How much strength do you need to pull a spear divinity 2?

Follow the path down and talk to Withermoore, the tall petrified skeleton. He will request that the spear in his chest is pulled out; this requires a minimum of 12 Strength.
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What strength do you need to pull the spear of Braccus Rex?

The spear can be pulled by a character with 12+ Strength. You can attack the spear and break it to free Lord Withermoore.
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How to pull out the spear in Divinity 2?

You will need a character with twelve strength to pry the spear free. His hopes of dying upon the removal of the spear are shattered when Withermoore remains alive. He will then ask you to find and destroy his Soul Jar, which will allow him to die at long last. In return he will offer you a way to leave the island.
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Are spears worth it in Divinity 2?

They're as good as all other two handed weapons if you don't mind going finess instead of strength. It mostly has to do with the fact that there aren't any skills for it.
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What do spears scale with divinity 2?

I've noticed spears scale off finesse, in contrast to the other two handed weapons which scale off strength. Alot of the game's skills scale off of certain attributes, and the only skillset that uses finess extensively is Scoundrel, who in turn requires daggers to use.
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2022 Advanced guide for Divinity Original Sin 2

Does spear use strength or dexterity?

Requires Dex, in that you have to aim the point toward the attacker, mostly requires skill. With two arms and your body on it, strength is adequate in the average warrior. More important is the spear's ability to be directed right at the incoming target and the spear's integrity, how well the spear is made.
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What does spear scale with?

The Spear scales primarily with Dexterity and Strength and is a good Weapon for any short-range dexterity build fighter. Weapon comprised of a blade attached to a long haft. A far-reaching piercing weapon, it can be wielded from behind the safety of a raised shield.
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What is the most powerful weapon in divinity 2?

The most powerful weapon in Divinity Original Sin 2 is the Falone Scythe that can be stolen from the statue in the Arx Cathedral. It has impressive base damage that's further boosted by +3 Strength and +1 Two-Handed.
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What is the best one handed weapon in divine divinity?

I believe the Nobleman's Sword and The Sword of Gods are the best one-handed weapons in the game. The Nobleman's Sword is available in the Holy Weapon quest and The Sword of Gods is lying around in the Wastelands.
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Why is the spear so good?

A spear can cut, slice, and thrust with extreme effectiveness. It can be used to beat swords and soldiers to the ground. It can even be thrown with deadly efficiency when balanced in the right hands.
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Should I destroy the Withermoore jar?

Destroying the jar rewards 1400 XP. Refusing to destroy the jar and killing Lord Withermoore rewards 200 XP. You can also first refuse to destroy the jar and, once in combat, drop the jar on the ground and destroy it to receive an additional 1600 XP.
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Which Withermoore soul jar is the correct one?

The correct jar is labeled Withermoore the Supplicant. The other 4 are traps, two of which just deal light damage, while the other 2 summon level four skeletons. They are good exp, but not necessary to kill for the quest. After smashing the correct jar, you can return to Withermoore's body to get an item.
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Where is the skull in Divinity 2?

A Taste of Freedom is one of the many Quests found in Divinity: Original Sin 2. This quest can begin in the abandoned house in Driftwood. It's directly across from the fishery. Go into the basement, then along the North-West wall you will find a skull with a high Wits character.
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Is the crystal spear good?

Crystal Spear – #8 Best Spear in Elden Ring

The Crystal Spear has average length, average damage, it can be found somewhat early, but not really early in the game. In short, the Crystal Spear is a solid Spear that won't let you down, nor will it blow your mind.
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How are spears better than swords?

They hit sooner than swords. They're better on horseback, they're better on foot, they're better in armor, and they're better out of armor. If spears were generally better than swords, why were swords more popular? They weren't.
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How strong is Spear of Destiny?

There are a large number of powerful, mystical artifacts in the DC Universe, but none may be more powerful than the God-killing Spear of Destiny. This immensely powerful weapon is capable of destroying even the Spectre; it can also corrupt its host.
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Is one handed or two handed better in divinity 2?

Double handed are great for taking down chunks of armor and large pools of health. But they don't necessarily have to be most damage dealing build. They lack the defensive skills of a sword and shield but have enough health and armor to take a round or two of beating. Never bothered with single handed.
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What class uses Spears divinity 2?

Warden – Warrior/Ranger Build. The Warden is a hybrid Warrior & Ranger Build that uses Spears and Bows to vanquish its enemies. The reason Wardens can do this effectively is because both Spears and Bows use Finesse for their damaging Attribute, allowing Wardens to deal maximum damage with both weapon types.
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What is the best scythe in divinity 2?

1 Falone Scythe

Finally, the best weapon in the game is without a doubt the Falone Scythe, which is located in a small chapel right after crossing the bridge to the cathedral area. The scythe is being held by a statue on the right side of the altar and needs to be stolen.
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What is the top class in divinity 2?

1 Conjurer

The Conjurer is far and away the best magic-focused class and perhaps the best class that Divinity: Original Sin 2 offers. The Conjurer is effectively two characters at once, both controllable by the player: the Conjurer themselves, and their summoned allies.
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What is the best 2 handed weapon in divinity?

The latter is called the Falone Scythe and this is the best weapon in the whole game for 2h. Mega stats, +20% crit chance just up for graps in Arx cathedral. Reavers Battle Axe (found on Bloodmoon Island, South-East) was better than Lohar's axe in my playthrough. Same 20% crit chance, but also higher base damage.
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What is the best armor type in divinity 2?

Chest Armor

It provides Intelligence, Constitution, and Wits, as well as resistance to all four elements, and it offers a huge HP boost. Ruvola also reflects melee damage and even gives a boost to Summoning, making it one of the best armor pieces in Divinity 2 for the best class in the game, the Summoner class.
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Are spears finesse weapons DOS2?

Finesse increases damage with finesse-based weapons and skills. It benefits builds that use bows, crossbows, spears, and daggers and also improves huntsman abilities and rogue abilities.
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Is the spear the most versatile weapon?

If you hand two or three to hand considering it's thrusting power, throwing ability, and adaptability in various terrains, it is safe to say that our Celtic spear is indeed a most versatile weapon.
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Is a spear melee or ranged?

Spears are a type of melee weapon that attack in a stabbing motion ( like shortswords, but much slower and with much greater range) rather than a swinging motion.
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