How much time is 3 days in GTA?

GTA Online doesn't make it obvious how long an in-game day is, and some players won't bother counting or calculating it. Just know that 48 real-life minutes is equal to one day in the game, which is the same for other HD Universe titles like Grand Theft Auto 5.
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How long is a GTA 3 day?

In the 3D Universe, time moves at a rate of one second in real time is one minute in-game, making one in-game hour a minute and one in-game day 24 real time minutes.
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How long is 2 days in GTA 5?

A GTA 5 day spans 48 real-time minutes, encapsulating both day and night cycles to create a dynamic gaming experience. This accelerated timeline encourages players to strategize their activities and missions within the game's unique temporal framework.
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How much is 3 in game days GTA?

The DLC will equalize the cooldown timer across all heists, making it one in-game day (48 minutes in real life) if completed by a group. However, this cooldown timer will rise to three in-game days (144 minutes) if a player completes the CPH solo.
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How long is a GTA 4 day?

One day in game is 48 minutes real world.
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How long does it take to get the Oppressor Mk II on a NEW Account in GTA Online?

How long is 3 days in GTA Online?

GTA Online doesn't make it obvious how long an in-game day is, and some players won't bother counting or calculating it. Just know that 48 real-life minutes is equal to one day in the game, which is the same for other HD Universe titles like Grand Theft Auto 5.
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How long is 10 days in GTA?

In GTA 5, one in-game day lasts 48 minutes in real time. So, 10 in-game days would be 480 minutes or 8 hours. If you're planning a gaming marathon, that's one day in Los Santos down!
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How long is 1 hour GTA?

GTA 5 has a unique time system where 1 in-game hour is equivalent to 2 real-life minutes. This means you can experience a full 24-hour day in the game in just 48 minutes of real-world time! Ever noticed how time flies when you're having fun in Los Santos? That's because each hour in GTA 5 is just 2 minutes long.
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How long does GTA 3 take to 100%?

When focusing on the main objectives, Grand Theft Auto III is about 14½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 38½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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How to tell GTA time?

GTA 5 and GTA Online have a persistent in-game time passage system. Two seconds in the real world equal one GTA 5 minute. Time can be checked from the Pause Menu or from a player's Cell Phone.
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How long is 2 years in GTA?

365 days in a year * 24 minutes a day = 8760 minutes for a single year. Multiply that by 2, and you get 17520 minutes for two in-game years to pass. That's 292 hours, which is 12.166-repeating days.
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How many hours is GTA 6?

80 hours plus, main story, then about 20+ hours in side quests and other activities. I'm basing it on the map being Rockstar's biggest, so its filled with stuff to do.
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How long is 48 minutes in GTA?

A day in GTA 5 Online lasts exactly 48 minutes in real-time. Each in-game day cycles through 24 hours, meaning every minute in the real world is like half an hour in Los Santos.
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How long is 30 days in GTA 5?

There are 48 real minutes in 1 full day in GTA. Using this, one real day equates to 30 GTA days, and in a real year, 10,950 days (30 years) pass in GTA time.
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What year is GTA 3 set in?

GTA 3 is one of the most important games in the history of the series — and possibly video games in general! It's the last title in this timeline chronologically (set in 2001), but it was the first ever 3D Grand Theft Auto game. Although it came out more than twenty years ago, the game mechanics still hold up today.
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Is GTA 3 longer than Vice City?

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City's story has been regarded as a timeless improvement over Grand Theft Auto 3's thanks to its star-studded cast, intense plotlines, and dramatic moments. Its story only takes 19 hours to play through, bringing the story of both of the first titles up to 34.5 hours.
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How hard is it to 100% GTA V?

Getting to GTA 5 100% completion is a significant undertaking, as the game is massive and you'll need to go far beyond finishing the main story missions if you want to hit that elusive target in GTA 5.
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Can you miss 100% on GTA 3?

Warning: Missable Missions in GTA 3

However, GTA III has 10 missable missions that will become permanently inaccessible if you play them in the wrong order. If you miss these missions, you can still progress through the story, but you will be locked out of achieving 100% completion on the current save file.
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Can you finish GTA 5 in a day?

When focusing on the main objectives, Grand Theft Auto V is about 32 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 85 Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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How long is 144 minutes in GTA?

Replay Heists

Heist owner will have to wait 3 game days (144 real minutes) if playing solo or 1 game day (48 real minutes) if playing as a group after completion of the previous heist to trigger a new heist to replay.
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How long is GTA 5 story mode?

According to, the average time to finish the story on its own is 32 hours. But if you're a gamer who aims to do absolutely everything in the game, it'll take you 83 1/2 hours. So, consider those two things: how do you play, and do you aim to complete everything the game has to offer?
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How long is 2 GTA days in real time?

In GTA, one day lasts exactly 48 real-world minutes. This means each in-game hour is 2 minutes long, so if you're planning your next heist, better keep an eye on the clock!
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How many GTA days in a year?

Given that 1 day in GTA is 48 real-life mins, then 24 real-life hours is 1 month in-game, 12 real-life days is 1 year in-game, and 12 real-life days reoccur ~30.4 times each real-life year.
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How long is a night in GTA?

In GTA it's getting dark at about 10 pm and sunrise is at around 6am, that would be 8 ingame hours. About 24 minutes.
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