How many jobs until Thieves Guild is restored?

You have to do a total of five jobs, whether from Delvin or Vex, in each hold and finish those special quests in order to bring it back into business. You have the finish the questline and do 5 jobs for Vex or Mallory in every one of the 'special' cities in order to get the 'special' jobs.
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How many jobs do you have to do to become Guild Master?

All the quests these NPCs offer contribute to the Thieves Guild's improvement, but only if they are done in the correct locations. To become Master of the Thieves Guild, players must complete five jobs each in the cities of Whiterun, Windhelm, Solitude, and Markarth.
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What is the fastest way to restore the Thieves Guild?

In order to restore the Thieves' Guild to its former glory and assume the title of Guildmaster, you must perform 4 'special jobs' across four major Holds of Skyrim: Whiterun, Markarth, Windhelm, and Solitude. In order to get a special job, you must first complete 5 smaller jobs in that hold.
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Are the Thieves Guild jobs endless?

Doing five jobs for one hold earns you a "special job" for that hold, which brings about a vendor or fence or something similar... I think there are eight to ten in total to earn. But the little jobs themselves are endless. If you want to cancel the job, just speak to the questgiver again...
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How many quests do you have to do for Delvin and Vex?

Answers. From what I've read, you need to complete 5 of the extra jobs (given by Vex and Delvin) for each city. From there, you'll receive a special quest (of which there are four). After completing all of these quests, you'll receive the achievement.
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TESV: Skyrim - Restoring the Thieve's Guild to its former glory

Can we marry Vex Skyrim?

No. He is not in the marriageable faction, so you're out of luck.
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How many Thieves Guild jobs must you do?

5 jobs for each major town are required to become guildmaster.
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How many missions does it take to restore the Thieves Guild?

You have to do a total of five jobs, whether from Delvin or Vex, in each hold and finish those special quests in order to bring it back into business. You have the finish the questline and do 5 jobs for Vex or Mallory in every one of the 'special' cities in order to get the 'special' jobs.
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Is there a penalty for quitting Thieves Guild jobs?

No repercussions. A talking to by Delvin and disappointment from Vex in their speech but nothing that affects the quests.
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Does Delvin run out of jobs?

It's 5 jobs per hold for the special job. If you did mostly Riften, Raven Rock, and Whiterun, then you could indeed do 30+ jobs and still be short. Try checking the quest log. If you have 5 or more Delvin/Vex missions in Markarth, Solitude, or Windhelm, then you definitely have a problem.
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Can you get Nightingale armor without joining the Thieves Guild?

To create this article, 11 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Nightingale armor is an awesome choice for a thief class in Skyrim. If you want to get your own, you have to join the Thieves Guild and complete some of its main questline.
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What do I do with the right eye of the falmer?

It is a highly valuable miscellaneous item just like its counterpart. Besides the name, the difference between the two is that the Right Eye is not a quest item and can be sold, dropped, or used as decoration for the player's house.
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Does Brynjolf talk to you again?

After the Thieves Guild main questline, Brynjolf can be found wandering around the cistern and the flagon. Due to a bug, when spoken to, he will say that he has important things to do and will talk sometime later, rather than speaking his scripted post-quest dialogue.
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Can I marry Brynjolf in Skyrim?

You can only marry companions, except Serana. The only way to marry Brynjolf is to use mods like RDO relationship dialog overhaul.
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How long does a Guild Master have to be inactive?

You can claim the leadership of your guild if your Guild Master has been offline for 90 consecutive days, and you are ranked second, third, or fourth in your guild roster.
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Can you keep the skeleton key?

The Skeleton Key can be used like a regular lockpick and can be kept indefinitely, provided it's never returned to the Twilight Sepulcher, during the mission "Darkness Returns." In addition, the Lockpicking skill will still increase when a lock is opened (removed in patch 1.4, back by 1.9).
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Does doing extra jobs for the Thieves Guild do anything?

Yes, after you do a few extra missions then you unlock a special mission and after you complete that mission then a new merchant moves into the thieves guild and additional stuff gets added in. I've done two of these special missions so far and have a Potion merchant and General Merchant.
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Are Thieves Guild jobs infinite?

Once you join the guild, you can speak to Delvin and Vex to receive radiant Thieves Guild quests. These jobs can be repeated indefinitely, and you can have one active job per quest-giver, but you must complete or quit your current job before you can receive another one from that particular quest-giver.
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Can the Thieves Guild be killed?

Thats mean you CANNOT kill them by any means (except by console commands if you THAT desperate) The guild is the source for many side missions (some of it are AWESOME) so to avoid the player to miss it some of the guild members (mostly the mission giver) cannot be killed.
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Can the Thieves Guild clear bounty?

Pay the bounty (Thieves Guild discount). If players are part of the Thieves Guild and have completed the quest that expands them into the current hold, they can pay half the bounty's value to clear it. Go to jail. Players can always choose not to pay the bounty and instead spend some time in jail.
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What is Delvin Mallory's job?

Delvin Mallory is a member of the Thieves' Guild and can be found in the Ragged Flagon in The Ratway under Riften. Delvin is in charge of side quests related to: The Numbers Job. The Fishing Job.
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What gets you kicked out of the Thieves Guild?

This Thieves Guild quest is attainable after the Dragonborn has broken any of the rules of the Thieves Guild, such as being seen attacking or killing an important client or members of their family. As a consequence, the Dragonborn is kicked out of the guild and generally shunned by the members of the guild.
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Is there a special Thieves Guild job for Riften?

A special request was not needed to be completed in Riften, because the Thieves Guild already had a major presence in the city and was preeminently dominant throughout the area, especially with their ties to Maven Black-Briar.
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How many crowns is Thieves Guild?

Included with an active ESO Plus Membership or available for purchase for 2000 crowns in the in-game Crown Store.
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