How to find Serana after she cures herself?

If you do not want to travel with her, she settles down either in Fort Dawnguard or Castle Volkihar depending on which faction you sided with in the DLC. If you sided with the Dawnguard she will be found wandering about the Fort.
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Where to find Serana after she gets cured?

After completing the dialogue, Serana will leave you for three days, and when she returns, she will be human. You can find your reincarnated companion in Fort Dawnguard, and only her bright yellow eyes will remind you of her past.
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How do you find Serana if you lose her?

Serana gets lost sometimes and will fail to progress with you in some situations. The easiest fix I have found for this is to open the command console (PC - press the tilde). Exit the console and she should be there.
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What happens when Serana cures herself?

When Serana is cured, she's no longer able to make Bloodcursed arrows. Additionally, she can't turn you into a vampire anymore, cutting you off from the ability to harness the powers of a Vampire Lord. There's no reward or obligation to cure Serana, and one could argue it goes against her character to do so.
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Do you see Serana again?

Yes. Serana will seek you out once you free her regardless of which side you have chosen as she is integral to the story.
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Skyrim Guide how to cure Serana.

How to teleport a Serana to you?

I used the console command "player. moveto 02002b74" (02002b74 is Serana's Ref. ID). This console command was supposed to teleport me to her.
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Can you marry Serana if you cure her?

Skyrim doesn't actually allow you to marry any vampires through regular in-game actions. The only way to marry Serana or any other vampire is through the use of a mod.
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Is Serana in love with Dragonborn?

Their shared moments of laughter, pain, and courage had forged a bond that was impossible to ignore. Yet, they knew that their love was forbidden. Though Serana$$C_ENC_2$$ and Dragonborn$$C_ENC_1$$ were deeply in love, they were from different worlds. She was an immortal vampire, and he a mortal savior of Skyrim.
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Can Serana still be a follower if you cure her?

If you complete the entire Dawnguard questline, she becomes a permanent follower. She remains a vampire but can be cured if you play the dawngruard and if are nice to her.
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Why can't I marry Serana in Skyrim?

While it is possible to turn your spouse into a vampire in the Dawnguard expansion, once you yourself have become a vampire, it isn't possible to marry someone who is already a vampire, like Serana. Fortunately, this is where fan mods come in to pick up the slack and give players what they want.
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Where is Serana after main quest?

If you sided with the Dawnguard she will be found wandering about the Fort. With this option, you can also potentially convince her to take the vampirism cure and return to being human. If you sided with the Vampires she will be found wandering around the castle and her mother's study.
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Where does Serana wait for you?

Serana, depending on which side of the questline you finished, can be found at Castle Volkihar (if you sided with the vampires) or Fort Dawnguard (if you sided with the Dawnguard). If you have not finished the questline regardless of which side you picked, she can be found at the current quest relevant location.
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How do I get Serana back in Skyrim?

Followers, Serana in particular, tend to dissapear when left in one place. The best way to get her back is to load the previous save you were with her. Always keep multiple saved in case something like this happens. A lot of bugs and glitches in Skyrim are solved using this method.
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Can you still become a vampire lord if you cure Serana?

I assume you're referring to Skyrim, correct? If that's the case, yes, you can become a vampire lord again if you ask Serana to turn you. The only way to completely eliminate this possibility is if you manage to convince Serana to cure herself, which is tricky to do, and also why would you do that?
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What to do if Serana gets stuck?

Try to move her as close to the exit as possible. Now try using Unrelenting Force at her or shoot her with an arrow (IIRC, you need the Power Shot perk for this one. Of course, use a weak bow with weak arrows and don't crouch so Sneak doesn't improve the damage) till you manage to get her outside.
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Where to find Serana after killing Harkon?

Serana should be back at Fort Dawnguard after a few days. She usually sits on a bench on the first floor in the dark so she can be difficult too see. If she's not there, I have no idea and you may want to reload a save. Isran should be on the second floor walking around once the questline is completed.
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What did Molag Bal do to Serena?

She was a priestess and after her rape by Molag Bal she was abandoned by her deity, causing her to become bitter and curse their name.
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Why is Serana not a romance option?

People have brought up before that due to Serana's past trauma and dysfunctional family experiences, she would not like to engage in romantic relationships. However, it is also important to note that while this definitely will be a limiting factor, it is not an end-all, be-all.
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Can I marry vampire Serana?

Although it is not possible to marry vampires, including Serana, in vanilla Skyrim, it is still possible to do so with the help of mods. To make marriage with Serana possible, fans should use the Marriable Serana mod made by C0drm0nk33 and available on Nexus Mods.
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Can you sleep with Serana Skyrim?

Considering she's already become your friend and you've also romanced her, you can ask Serana to sleep in any bed that is player-owned/unowned, considering there's a double bed nearby.
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Who is the best wife for Dragonborn?

As far as existences go, being the Dragonborn is as lonesome as it is dangerous, but finding the right life partner, such as Mjoll the Lioness or Onmund, can ease the burden. Marriage potentially provides the player with a free travel companion, often skilled in magic or melee combat, among other benefits.
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Where is Serana after she cures herself?

Unless you pick a self-centered response, she will immediately leave to see Falion for a cure. For the next three days, she will stay with Falion, at which point, she will become human and return to Fort Dawnguard.
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Who is the best person to marry in Skyrim?

Skyrim: 10 Best Marriage Options
  • Aela the Huntress is a prominent character in Skyrim and a member of the Companions guild. ...
  • Mjoll the Lioness is an opponent of the Thieves Guild and can be married after completing her quest. ...
  • Dravynea the Stoneweaver is a mage in Kynesgrove who can be married after completing her quest.
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Can you marry Vex in Skyrim?

You gotta complete the Companions quest line before you can marry her, though. Purveyor of holding hands. Life is like a box of chocolates; it doesn't last as long for fat people. I was also disappoint about not being able to marry Vex.
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