Is General Tullius a good person?

General Tullius is seen by some as a respectable general while to others he is an oppressive warlord but virtually no one disputes his well established insensitivity towards the Nordic culture of Skyrim.
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What is General Tullius's personality?

General Tullius is an Imperial general and leader of the Imperial Legion in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. He is generally a caring, noble caused man, but can be strict and authoritative at times. Many question if he cares for Skyrim, as he doesn't understand the Nords or the bitterness of Skyrim, but he respects all.
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Does General Tullius like the Thalmor?

7 Hero: He Hates The Thalmor

In fact, Tullius seems extremely aware of what the High Elves are doing and even admits to despising them. There are moments where it almost sounds like he empathizes with the cause of the Stormcloaks, because of how cruel the Thalmor are.
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Does it matter who kills Tullius?

If you choose to kill Tullius then Ulfric will give you a leveled sword with which to do the deed. If you decline then he will reward you with a leveled sword after he kills Tullius. This will complete the quest and begin the final stage of the Liberation of Skyrim.
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What happens if you read General Tullius letter?

The Dragonborn will receive the letter from General Tulius and will be asked to deliver it to Jarl Balgruuf. Once the message is delivered, the Dragonborn will receive an axe from the Jarl and will be asked to give it to Ulfric Stormcloak.
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Why The Stormcloaks MUST Win

Is General Tullius good or bad?

General Tullius, also simply known as Tullius, is a major anti-villainous/anti-heroic antagonist in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
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Should I give Tullius Riften or Winterhold?

When Tulius asks for Riften or Dawnstar/Winterhold (either one of this, normally it is Dawnstar) in return, don't give him Riften (major hold), give him Dawnstar/Winterhold (minor hold). Tulius will ask Ulfric for massacre compensation, don't agree with him.
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Is it better to help the empire or Stormcloaks?

Ultimately the choice to go with the Imperials or the Stormcloaks is a personal one that depends on the direction you want to take your character. Nord characters will find a home among the Stormcloaks, as long as they agree with their point of view on the Empire.
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Is Ulfric Stormcloak a bad guy?

He is the leader of the Stormcloak Rebellion who seeks to free Skyrim from the Empire of Cyrodiil. He becomes the main antagonist of the Civil War quest-line if the player joins the Imperial Legion to keep Skyrim under the Empire's control or its deuteragonist if the player joins the Stormcloaks instead.
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How old is General Tullius in Skyrim?

Tensions Arise. During 4E 170, Tullius, aged 22, led an armada to investigate a mysterious distress signal off the coast of Anvil. The men discovered hundreds of dead Imperial Soldiers and Imperial Citizens. Tullius investigated, but found only a note on one of the corpses.
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Was Ulfric brainwashed by the Thalmor?

Due to his high birth, the Thalmor took Ulfric in for interrogation and manipulation. Given the treatment of prisoners beneath the Thalmor Embassy, it can be assumed Ulfric was tortured and perhaps even brainwashed by his interrogators.
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Why do people hate the Thalmor in Skyrim?

The Thalmor are an autocratic dictatorship promoting the cultural superiority of Mer and aggressively expanding the Dominion's territory.
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Are the Thalmor evil in Skyrim?

Type of Villains

The Thalmor are some of the main antagonists of The Elder Scrolls franchise. Originally a minor Altmeri political party, they later gained power in the Fourth Era through usurpation, murder, and propagandizing.
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How did Tullius become king?

The constitutional basis for his accession is unclear; he is variously described as the first Roman king to accede without election by the Senate, having gained the throne by popular and royal support; and as the first to be elected by the Senate alone, with support of the reigning queen but without recourse to a ...
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What is Pipp's personality?

Personality. Pipp is confident, stylish, and glamorous. She is a talented pop star who treats the world as a stage and loves performing, singing, and engaging with her fans on social media on her mobile phone. Her performances mean a lot to her, and she wants to lift others up with her songs.
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What does the name Tullius mean?

Tullio is a common Italian male given name of Latin origin, derived from Tullius (meaning "the one who leads"). Other forms of the name are Tulio (Spanish) and Túlio (Portuguese).
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Who do the Stormcloaks hate?

They most certainly hate the thalmor (who doesn't) and they refer to the Thalmor as, "the elves" and they sometimes say "those witch elves" or derogatory terms like that, but remember they DO NOT hate every elf in skyrim.
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Is King Ulfric Dragonborn?

Ulfric is the odd one out as he is not dragonborn. Ulfric had been training to become a greybeard then the Great War started. He felt he had to go fight for Skyrim and The Empire and left High Hrothgar having already learned some shouts.
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Should I join Stormcloaks or Imperials as High Elf?

It's going to depend on the character really. A hot-headed one who just wants to spill dominion blood will be pro-stormcloak. Whilst one that wants to see the Dominion defeated would be pro-empire.
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What happens to Whiterun if I join the Stormcloaks?

Whiterun will not have any changes, except that it will now be counted as a Stormcloak city. Fast traveling to Windhelm after entering Whiterun will cause the same thing to happen, except Ulfric will not call the Dragonborn a coward.
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Would a Nord join the Empire?

Yes, just because your a Nord doesn't mean u cant support the empire.. Well Not all Nords support the Stormcloaks. In fact, only about half of Nords support the Stormcloaks, and pretty much the entire Legion in Skyrim is made of locally recruited Nords fighting against Ulfric.
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Which ending is better in Skyrim?

Are there different endings in Skyrim? No, basically you just carry on after pretty much doing every quest. It just goes on. But, in a sense, the best ending is the one where you can go see Paarthurnaax (I think is how it's spelled) again.
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Who becomes Jarl of Riften if Stormcloaks win?

Civil War. As a supporter of Ulfric Stormcloak and his rebellion, if she is removed from her position, she is exiled along with the rest of her family from Riften. She is then replaced by Maven Black-Briar, an affluent Nord noble who controls most aspects of the city even before her reign as Jarl.
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Can you become Thane of Riften?

Become Thane of Riften

For Riften you must go to the Riften Fishery and look for a lady that has a Skooma addiction. You then give her some coin and ask her where she gets her skooma. Afterwards, you talk to the jarl and complete the skooma dealer quests.
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