Is Archimonde dead?

He was this time permanently killed in the Twisting Nether by the united armies of the draenei, orcs, and adventurers, led by Khadgar, Yrel, and Durotan. He was the main antagonist of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and the final antagonist of World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor.
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Who killed Archimonde?

As the Alliance and Horde forces, along with their allies, laid siege to Hellfire Citadel, Archimonde was summoned by the Warlock Gul'dan. He was defeated by Khadgar, Yrel, Grommash, and a group of adventurers. As he collapsed, with his dying breath he yelled to Gul'dan that "he made a pact".
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Where is Archimonde in Hellfire Citadel?

Archimonde is the final boss of the Hellfire Citadel raid in 6.2 Warlords of Draenor, and the sole boss of the Black Gate wing of Hellfire Citadel LFR. On Normal and higher difficulties, Archimonde can be accessed by a portal from Destructor's Rise after players have defeated Mannoroth.
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Is Archimonde in The Twisting Nether?

When Archimonde reaches 40% health remaining, he calls on the Twisting Nether to destroy his enemies. Demonic Feedback – Archimonde inflicts 2840 Shadow to all players and an additional 2840 Shadow damage to all players within 6 yards of each player hit.
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Is Archimonde a demon?

Archimonde the Defiler was one of the first demons to rally behind Sargeras when the Burning Legion was formed. Archimonde is heartless and brutal, but very cunning and far sighted. The colossal demon wields limitless warlock magics and primal strength to lay waste to any who would oppose his fiery will.
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Is Archimonde Really Dead? - BigQ&A #10

Is Archimonde dead for good?

During World of Warcraft vanilla, the skeleton of Archimonde could be seen in the then-inaccessible Mount Hyjal zone. Interestingly, it is canon that Archimonde left his bones behind after his death. In Warcraft III, he was shown to be completely obliterated and left no corpse behind.
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Who is stronger than Archimonde?

Archimonde the Defiler vs Kil'jaeden the Deceiver. Officially, the two was equal in rank, status and power. But if you read a little deeper between the lines, all circumstancial evidence point out that Kil'jaeden was slightly higher in importance than Archimonde.
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What are Archimonde's powers?

Powers and Abilities

Archimonde is enormously powerful and extremely skilled in the dark arts, as a warlock, using shadow and fire magic. He can also summon his demon minions en mass from the Twisted Nether, which allows him to summon his forces whenever he needs them.
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Who is the last boss in Hellfire Citadel?

Archimonde is the final boss of Hellfire Citadel in Tanaan Jungle as well as the final encounter of World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor. Archimonde is a long battle for survival that surpasses his previous incarnation in difficulty.
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Where was Mannoroth killed?

Let us review Mannoroth's plight, shall we? Firstly, he was defeated at the Well of Eternity, cast back into the Nether. Then, he was killed by Grom in Ashenvale, Gorehowl thrust into his chest.
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Is Archimonde a draenei?

The draenei were the eredar who ran away from Archimonde (and Kil'jaedan, but mainly Archimonde). He is, by definition, as un-draenei as it is possible to be. Archimonde is not a Draenei, it's an Eredar.
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Who was the last boss of Warlords of Draenor?

Archimonde (Warlords of Draenor)

But the final boss of the expansion was Archimonde in the Hellfire Citadel raid, another demon general from Warcraft 3 — who also appeared as a boss in The Burning Crusades' The Battle for Mount Hyjal raid.
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Where was Archimonde summoned?

In Warcraft 3 (Reign of Chaos), the last undead mission sees Kel'Thuzad summoning Archimond somewhere near Dalaran.
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How did Dalaran survive Archimonde?

Undead forces overran the city in the Third War; and Archimonde, then the Burning Legion's commander, destroyed the city with his foul magic. The Scourge abandoned the ruins, but a group of mages reclaimed it months later. Now, an opaque violet dome of magical energy covers and protects Dalaran.
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What did the Wisps do to Archimonde?

A massive number of Wisps known as the Ancestral Spirits, called by the Horn of Cenarius, destroyed Archimonde at Nordrassil at the Battle of Mount Hyjal, thus saving Azeroth from destruction at the hands of the Burning Legion.
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Who killed Illidan?

Illidan is a raid boss and the primary antagonist to the World of Warcraft expansion The Burning Crusade. He was slain by Maiev Shadowsong, his former jailer turned prisoner, in a coup d'état initiated by Akama and player adventurers.
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Can you skip bosses in Hellfire Citadel?

If at least one person in raid has this quest done, Upper Citadel Portal appears on the left by the entrance of the raid. It allows you to skip first 6 bosses of the raid.
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How long did Hellfire Citadel last?

Tier 18 - Hellfire Citadel - 1 Year 6 Months 25 Days (574 Days) *End of WoD* Tier 16 - Siege of Orgrimmar - 1 Year 4 Months 24 Days (511 Days) *End of Mists of Pandaria* Tier 10 - Icecrown Citadel - 11 Months 29 Days (364 Days) *End of Wrath of the Lich King*
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Can you solo Glory of the Hellfire Raider?

Comment by Naniel. Currently unsoloable, because of the achievement on Gorefiend - you will need at least either 2 players with 1kind of some battle ress, or 3players. From the rest of achievements only Mannoroth and Socrethar are worth mentioning.
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What happened to Azshara in WoW?

Queen Azshara, her handmaidens, and many Highborne sunk into the sea. The Old Gods chose Azshara as another useful tool and transformed her, her Highborne, and her Handmaidens into Naga. The mighty Queen Azshara still lives and rules the naga.
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What is the Burning Legion?

The Burning Legion (simply the Legion, occasionally referred to as the Legion Forces, the Burning Shadow, or the Great Burning Shadow, and the infinite army) is a vast, innumerable army of demons and corrupted races who seek to destroy all life.
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Are Eredar draenei?

They are often called them, but Eredar refers to the entire race itself, including Man'ari and the Draenei. Man'ari only refers to the Eredar corrupted by the Burning Legion.
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Why did Archimonde want the world tree?

By draining the Tree's energies, not only would his demonic Legion be able to drain the night elves of their source of power and immortality, but Archimonde would gain untold powers rivaling those of Sargeras.
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Is Cenarius stronger than Archimonde?

Yeah, Archimonde is the winner. Especially considering that Malorne the White Stag was more powerful than his son.
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Who is the strongest in Warcraft lore?

In the World of Warcraft mythology, who is the strongest? In lore Sargeras by far. He is a fallen Titan, one of the creators of the planet and most of the races. He created the infinitely powerful burning crusade.
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