Is axe or sword better in Minecraft?

An axe deals 2 more damage points/hearts than a sword would. A sword deals 7 and an axe deals 9. And the Minecraft Wiki!
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What is the best weapon in Minecraft?

Among these close-quarters contenders, swords reign supreme, offering the highest damage per second in the game. With a swift cooldown of 0.6 seconds, swords outpace their axe-wielding counterparts by 60%. Their unique sweep attack ability also lets you hit multiple targets, making them a formidable choice.
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Is the sword or axe better for the Ender Dragon?

The sword (ideally diamond or netherite) is used to damage the dragon on its perch as she is immune to arrows at this time. A secondary use is for provoked endermen. Enchanting the sword is highly recommended. Sharpness is useful for increasing damage to both the dragon and endermen.
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Are axes or swords better for PvP Minecraft?

The sword has, as previously mentioned, a higher attack speed though, which means it takes less time to recover. This means that, although axes do more damage on newer versions, a sword may still be able to do more damage.
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Does the netherite sword do more damage?

If you have a Smithing Table, you can combine a Diamond Sword with a Netherite Ingot to make a Netherite Sword, which has more damage and durability.
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Axe VS Sword Which One is Better in Minecraft 1.20 - Java Edition

Should I use an axe or sword in Minecraft?

In Java Edition, a diamond axe deals more (9) damage but has slower attack speed. In Bedrock Edition, a diamond sword deals more (7) damage.
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What is stronger Netherite sword or axe?

The sword has higher DPS then the axe, so finish off your enemy(ies) with the sword. Swords are better because if you are all geared up and deciding which tool is the best, an enchanted Netherite Axe or Sword, Swords do more knockback.
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Do axes do more damage than swords in Minecraft Bedrock?

Reddit user quinn_the_potato notes that 'Axes on Bedrock deal 1 less damage point (1/2 heart) than swords of the same material but axes do more durability damage. They both have instantaneous attack speeds….
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Are axes more effective than swords?

With an axe, the power is concentrated on a smaller surface area than a sword, making it more likely to deliver a debilitating or even fatal blow.
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What is the max damage sword in Minecraft?

The most amount of damage that a sword enchanted with Sharpness V can do is 11 in Java Edition and 15.25 in Bedrock Edition, without critical hits.
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Is iron axe better than sword?

Axe has the strongest attack between the two, and is also a tool. Swords have a shorter cooldown and quite a few more enchantments.
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Is dragon axe better?

The dragon axe is the second strongest and fastest axe in the game after its direct upgrade, the crystal axe, and is tied with the 3rd age axe. It is 10% more efficient at chopping logs than the rune axe.
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What can the ender dragon not break?

The dragon can pass through all blocks, destroying almost all types, but can still be affected by flowing water, lava and bubble column. Blocks not destroyed are those that naturally generate on the central End island and those that are intended to be indestructible, such as end stone and respawn anchors: Barrier.
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What is the most overpowered sword in Minecraft?

To acquire the most overpowered (OP) sword, we'll simply need to craft the sword that deals the most damage. This means we're aiming for a Netherite Sword. To craft a Netherite sword you'll need a Diamond sword and one Netherite Ingot. The Smithing Table is the essential crafting station for this process.
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What is the most damaging weapon in Minecraft?

Axes deal the most damage, but have a slower attack speed.‌ Tridents can be used melee or ranged. They cannot be crafted. Any other item is equivalent to fists and does the same damage.
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What is the deadliest sword in Minecraft?

Easily the best sword in Minecraft, the Netherite sword will require players to obtain a Smithing Table. Once open, players need to place 1 Smithing Template in the first box, a Diamond Sword in the second box, and finally a Netherite Ingot in the third box.
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Does an axe beat a sword?

Axes are better against thick armor, and generally easier to use and strike with more force. A dull axe is far more effective than a dull sword because you can still bludgeon someone with it. It kills people in armor. It takes less training.
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What are the disadvantages of an axe?

Disadvantages of an axe

Since they are light and small, you won't be able to fell trees with an axe, and you also won't be able to split thick trunks with it. Axes are not designed for heavy-duty tasks, so you are limited in their use.
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Can you enchant an axe with sharpness?

Sharpness is an enchantment applied to a sword or axe that increases melee damage.
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When did axes become better than swords in Minecraft?

Accepted Answer. In Java Edition, Axes doing more damage then Swords has been a thing for a while and still is a thing. In Bedrock though it was never a thing and Swords have always done more damage than Axes.
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Can you put fire aspect on an axe?

Added Fire Aspect, which can be applied to swords. Fire Aspect can now be applied to axes.
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Can sweeping edge go on axes?

Sweeping Edge can now be applied to axes.
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Is a trident better than a netherite sword?

In melee, the trident does 4,5 damage, making it even deadlier than a netherite sword. At 250 durability, the trident is comparable to the iron sword, but with a lot more damage.
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Is a spear better than a sword?

The multiple handholds on a spear meant it could be used in many different ways and the power of a full-body thrust put into one had a massively damaging effect through armor, mail, padding, and bone. Swords had their place as a personal status symbol and were certainly effective as battlefields clogged with soldiers.
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