you return to the divide after completing Lonesome Road | Fandom. Yes, the only DLC area that you cannot return to after completing the DLC is the Sierra Madre. Yep, you can.
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Can you find Ulysses after Lonesome Road?

If Ulysses lives, after the add-on's end, he can be found near the pass to canyon wreckage, just outisde the door to the Hopeville missile silo bunker, where he will help the Courier make campfire recipes.
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What is the hardest FNV DLC?

Dead Money is definitely the most difficult IMO, it's honestly an extremely underappreciated dlc it's in my opinion even better than Honest Hearts and Old World Blues.
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Which Fallout 4 DLC is the hardest?

Compared to other Fallout DLC, Automatron consistently challenges players due to the durable nature of its enemies and boss fights. Only Nuka-World attains a similar difficulty level as that DLC foists the player into a gauntlet followed by an intense gladiatorial duel.
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Which Fallout 4 DLC is the longest?

Nuka-World is the biggest DLC in Fallout 4 with a playthrough time of roughly eleven hours. Nuka-World takes the Sole Survivor to the titular theme park, but only after reaching level 30. The Nuka-World Amusement Park is a bright and colorful theme park that has since been overrun by raiders.
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What level should I start Lonesome Road?

Recommended Level: 25

The Lonesome Road DLC story sees the conclusion of the Courier's own story, one that began before they were shot in the head by Benny in the opening cutscene.
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Do you have to launch the nuke Lonesome Road?

There are two collapsed buildings farther up the road and a nuclear warhead which must be detonated in order to pass; doing so will also kill a marked man in the collapsed building.
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Can you get ED-E upgrades after Lonesome Road?

All eyebot upgrade circuit boards are located inside destroyed eyebots. One can find these upgrades either during or after finishing Lonesome Road, even if ED-E isn't a companion.
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What happens if you cancel the launch Lonesome Road?

Should the courier desire to select "Attempt to cancel the launch.", ED-E must be rescued first. If not, the quest fails and leads to The Apocalypse.
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What is the point of Lonesome Road?

Lonesome Road brings the Courier's story full circle when they are contacted by the original "Courier Six," a man by the name of Ulysses, a former frumentarius of Caesar who refused to deliver the platinum chip at the start of the main storyline in Fallout: New Vegas.
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What is the last DLC for Fallout: New Vegas?

You can't do any dlc after the main story as the game ends when you finish it. The 4 dlc are linked in one big story that complements the main story. Order doesn't matter too much, but lonesome road should always be done last near the end of the game.
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What's the hardest boss in Fallout 4?

Of the ones you have to fight, Colter is probably the hardest, but it can be made easier by removing the fusion core in the generator room next to the arena and using the Thirst Zapper.
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What is the rarest enemy in Fallout 4?

Mirelurk Queens are exceedingly rare foes in Fallout 4, typically reserved as final fights in a handful of locations. One area where players can fight this large creature is the Massachusetts State House.
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What is the weakest faction in Fallout 4?

The Railroad (Worst)
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What is the easiest New Vegas DLC?

Hones t Hearts is definitely the easiest. The other DLC's stories are connected to each other so if you want to play them in story order, play them in the order Monke said. Dead money is a complicated case, everyone who plays it either really loves it or really hates it.
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How many hours is 100% FNV?

When focusing on the main objectives, Fallout: New Vegas is about 27 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 132 Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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Is there a max level FNV?

Fallout: New Vegas: 30–50; each of the four add-ons raises the level cap by 5 levels. Fallout 4 does not have a level cap; [Non-game 1] however, the game crashes upon leveling past 65,535.
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Should you do Lonesome Road last?

Yup. It's supposed to be the Courier's last journey before the Hoover Dam. The other add-ons build it up, and it is the hardest one. It's set up to be the last road the Courier walks before the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, so technically yes you should wait until close to the end.
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What happens if you nuke Caesar's Legion?

Nuking a faction will drop the Courier's reputation with that faction down to the lowest possible rank (Idolized will become Wild Child, while Liked will become Soft-Hearted Devil).
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Can you avoid killing Ulysses?

Be aware, however, that if one wishes to spare Ulysses, any dialogue that suggests deception on the part of the Courier, or attempting to use the holotapes option without having collected all six, will result in Ulysses being disgusted with the Courier. The only remaining option will then be to fight him to the death.
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