How many roommates can you have Sims 4?

The same applies for roomates, you can have up to 10 sims living in your house including roomates.
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Is there a limit to roommates Sims 4?

Adding at least 2 roommates can increase your household capacity by 2 to a max of 10. A butler needs a bed assigned but does not count toward the 8 household sims, and is not controlled by you directly.
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How many family members can you have in a household Sims 4?

The default in MCCC is the game's default of 8. You can change that to anything under 25. To edit a household and have it keep more than 8, you have to click on a sim who is in the household you want to add more to. Click on MC Command Center / Modify Household in CAS.
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What is the max tenant in Sims 4?

For Rent introduces multi-residential lots that will allow players to build out multi-unit homes where several Sims families can live — all with the normal household limit of eight Sims. There's a limit of six units per lot, making for a total of 48 potential Sims tenants to look after.
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Can you have more than one roommate in the Sims?

There can be up to ten Sims living on a lot, including the playable household. So, for example, there could be a full household of eight playable Sims and two roommates, or one playable Sim and nine roommates.
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Complete Guide To Roommates | The Sims 4 Discover University

How many Sims can live together?

How many Sims can live in each unit? A full Sim household of 8 Sims can live in a Unit.
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How do you exceed household limits in Sims 4?

so once you've downloaded MC Command Center. and it's properly copied into your Sims 4 Mods folder, you will need to head to the household of your choice, click on a computer, go into MCCC Settings, Gameplay Settings, maximum household size, and from there. you can adjust the household size from 8 to 104.
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Can you have more than 8 family members in Sims 4?

To edit a household and have it keep more than 8, you have to click on a sim who is in the household you want to add more to. Click on MC Command Center / Modify Household in CAS. You HAVE to use the "Modify Household in CAS" method to add more than 8 or the game won't keep it.
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Can I marry my roommate in Sims?

Roommates can get married, although I believe marrying a roommate will bring them into the main household as a playable character, but teens can't get married, or even be in a romantic relationship with an adult, in Sims 3.
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Can roommates share bed Sims 4?

You need to have a bed per person (even if you have 2 married Sims, they each need their own bed) , plus any toddlers or pets or Butlers you have each need their own adult bed … and then you need the extra bed(s) for any roommates.
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Do you have to control roommates Sims 4?

"Roommates are NPC's meaning they can't be controlled." To qualify as a potential roommate (not controlled) the Sim needs to be homeless and in their own single Sim household.
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How many roommates can you have Sims 4 reddit?

There can be a total of 10 sims living in your house including your own sims.
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How do you add more roommates on Sims 4?

On their computer, have your Sim go to “Household” then “Place Advertisement for Roommates”… [Note: If this option is greyed out, please see “Preparing for a Roommate” above.] Once the ad has been placed you can wait for potential roommates to show up at the door.
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Can roommates have babies Sims 4?

When Roommates get pregnant while living with you a Notification will pop up informing you who got pregnant and who the other parent is. They will not be able to give birth while being your Roommate.
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Do pets count as Sims Sims 4?

I reckon that as far as the game's concerned a pet counts as a sim and requires about as much computational power as a sim, and that's why it takes up a household slot - because the 8-person household limitation exists because the game can get glitchy if you have too many people in a household.
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How big can sim household be?

Without a pet-related expansion pack, household size is limited to eight. The The Sims: Unleashed and The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs expansion packs does not change this limit; a household can have any number of Sims and pets as long as the total does not exceed eight.
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Can you have 2 wives in Sims 4?

If you want them to be dating you would need to add mods, as the base game doesn't allow polygamy. Mods can add multiple boyfriends/girlfriends and even marriages. Love is free.
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What is MCCC Sims 4?

The Master Controller Command Center (MCCC) mod enhances gameplay in The Sims 4 by improving functionality and story progression, resulting in a more immersive and realistic experience for players. It's free and safe to download.
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How many Sims can your Sim marry?

Sims can marry other Sims of the same gender. Divorce can happen, but otherwise, Sims can only marry one other Sim at a time. Also, unlike previous iterations of the franchise, no one's name is changed after a marriage.
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What country is Sims 4 for rent based on?

On November 2, 2023, we discover the trailer for The Sims 4 For Rent, an opus that takes us to Southeast Asia, with an original feature: a buy-to-let system for houses and apartments.
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How many spouses can you have in Sims 4?

A sim can only be engaged to one person at a time, meaning that if you want multiple sims to marry one another you will need to do each marriage one at a time.
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