Is GTA Online censored?

Grand Theft Auto V. LGBT community asked Rockstar to remove "transphobic" comments in the game and some lines and things in game are removed or modified to make it more politically correct. This censorship was added with next gen update on consoles.
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How do you turn off censor in GTA Online?

You can disable or enable the profanity filter by opening the Menu, while logged into a character, and go to Settings -> Social and toggling the Profanity Filter On/Off.
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Why is Rockstar censored in GTA Online?

Rockstar looking after their community

This is to help combat abuse and such in multiplayer sessions. Also, Rockstar Games introduced new community guidelines alongside this voice moderation integration.
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Is GTA online more kid friendly?

GTA Online provides endless opportunity for players to indulge dark criminal fantasies while testing their mettle against other players. Just keep in mind, though, that just about everything here -- online and off -- is geared for adult audiences. And even then it won't be to all tastes.
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Does GTA have a profanity filter?

In both the campaign and online you can flip people off. If someone did a censored playthrough of the game, 90% of the dialogue would be censored.
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Why Grand Theft Auto Just Got Censored

Can you make GTA 5 kid friendly?

This game is usually only recommended for people 17 years and older. However, if it were more inclusive, that wouldn't be the case. A mod known as Family-Friendly Free-Roaming makes such a thing a reality.
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How many F bombs are in GTA 5?

According to YouTuber TheMediocreScot, Grand Theft Auto V contains a total of 1018 F-bombs throughout the game's story mode. That's more swear words than South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, which is notorious for its excessive use of profanities.
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Should I let my 12 year old play GTA online?

Overview. We'll cut to the chase — Grand Theft Auto is likely a game you don't want to introduce to your child. It's got content that fits into just about every adult content category you can think of, such as violence, profanity, highly sexual content, and poor moral standards.
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Is GTA Online fine for kids?

As Grand Theft Auto 5 is an 18+ rated game children should not be playing it.
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Why is GTA 18+?

Official age rating

This is a PEGI 18 game. The PEGI 18 rating reflects the (often motiveless) killing of other defenceless characters within the game. It also refers to the use of drugs and explicit sexual activity within the game as well as the use of bad language.
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What gets you banned in GTA Online?

GTA Online suspensions are triggered by a number of factors, including modding in GTA Online, exploiting or abusing game mechanics, manipulating protected game data and code, or interfering with other players' gameplay experience.
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Is there a censored GTA?

Grand Theft Auto's last re-releases (GTA 5 & Definitive Editions) have had several censors from removal of offensive flags, LGBT characters, offensive dialogue, etc. Grand Theft Auto is supposed to be gritty, dark and offensive.
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Can you block inappropriate content on GTA 5?

As this game has been created for adults there are no parental controls. There are some safety settings available on Grand Theft Auto games, for example as well as blocking and reporting, a player can manage who can speak to them via voice chat or make sessions 'invite only' so that strangers can't join their games.
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How do you censor bad words in GTA 5?

There are no parental controls for GTA 5. If you're on PC there is a kid-friendly mod you can get.
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Can swearing be turned off in GTA 5?

Sadly, you can't specifically turn off cursing in GTA 5. The game's dialogue is a big part of its character and atmosphere, and there isn't an in-game option to filter out the profanity. If the cursing is a big deal, you might have to lower the volume or consider if this is the right game for you.
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Can you turn off blood in GTA 5?

While blood doesn't bother me, I don't want other people to be disturbed by it while I'm playing. I heard this was an option in the previous game, so is the same thing possible in this one? Nope sorry.
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Is GTA OK for a 7 year old?

Gta games are not intended for kids.

I did play this as a kid, but would not recommend it to people under 16 years of age. Language should not be your primary concern in a game where you play as a violent criminal - Written by a young adult man who actively plays games. 1 person found this helpful.
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Is GTA V inappropriate?

The game mostly contains shootouts with splattering blood but no dismemberment. The parts that DO have gore are mainly for comic effect. Players can shoot people to death with moderate blood splatter, somewhat similar to "Call of Duty", and can be intense depending on which game. There is a torture scene.
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Is GTA 4 18+?

The game is rated 18, and for good reason. But many 13 year olds can be very mature and many 18 year olds can be very imature, so it's tough to say for definite. I was playing the original GTA when I was 13, and it didn't make me a car-stealing, mass murdering maniac.
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Is GTA 3 ok for kids?

Rated M for Violence,Language and Sexual Content. The Grand Theft Auto series started in 1998 with GTA1 and then the sequel,GTA2 in 1999.
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What is the most spoken word in GTA 5?

While Kifflom isn't a large part of the main storyline in GTA V (he makes no appearance in the game), there's an entire branch of missions dedicated to the cult. "Kifflom" also happens to be the most-spoken word in the game.
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How much is the Z type in GTA 5?

Worth buying Z-Type? ($10,000,000 car) - Grand Theft Auto V.
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What does F do in GTA 5?

F – Enter/exit vehicle.
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