Is Altaria worth it scarlet?

The fact that its feathers look like clouds, and its permanently happy expression, they all contribute to Altaria's allure. Luckily, it's also a very good combatant, boasting good defensive stats and the wonderful Natural Cure ability, which helps it against status ailments. Altaria has a lot of great tools in its kit.
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Is Altaria good in Pokémon Scarlet?

The best Dragon-type Pokemon in the games have been updated with the addition of new DLCs, offering players new options and strategies. Players should consider capturing Pokemon like Tatsugiri, Dragalge, and Altaria, as they are among the strongest and most versatile Dragon-types available.
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Is Altaria worth using?

However, while Altaria is amazing in Pokemon GO's Great League, it tends to suffer everywhere else. Being a similar type but less powerful than Rayquaza, Dragonite, and Salamence, the creature falls short when it comes to its stats.
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Is Altaria Meta relevant?

Incredibly bulky with impressive damage, Altaria can power through most neutral matchups. It typically requires a dedicated counter to take down: its only issue is that some of them (namely Azumarill and Steel-types) are very common in the Great League meta.
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Is Altaria better than Crobat?

Crobat-rounded stats High Speed. Decent movepool and good for status (confuse Ray/ Toxic/ Hypnosis[if you breed]) but weak STAB and coverage moves. Altaria- Good Def/SpD stats. A rounded movepoo with good defensive moves and his only real flaw is his lack of attacking power.
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Top 10 NEW Pokemon YOU SHOULD USE In Scarlet and Violet

Is Altaria better than skarmory?

Accepted Answer

Altaria is pretty much the weakest Dragon Type, and you already have an Ice Type to deal with Dragons (and much more) anyway.. I would honestly go for Skarmory, which is also more defensive but has much better Stats and a much better Type combo, giving you a very neat defensive pivot.
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What is the weakness of Altaria?

As Mega Altaria is weak to Poison, Steel, Ice, and Fairy-type Pokemon, the following Pokemon are among the best options to bring into a Raid battle against Mega Altaria: Mega Gengar - Lick Fast Attack, Shadow Ball Charged Attack.
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Is Altaria better than Braviary?

Alteria has a Bold nature and Natural Cure ability. But since using Alteria I have questioned how good it is. It will be useful for Drayden but also quite vulnerable and it has a lower stat total (490) than Braviary (510).
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Which gym leader uses Altaria?

Winona is the leader of the Fortree City Gym. She specializes in Flying-type Pokemon. Her team consists of a Swellow, Pelipper, Skarmory, and Altaria.
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Is Altaria a pseudo-legendary?

Although it doesn't look nearly as intimidating as most other Pseudos, Altaria fits the bill on paper, and many fans have confused it for one in the past.
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Why does Altaria need 400 candy?

The 400s – Four Pokémon families actually require 400 candies to evolve. They are Magikarp, Swablu, Wailmer and Meltan. For the first two, the reason for this is probably just because their evolved forms, Gyarados and Alteria, are quite sought after Pokémon.
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Who is good against Altaria?

The best Pokemon Go Altaria counters are Shadow Mamoswine, Shadow Weavile, Galarian Darmanitan, Mamoswine, Mega Glalie & Baxcalibur.
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Is Altaria worth it?

It doesn't look like much of a fighter, but Altaria is pretty useful in the Great League in Pokemon GO thanks to its Charged Attacks. It may struggle in the Ultra League due to the increased difficulty and Pokemon with more diverse "movesets," making it easier for them to take advantage of Altaria's type weaknesses.
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What is the strongest dragon type in Scarlet?

The cover legendaries of Scarlet and Violet, Koraidon, and Miraidon are among the strongest Dragon-types of all time. They are both incredibly fast, with 135 Speed and have 135 in their respective offensive stat. They also have decent bulk and can easily take a hit.
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What are the strongest Pokémon Scarlet?

Mythical, Legendary, and Paradox Pokemon like Chien-Pao and Walking Wake are significantly stronger with special abilities and high base stats. Pokemon like Meowscarada, Clodsire, and Fezandipiti showcase diverse typings, unique designs, and strong stats for battles in Scarlet & Violet.
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Is Altaria good ingame?

It's not the strongest in game Pokemon . But it's definately good. It's one of the few dragon types you can actually get the full evolution of during the story. With almost every other dragon mon, you'll more than likely be stuck with the 2nd stage until post-game.
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Is Altaria a good competitive Pokemon?

Generally considered to be Altaria's best set, Choice Specs allows it to fully utilize Draco Meteor's huge 140 Base Power (210 including STAB) to power through much of the tier. Altaria's good natural bulk allows it to switch in quite easily, forcing switches it can punish with a Choice-boosted attack.
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How to evolve Altaria scarlet?

Swablu evolves into Altaria at Level 35, and requires no other special evolution method to do so. EXP Share cannot be turned off in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, so players should have no issues getting Swablu to Level 35 using auto-battle, trainer battles, Gym Battles, or Rare Candies.
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Is Altaria 4X weak to ice?

-Altaria is 4X as weak to Ice as opposed to the regular 2X.
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Is Altaria or Swellow better?

Better for what purpose? Swellow is better at offense and speed. Altaria is better at defense in general.
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Should Altaria be a special attacker?

Attack, since it has Dragon Dance. Special will let you hit harder straight away with more powerful moves - Fire Blast, Draco Meteor etc. It can learn Dragon Dance though, so physical can get pretty powerful if you're able to set up.
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Is Mega Altaria good or bad?

Because of how long it can stay on the field, Mega Altaria can actually out-perform even the Legendary Mega Rayquaza in select raids and under select circumstances. It's not an absolute top choice that should always be used, but its potential should not be ignored.
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