Is hollow better than chlorophyte?

Despite Chlrophyte armor's upsides, it may be advantageous to avoid upgrading from whatever previous armor you were using, for a multitude of reasons: Hallowed armor proves to be a superior option in case you prefer more defensive playstyles, as Chlorophyte armor's set bonus is more offensive in comparison.
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Is chlorophyte shotbow better than hallowed?

While the Shotbow has less base damage per arrow than the Hallowed Repeater, the spread is tight enough that targets will usually be hit with more than one arrow per shot, resulting in higher damage output overall.
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What armor is better than hollow?

The Hallowed Armor set is one of the strongest sets of armor in the game in terms of defensive power, inferior only to the Shroomite Armor, Chlorophyte Armor, Turtle Armor, Beetle Armor, Solar Flare Armor, and Dragon Armor.
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Is chlorophyte armor worth it?

Chlorophyte armor has unusually high classless offensive bonuses, second only to Crystal Assassin armor. Due to this, it is viable to use ranged and magic weapons while wearing the Chlorophyte Mask, which has the benefit of providing far better defense than other pre-Plantera ranged and magic armors.
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What is the best Chlorophyte weapon?

The Chlorophyte Claymore is a Hardmode sword. It is the slower but more powerful of the two Chlorophyte swords, the other being the Chlorophyte Saber. Upon swinging, it fires a Chlorophyte Orb in the direction of the cursor which deals the same damage as the sword itself.
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Can Nano Bullets really replace Chlorophyte Bullets?

Is chlorophyte armor better than turtle?

For generally play, where defence doesn't matter as much, and the leaf crystal has more targets, chlorophyte would probably be better, however, when you're fighting a boss, and defence is important, as well as the fact that you an reflect some insane boss level damage, turtle would probably win out.
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Is Chlorophyte pickaxe worth it?

It has the exact same mining speed as the Pickaxe Axe with its only advantage being the +1 range. As Chlorophyte is a highly contested resource and the Chlorophyte pickaxe cannot be used as an axe, it is usually not worth crafting this item.
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Is Chlorophyte Saber or Claymore better?

Chlorophyte Saber is faster and has autoswing compared to the Claymore, but does less damage. The Chlorophyte Claymore is slower, does not have autoswing, but does more damage compared to the Saber. It depends whether speed & autoswing or more damage are more important to you.
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Are Chlorophyte arrows worth it?

As Chlorophyte Ore is hard to accumulate and Chlorophyte Arrows are not particularly outstanding, it is recommended not to craft them unless the player has a lot of spare Chlorophyte Bars.
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How much Chlorophyte for full Turtle armor?

Crafting this set requires a total of 54 Chlorophyte Bars ( 270 / 324 Chlorophyte Ore) and 3 Turtle Shells.
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Is adamantite or Hallowed armor better?

Melee players may not find it worth it to upgrade to Hallowed armor, as Adamantite armor has the same amount of defense (50) and higher raw damage increase. However, it could be worth crafting the Hallowed armor for the Holy Protection buff, if the player is going for a "tank style" of play.
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Is Ancient Hallowed Armor better than Hallowed armor?

It currently shares identical stats with Ancient Hallowed armor, but differs in appearance. Furthermore, Ancient Hallowed and Hallowed armor pieces can be mixed and matched while still providing their set bonus.
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Is frost armor better than chlorophyte?

Chlorophyte has ONE more defence than frost armor. so the differece in defence is minamal. in bonuses, chlorophyte has 29% more ranged damage, 12% critical strike boost, the leaf crystal dose 100 damage per hit and hit's on its own or when an enemy takes damege, and a 20% chance to not consume ammo.
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How good is Chlorophyte?

The Chlorophyte Mask used to have the highest total melee DPS bonuses of any head slot item, but as of, the Solar Flare Helmet gives a better DPS. ) and Chlorophyte armor sets offer the highest universal critical strike chance bonus of any armor set in the game.
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What can break chlorophyte?

You'll need a pickaxe or drill with at least 200% pickaxe power. This means you'll need at least the Pickaxe Axe or the Drax to mine Chlorophyte Ore. To craft the Pickaxe Axe or the Drax, you'll need 18 Hallowed Bars, 1 Soul of Fright, 1 Soul of Might, and 1 Soul of Sight.
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Which boss drops chlorophyte?

Chlorophyte Bars are a type of Hardmode bars that are crafted from 5 / 6 Chlorophyte Ores, an ore which can be found in the Underground Jungle and mined once all three mechanical bosses have been defeated.
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What arrows for Moonlord?

Venom Arrows should be used.
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Are crystal or Chlorophyte bullets better?

Crystal Bullets generally give the highest damage per second output on guns (excluding luminite bullets) and synergize extremely well with ichor. Chlorophyte Bullets have a very potent homing that makes them extremely convenient to use and negate the spread of many guns (such as Chain Gun).
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What is the best weapon for Chlorophyte bullets?

Chlorophyte Bullets pair well with guns which have a wide spread, e.g. the Shotgun and Tactical Shotgun, the Chain Gun, the Gatligator, or the Vortex Beater. The bullets' homing effect negates the spread.
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Is True Excalibur better than True Night's Edge?

Because it spins, the Night Beam effectively hits more enemies than the Light Beam. However, the Light Beam can be launched more often and moves at a faster speed. The True Excalibur has a 45.31% / 26.88% lower DPS as it may swing faster but has less damage than the True Night's Edge.
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What is the most overpowered sword in Terraria?

So, TL;DR – the most powerful sword you can craft is the Zenith. What is considered to be an amalgamation of many cool swords from throughout the game, Zenith is one of Terraria's best weapons and obliterates any enemy with ease.
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Is chlorophyte armor better than hallowed?

Very comparable but Chlorophyte is better. +9 defense in exchange for 1% less damage and 3% less movement speed.
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Is Drax better than Chlorophyte Drill?

The Chlorophyte Drill is a Hardmode drill crafted using Chlorophyte Bars. It has equivalent power to the Drax and Pickaxe Axe. It is an alternative to the Chlorophyte Pickaxe. Appearances and sounds aside, the two tools are nearly functionally identical.
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Can titanium pickaxe break chlorophyte?

It can mine all blocks except Chlorophyte Ore and Lihzahrd Bricks. Its best modifier is Legendary. While Light may seem to provide a better speed boost by percentages, rounding reveals that Legendary and Light mine at equal speeds for this tool.
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Does Chlorophyte glow?

Despite its tooltip and achievement, it does not need light to grow. However, it does slightly glow green when exposed to light.
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