How to do Boethiah's calling without sacrifice?

Kill the follower using any means (despite what the Priestess says, you do not have to use the Blade of Sacrifice). Once your follower is dead, Boethiah will use the body as a conduit to tell you and all of the cultists that she has a task for whomever is left standing after a battle to the death.
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What is the alternative to Boethiah's calling?

If you don't like the sound of luring someone innocent to the Pillar of Sacrifice, an alternative is to simply massacre all the cultists around you. This is actually a better method of going about the quest, since Boethiah will greatly enjoy watching you slaughter the worshipers, which they view with distaste.
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How do you force start Boethiah's calling?

You can only receive this quest once you reach level 30, so level up if you haven't already or you will NOT recieve the quest upon arriving. If you are level 30, simply discovering the shrine will give you the quest. You will then be prompted to find the Cult of Boethiah. They aren't far off.
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Who can I lure to the Shrine of Boethiah?

One of the easiest followers to acquire is Lydia, who could be a good choice for sacrifice to Boethiah if players do not have other followers who are easily accessible.
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What is the cheat for Boethiah's calling?

Typing setstage da02 15 in the console will advance the quest without requiring any follower's death.
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Skyrim ~ How To Complete Boethiah's Calling W/O A Follower Sacrifice

How to complete Boethiah's calling without sacrifice?

Kill the follower using any means (despite what the Priestess says, you do not have to use the Blade of Sacrifice). Once your follower is dead, Boethiah will use the body as a conduit to tell you and all of the cultists that she has a task for whomever is left standing after a battle to the death.
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Who is the best person to sacrifice to Boethiah?

Ralis Sedarys, The Most Justifiable Choice.
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Do you have to do Boethiah's calling stealthily?

She wants you to kill them stealthily. Should you kill her champion and take his Ebony Mail, Boethiah will crown you as her new champion. Travel to Knifepoint Ridge to take the bandits out. Despite what Boethiah requested, you do not need to use stealth in this dungeon.
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How to fix Boethiah's calling glitch?

Top Voted Answer

The easiest solution to glitched game states is to try loading a previous save. If the game consistently glitches after loading old files then you may want to travel to a bed, before trying to finish the quest, and sleeping for 7 to 10 days. Sometimes this can help get the game back on track.
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Can you fail Boethiah's calling?

You can fail Boethiah's quest. After that you can recruit her ex-champion.
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Why can't I find the priest of Boethiah?

Where To Find The Priest Of Boethiah. If players have already visited Deepwood Redoubt, they can fast-travel there to find the priest of Boethiah; otherwise, the location can be found by traveling directly west from Solitude.
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How to get Boethiah sword?

Acquisition. Each of the worshipers of Boethiah at the Sacellum of Boethiah carries a Blade of Sacrifice. Hence, multiple copies can be obtained during the quest "Boethiah's Calling," by the end of which the Dragonborn is tasked with killing all the worshipers.
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Is Boethiah good or bad?

Despite the dark undertones of Boethiah's sphere and influence on Tamriel, the Prince was considered in Morrowind to be one of the three "Good Daedra" and the Anticipation of Almalexia by the old Tribunal Temple, and one of the Reclamations by the New Temple.
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How do you get Boethiah's blessing?

The blessing can be obtained from the Shrine of Boethiah, which is found inside the Temple in Raven Rock.
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How to get Sven as a follower?

It is possible to recruit Sven as a follower if the quest "A Lovely Letter" is finished in his favor. He can also be recruited into the Blades when the Dragonborn needs to recruit followers for Delphine, provided the Dragonborn is already Sven's friend and if they have killed Paarthurnax during the quest "Paarthurnax."
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Why is the Shrine of Boethiah not working?

It is a glitch,I believe you're suppossed to massacre everyone there then Boethiah will tell you to go kill her current champion. If its not activating try reloading a save. Also if you were there earlier and killed everyone you cannot finish the quest.
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Why is my vision red in Skyrim?

BLOOD LUST. It would only occur during battle, and would visually look like night eye but red. After you have killed 2 people or if your health drops to a quarter you go into blood lust mode and your attacks do x3 what they would normally do, your speed is doubled but your Int, Will, End, are all drained.
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Can you get Ebony Mail before level 30?

The Ebony Mail is the reward for completing the quest "Boethiah's Calling", which can be started at Level 30 at the minimum.
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How to start the whispering door?

The quest The Whispering Door isn't available until your character is level 20 or higher. You must also have completed Dragon Rising. You can get this quest by first gathering rumors from the barkeep at the Bannered Mare in Whiterun and then asking the Jarl about his children.
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How to get RALIS as a follower?

Follower. If he survives the events of Unearthed, he will move to The Retching Netch in Raven Rock, and can be recruited as a follower. He can be considered the most expensive follower in the game and the only one who calls the Dragonborn "boss."
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Is Faendal essential?

With everything taken into account, it is clear that Faendal is far and away the best choice for the player. He is useful to the Dragonborn in several ways, while Sven has no upsides aside from becoming eligible to be sacrificed to the Ebony Blade.
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Is Boethiah a male?

Boethiah is portrayed as a female in Arena, Daggerfall, and Skyrim, and as a male in Morrowind and Oblivion. In the Japanese version of Skyrim, Boethiah uses "ware" (我), an old-fashioned formal pronoun once used by both men and women, to refer to themselves.
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Do dark brotherhood initiates respawn?

Strangely, both of the initiates are marked to respawn if killed. However, due to being marked as Essential, they can never die and will never utilize this function.
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