How strong is a cleric?

Cleric is considered one of if not the strongest class in the game. Not only is it the best healer allowing it to edge out Bard as a support class it is a very heavy hitter especially when specced as light or tempest cleric.
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How powerful are clerics?

Clerics are versatile figures, both capable in combat and skilled in the use of divine magic (thaumaturgy). Clerics are powerful healers due to the large number of healing and curative magics available to them. With divinely-granted abilities over life or death, they are also able to repel or control undead creatures.
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Are clerics stronger than paladins?

A paladin can easily function as the party's face, able to make social skill checks with ease. While their spells are not as powerful as the cleric's, paladins' innate abilities further cement them as great leaders.
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Is the cleric strong in D&D?

The cleric won't get anything bigger than a 3rd-level spell slot, and since Proficiency Bonus improves so slowly that this won't cause any huge problems. But the Cleric is also one of the stronger classes in the game, and they don't need any improvements to keep the class interesting and effective.
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Can clerics do a lot of damage?

While clerics may not be the most damage-dealing class, they have some pretty solid spells when the time comes. The target of this spell, which can be any creature you can see within 60 feet of you, contracts a rather painful disease.
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D&D Clerics Explained (and how to make them better)

Are clerics good at fighting?

Clerics are decent fighters but not like a true Warrior. Your thoughts on this are appreciated. They already do that in the attack matrices. All characters' attacks are on the same level at levels 1-3 for fighters, levels 1-4 for clerics and levels 1-5 for MU's.
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Do clerics need high strength?

It depends how you want to play. If you want your cleric to wade into battle a high strength will be very useful on a tempest cleric in particular. If you want to hang back, patch people up and throw an occasional spell no. When I play a Tempest Cleric I usually try to start with a 16 Strength.
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Is a cleric better than a warlock?

It depends on your table's short to long rest ratio. If you DM is allowing you more than 2 short rests per long rest then the warlock is getting the advantage. If you're getting 2 or fewer short rests per long rest then the cleric will get the advantage.
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Can a cleric be evil?

Can clerics be evil? It's a common misconception that classes such as clerics and Paladins - the types that get their powers from worship and oaths - are all goody two-shoes. On the contrary, clerics can walk a very dark path, as long as they have the right deity to guide them along the way.
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Are wizards better than clerics?

Because of Domain spells, clerics can prepare MORE spells than a wizard. Wizards don't get more spell slots. They get Arcane Recovery, which is good, but not the same.
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What race is a good cleric?

Roleplay-wise, the aasimar race is ideal for clerics, since they're descended from divine beings and have physical appearances and racial features to match. Aasimar naturally resist both necrotic and radiant damage, protecting a vulnerable cleric from many ranged attacks, and they have darkvision, too.
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Is Druid or cleric better?

Clerics are better fighters and healers, have more support skills and spells and some specialization against undead. Druids have better spells for control, lots of conjurations and wild shape is really good for scouting and other things out of combat.
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Is cleric a good class?

Traditionally, Clerics are considered to be a healing class, and their spells are performed through the power of their own faith and patron deity. The class was originally designed and intended for healing, and they are still the best class in this regard.
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Can a cleric heal himself?

Yes, clerics can heal themselves in Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). As a class feature, clerics have the ability to cast healing spells on themselves or others, depending on the spell they choose to use.
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Do clerics have a god?

Clerics are driven by their faith; that faith gives them the connection to the source of magic that they need. Sometimes the source will be a divinity, and sometimes that faith will be in a divinity, but neither is mechanically necessary. The narrative point is up to the DM. No, a cleric doesn't need to worship a god.
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Can clerics heal?

Artificers, Bards, Clerics, Druids, Way of Mercy Monks, Paladins, Rangers, Divine Soul Sorcerers, and Celestial Warlocks all have access to healing magic or abilities.
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Is cleric beginner friendly?

As with any class that gains access to spells, there is going to be a fairly steep learning curve compared to more straightforward classes such as the Fighter or Barbarian. Depending on how much the player is willing to invest in learning the game, the Cleric is an excellent choice for someone just starting out.
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What is a cleric power?

Clerics combine the helpful magic of healing and inspiring their allies with spells that harm and hinder foes. They can provoke awe and dread, lay curses of plague or poison, and even call down flames from heaven to consume their enemies.
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Can a cleric be female?

Being a female cleric can vary greatly depending on the religious tradition and community in which one serves. In some religious communities, women are not allowed to serve as clerics or may have limited roles. In other communities, women may hold the same roles and responsibilities as male clerics.
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What are clerics good at?

D&D 5e Life Domain clerics gain excellent healing and revival spells from Cure Wounds to Revivify to even Raise Dead. All their healing spells restore extra hit points based on the spell's level to make them even better.
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Can a cleric be chaotic evil?

Your Cleric can be one alignment shift difference from your Deity's alignment. For example if Your Deity's align is : Lawful Evil, you can be : Lawful Neutral or Neutral Evil. Neutral Evil, you Can Be : Lawful Evil, Chaotic Evil or just Plain Neutral :D.
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Can a cleric be chaotic good?

While a chaotic good Cleric could belong to almost any Divine Domain, the Nature, Tempest, and Trickery domains can be particularly good fits.
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Do clerics have healing powers?

Clerics, druids, and paladins are the most powerful classes because they're healers. Now, that doesn't just mean healing is very powerful in DnD (though it is), it also means the system wants to incentivise and reward playing them.
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How do you make the strongest cleric?

The Grave Domain is hands down the best subclass for an overpowered cleric. The Grave Domain gives you many necrotic-based spells as you level up. From level one, you can heal people with zero hit points for the maximum amount the healing spell allows.
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Do clerics need high dex?

In general no cleric benefits from a Dex build. Clerics are okay melee combatants at low levels but rapidly fall behind. If you want to melee as a cleric I'd make a Paladin or Moon Druid. That said Arcane Clerics like many Clerics don't get heavy armor so a +2 Dex modifier isn't bad.
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