How many endings does Dragon Age: Origins have?

Dragon Age: Origins Yep, there's about 2 major moral choices and 4 major endings. Each ending differs based on other major and minor choices and origin story.
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How many possible endings are there in Dragon Age: Origins?

There are four possible endings. The Warden kills the Archdemon and dies; you get a series of slides about how your death affects your companions.
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Is there a good ending for Dragon Age: Origins?

Good: Obvs you kill the dragon and cultists like the superhero you are. Let Genetivi have the Urn to make thousands of people happy. Bad: Leave the dragon and the cultists be, defile the urn, kill Leliana and Genetivi (I forget if you have the choice to kill Genetivi).
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What is the canon ending of Dragon Age: Origins?

According to Bioware, the "canon story" for Dragon Age: Origins is that the Warden is of Dalish Elf origin (no gender mentioned}, the Warden sacrifices themselves to kill the Archdemon (no God-baby with Morrigan} and Alistair becomes King.
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Does Dragon Age: Inquisition have multiple endings?

"Most endings are major variations based upon your choices in the game. There are only a few completely unique endings," clarified Dragon Age series executive producer Mark Darrah on Twitter.
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10 Dumbest Decisions In Sci-Fi Movie History

Does Solas take your arm?

According to writer Patrick Weekes, Solas removes the Anchor, but the arm that carried it is beyond saving at that point. Weekes also replied "yes" when asked if Solas removes the Inquisitor's arm; however, as shown in the cutscene, Solas doesn't remove the arm physically.
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Is Dragon Age 4 a sequel to Inquisition?

The fourth major game in the Dragon Age franchise, The Veilguard will be the sequel to Dragon Age: Inquisition (2014). The game is expected to be released for PlayStation 5, Windows, and Xbox Series X/S in fall of 2024.
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Is Alistair becoming king canon?

The plot follows BioWare's own canon, meaning that Alistair is king of Ferelden in the comic's story.
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Can you marry in Dragon Age: Origins?

Some marriages can even be done for political reasons, like with Alistair and Anora in Dragon Age: Origins. Marriage with NPCs are always an endgame event, and NPCs that can marry the player throughout the game series include Alistair, Anora, Sera, and Cullen.
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What happens to Morrigan after Dragon Age: Origins?

After the battle, Morrigan, and Kieran if he was born, leave the Inquisition for parts unknown. She also serves as the narrator of the epilogue for Inquisition.
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Can you romance Morrigan in Dragon Age: Origins?

Morrigan can only be romanced by a male Warden. It is important to remember that Morrigan is very set in her ways.
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Who can you sleep with in Dragon Age: Origins?

There are four romance options in Dragon Age: Origins.
  • Alistair (female only)
  • Leliana (male and female)
  • Morrigan (male only)
  • Zevran Arainai (male and female)
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Why is Dragon Age: Origins so much better?

In addition to the richness of the world players were placed in, there was an impressive dialogue system that let gamers dig into the lore and get to know companions on a deeper level, and a multitude of morally difficult decisions that shaped the story in palpable ways.
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Can you become queen in Dragon Age: Origins?

So, you want to rule Ferelden? In the history of Thedas, a Grey Warden queen has been unheard of. In Dragon Age: Origins though, it is possible. However, players have to make very specific choices that range from character creation, who you romance, and the choices made within the games' story.
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Is there a way to save Amalia Dragon Age: Origins?

Allowing the demon to possess Amalia will avoid a fight and "Amalia" will return to her father pretending to be safe and sound. You can compromise and agree to free Kitty without letting her take Amalia, or you can pretend to help Kitty but lie convincingly for a chance to save Amalia.
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Can you continue after beating Dragon Age: Origins?

Yes, but some sidequests will be unavailable - like most of the companions quests. Best thing to do is honestly finish up everything you can before the final mission.
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Can you have children in Dragon Age: Origins?

The short answer is yes, a warden can have children with a non warden and the child won't be born with the taint. And no, two wardens can't have children with one another (but it might be possible with the aid of magic).
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What is the best class in Dragon Age: Origins?

Although rogues are useful for players who are revisiting Dragon Age, primarily so chests or doors can be unlocked without needing to rely on companions, Mage is the best class in Dragon Age: Origins combat-wise.
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Can you flirt with everyone in Dragon Age: Origins?

It is possible to romance multiple characters in a single play-through, but you will be bullied into making a choice. It is relatively easily possible to sleep around with all 3 romance-able characters per Warden gender in a single play, but you can only be in love with one (or none).
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Why can't Alistair marry an elf?

Elves and dwarves are subhumans- the human majority would revolt and behead allistair the next day if he took an elf or dwarf queen.
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Is Alistair in Inquisition?

Alistair also returns in Dragon Age: Inquisition as the King of Ferelden or a Grey Warden unless the player imports a world state from Dragon Age Keep where he died or became a drunk. If made king, he will make a brief appearance after the Inquisitor confronts Alexius in Redcliffe.
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How old is Leliana?

At age 36, Leliana is the second youngest Divine in history and the third to be elected outside the traditional Chantry hierarchy.
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Will Solas be in Dragon Age 4?

The original Dreadwolf title - which reiterated that Solas will play a big part in Dragon Age 4 - was revealed in a tweet from the game's official account, which also linked out to a blog post going into more detail about Solas' return.
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Will there be a Dragon Age Absolution?

Dragon Age: Absolution is a Canadian-Korean adult animated fantasy television series created by Mairghread Scott for Netflix. Produced by Red Dog Culture House under the supervision of BioWare, the series was released on December 9, 2022.
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What is a Dreadwolf?

Description. Dread wolves were very rare, and generally resembled normal wolves. They acted as conduits to evil mages who could see and hear all that the dread wolves could. Thus, the undead creatures were used as scouts that were under direct control of their magical masters.
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