Is Espeon a guy or a girl?

Like all Eevee-derived Pokémon, Espeon has a gender ratio of seven males to just one female. Espeon is a lean, pink or lilac-colored mammal with large ears and a red ruby-like orb on its forehead, which is the source of its psychic skills.
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Is there a male Espeon?

Eevee have a sex distribution of roughly 87.5% male to 12.5% female. If you assume a perfectly even ratio of eeveelutions, then yes, any given Espeon is overwhelmingly likely to be male.
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Which eeveelutions are girls?

Glaceon: Female. Leafeon: Male. Sylveon: Female. Not allowed to play poker with Tarot cards anymore.
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Are all eeveelutions male?

No. in fact, Eevee and it's evolutions all have a 7:1 male to female gender ratio, the most male dominant ratio for species that can be either gender.
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Is Sylveon a boy or girl?

@Ultra OwO It has no gender differences and ElChicoEevee never said what gender it is coded as.
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Is Espeon a girl?

Is Glaceon a girl?

Like all Eevee-derived Pokémon, Glaceon has a gender ratio of seven males to just one female. Glaceon is an elegant fox-like quadruped with long ears and light blue-colored fur. It can use its ice powers to freeze and sharpen its fur into needles which can be fired at its opponents as a natural defense mechanism.
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Who is Eevees crush?

Eevee was put on Team Giratina in season 1 and later fell in love with Larvitar and ended evolving into Glaceon? and placing 8th on the checkers challenge.In season 2 of TPA, Flareon was confirmed to have 3 little cousins 1 girl and two boys, who were later evolved into Leafeon,Umbreon, and Jolteon.
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Can Jolteon be female?

Jolteon can be of either gender.
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Is Flareon a girl or boy?

Accepted Answer. It can be either one. The odds are 87.5% male (7/8), 12.5% female (1/8).
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Who is Espeon in love with?

Two eeveelutions, umbreon and espeon, in love with each other. They fought there from team plasmas grunts, and met a few other Pokemon's. Soon, their love turns into hatred by espeon's jealousy from a eevee.
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Why is Espeon called Espeon?

Etymology. Espeon's name is derived from ESP (Extrasensory Perception), which is the ability to see the future and "eon", as is followed by every evolution of Eevee.
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How rare is Espeon?

Espeon V - 064/203 - Ultra Rare

(Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)
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Can Eevees be boys?

Absolutely. I'm not really a fan of males looking feminine, so when I see a male: Vaporeon, Espeon, Leafeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon, it just doesn't look right to me. But hey, that's just my opinion. Male and female Eevees can both canonically evolve into every one of the Eeveelutions.
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Is Espeon a girl?

Like all Eevee-derived Pokémon, Espeon has a gender ratio of seven males to just one female. Espeon is a lean, pink or lilac-colored mammal with large ears and a red ruby-like orb on its forehead, which is the source of its psychic skills. Its rare shiny variant is green.
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Is Squirtle a girl?

Instead, Squirtle, Blastoise and even Wartortle are just cool dudes. They're cool turtles that are just cool together." He highlighted its design in comparison to Bulbasaur and Charmander, praising its simplicity and personality.
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Can Kirby be female?

Kirby's gender is listed as "unknown" in the Kirby series encyclopedia Hoshi no Kābī Pupupu Taizen (星のカービィプププ大全). Sakurai wrote Kirby's profile, which also lists the character's gender as "unknown" and once jokingly questioned whether Kirby could actually be female.
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Who is Glaceon in love with?

Glaceon discusses about what happened then, but then Leafeon concludes that Glaceon has a crush on Jolteon. Glaceon blushes and denies any feelings she has for him, but she ends up admitting she does like him.
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Who is Vaporeon in love with?

Crystal's Vaporeon is known for having a crush on Eve. When Crystal met up with Gabe, Team Rocket captured Vaporeon and the rest of Gabe and Crystal's Pokemon with a net.
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Did Chikorita have a crush on Ash?

Bayleef as an Chikorita was especially stubborn only wanting Ash to pay attention to her. As she evolved into a Bayleef, her personality changed and she grew a major crush on Ash.
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Is Leafeon a girl?

Like all Eevee-derived Pokémon, Leafeon has a gender ratio of seven males to just one female. Leafeon is a medium-sized quadruped, similar to a fox in shape. Its fur is cream-colored with some green patches resembling vegetation, and its eyes are brown.
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Is Vaporeon a girl?

Like all Eevee-derived Pokémon, Vaporeon has a gender ratio of seven males to just one female. Eevee has its own Z-Crystal which is called Eevium Z. Some Eevee are capable of temporarily assuming a Gigantamax form when they Dynamax.
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