How many hearts does the Master Sword take?

Players can pull the Master Sword in BOTW only after obtaining a total of 13 full heart containers.
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Can you get the Master Sword with 10 hearts?

You could look up an early Master Sword glitch that requires a youtube guide to explain, but properly completing The Hero's Sword to get the Master Sword is not possible with only 10 heart containers. You can get the Master Sword at ten hearts, but that's in addition to the three that you start the game with.
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Why does the Master Sword go from 30 to 60?

Weapon Stats

If Link is inside a dungeon, near Guardians or Malice, the blade of the sword will glow with a light blue aura. While in this state, the Master Sword will deal 60 damage and will only change back to 30 (with exception of the Trial of the Sword DLC) if moved away from malice.
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Do I need 13 hearts to keep the Master Sword?

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

You need 13 hearts to pull out the Master Sword but once you've got it your hearts can go below 13 if you want to swap some heart containers for stamina containers.
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Is it better to get hearts or stamina in BOTW?

Because Breath of the Wild is open-world, the Stamina Vessels are the better option. Players will spend the majority of their gameplay climbing and paragliding. It's also much easier to activate Sheikah Towers with more Stamina Wheels than it is with more Hearts.
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Why does Link need 13 hearts?

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However, the Master Sword in Breath of the Wild is coveted for being the exception to this rule and, instead, recharges after it becomes broken. Players can pull the Master Sword in BOTW only after obtaining a total of 13 full heart containers.
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What happens if you keep the decayed Master Sword?

Due to the fact that the sword was decayed, it dealt minimum damage due to its power being absorbed. It does not have infinite durability unlike its original counterpart. The sword does not recharge after losing all of its energy and cannot be used for the rest of the Tutorial Island.
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Can the Hylian Shield break BOTW?

While the Hylian Shield has a vast amount of durability, unlike the Master Sword it's not invincible and can break. If that happens, it won't no longer appear inside the Hylian Castle Lockup, and instead must be purchased from a special vendor after the end of a long quest.
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Can I use the Master Sword forever?

The Master Sword is a one-handed weapon in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Once restored, this weapon can deal a good amount of damage without breaking. However, after using it for a while, the sword will run low on energy and need some time to recharge.
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Where is Link's sword in BotW?

The Master Sword is located in the center of The Lost Woods and is protected by the Great Deku Tree—an old ally of Link's. To obtain the Master Sword, you'll need to successfully navigate The Lost Woods' maze-like paths and possess 13 full Heart Containers.
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How many hearts to defeat Ganon in BOTW?

The frustration is only increased by not being able to get both health and stamina to their highest simultaneously, but 30 Heart Containers in Breath of the Wild is more than enough to defeat Calamity Ganon.
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How to get fake Master Sword totk?

Fake Master Swords can be found in the Lost Woods. They are decoys placed in there to prevent Link from finding the real Master Sword.
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How much stamina Master Sword?

You are going to need two green stamina wheels in order to pull out the Master Sword. If you don't have enough stamina, the Light Dragon will shake you off. Again, yellow stamina wheels don't count here — so it might be worth respecing your health into stamina.
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Can I lose the Master Sword?

The Master Sword breaks at the start of the game and remains in Link's inventory for a while in an unusable state before Zelda comes along in a mysterious dreamlike sequence and takes it away from Link. Fortunately, there are a few different ways to get the Master Sword back and fixed.
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Is there an unbreakable bow in BOTW?

The Master Sword is unique in that it's the only unbreakable weapon in the game.
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What is the strongest bow in BOTW?

This bow is only granted to you by Princess Zelda upon facing off against your arch-nemesis, Ganon. But the fact is that, in the course of this singular event, the Bow of Light is simply the most powerful bow in the game, bar none. It comes with a beastly 100 attack, 100 durability, and 500 range.
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How many Lynel hits can the Hylian Shield take?

Not only is its defensive capacity unmatched, but the Hylian Shield also has a durability of 800, meaning that as long as it continues blocking attacks weaker than 90 damage, it should take up to 800 hits before breaking (for context, a Golden Lynel would do 60 damage in BOTW).
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Can I fuse the Master Sword?

Fuse is an ability that's a blast to engage with, and players can use some powerful materials to enhance everything in their arsenal, including the potent Master Sword. This legendary weapon is a blast to use, making it easy to see why players would want to bolster its power as much as possible.
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Does demise have a Master Sword?

Demise is sealed away within the Master Sword, where his remains begin to decay.
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How to recharge the Master Sword totk?

Over time, the Master Sword will make a message appear on-screen that lets players know that the weapon is running low on energy. If the sword keeps being used after the message shows up, the Master Sword will "break," but it'll come back to Link after recharging for about ten minutes.
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Why does Link never age?

That said, his actual age is pretty ambiguous. Similar to other video game heroes, like Mario, Link hasn't aged all that much throughout the years. As the hero of time, he is more of an archetype than a person — both ageless and not.
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Is Link sister Zelda?

Link and Zelda were never siblings. The closest that any of the Links and Zeldas were, are childhood friends in The Minish Cap, lovers in Skyward Sword and forgotten companions in Breath of the Wild.
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Why is Link so girly?

“Back during the Ocarina of Time days, I wanted Link to be gender neutral. I wanted the player to think 'Maybe Link is a boy or a girl,'” Aonuma told Time. “If you saw Link as a guy, he'd have more of a feminine touch.
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