Is it a point of no return?

point of no return | Intermediate English the stage in a process when it is too late to change what you are doing so that you must continue: Once the contract is signed, we've reached the point of no return.
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Is there a point of no return?

Aviation. the point in a flight at which an aircraft will lack sufficient fuel to return to its starting point. the critical point in an undertaking, decision-making process, etc., where one has committed oneself irrevocably to a course of action or policy.
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What marks a point of no return?

If you say that you have reached the point of no return, you mean that you now have to continue with what you are doing and it is too late to stop. The release of Mr Nelson Mandela marked the point of no return in South Africa's movement away from apartheid.
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What is the point of no return in life?

The point of no return (PNR or PONR) is the point beyond which one must continue on one's current course of action because turning back is no longer possible, being too dangerous, physically difficult, or prohibitively expensive to be undertaken.
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What is the law point of no return?

The distance that a driver needs in order to safely bring a vehicle to a complete stop. The point of no return is described as the distance needed to bring your vehicle to a complete stop so as not to enter the intersection, taking into consideration your speed and condition of the roadway.
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The Bad Batch Season Three - Identity Crisis and Point of No Return Episode Reviews

Is no return no exchange legal?

The DTI reiterates that the “No Return, No Exchange” policy is prohibited because this is considered a deceptive sales act. Under Republic Act No.
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What is the meaning of no return?

1. : the point in the flight of an aircraft beyond which the remaining fuel will be insufficient for a return to the starting point with the result that the craft must proceed. 2. : a critical point at which turning back or reversal is not possible.
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What is the path of no return in philosophy?

Overview. Anavrtti means path of no return. It indicates the non-return of the soul to a new body, and refers to the end of the seemingly endless vicious cycle of birth, death and rebirth, the transmigration of soul from one body to another.
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What is the point of no return conflict?

It is something that happens to the protagonist. The point of no return marks the end of act one and the beginning of act two. It's where we go from setup to story. It's a marked change, propelling things forward and making it impossible to go back to the way things were before.
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What should I do before point of no return?

The point of no return becomes available after completing the main story quest called "Tapeworm" [1]. It is highly recommended to complete the questlines for major characters like Johnny and Panam before reaching the point of no return [1].
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What is point of no return in military?

The word “Bingo” is used in the military to indicate a point of no return. For example, if a pilot radios, “I'm bingo for fuel,” it means that he/she doesn't have enough fuel to return to base.
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What is the eternal return paradox?

Eternal return (or eternal recurrence) is a philosophical concept which states that time repeats itself in an infinite loop, and that exactly the same events will continue to occur in exactly the same way, over and over again, for eternity.
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Is it possible to have eternal recurrence?

Eternal recurrence is a concept proposed by Friedrich Nietzsche that suggests events will occur again and again without end. It is not clear whether eternal recurrence is real or not, as interpretations of Nietzsche's philosophy vary.
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Did Nietzsche believe in free will?

He saw the concept of free will as a way to assign blame and responsibility, ultimately stifling the individual's creative and assertive nature. As we have seen, Nietzsche conceives of philosophy as the business of creating values and defining our values.
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What is point of no return urban dictionary?

point of no return - when someone is so close to. orgasm that he or she cannot stop having. sex/masturbating, regardless of the circumstances -
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Can you refuse returns?

Many shops will allow it, but they don't have to. Unless that is, they've got a published returns policy allowing it – then it's a contractual condition of sale, so they must obey it.
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Can I return something I bought second hand?

Remedies for Faulty Second-Hand Goods

If you purchase a second-hand item from a trader and it turns out to be faulty, you have similar rights to remedies as with new goods. This could include repair, replacement, or even a partial refund, depending on the circumstances.
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When am I entitled to an exchange repair or refund?

When a product has a major problem, consumers can choose between a refund or replacement. When a service has a major problem, consumers have a right to alter their agreement with the service provider. Businesses must fix a minor problem with a product or service by at least giving a free repair.
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What is the purpose of eternal recurrence?

We can more profitably think of eternal recurrence as a thought experiment to determine how one would react if one believed it to be true. This is precisely how he presents the idea in The Joyous Science. The point of the thought experiment is a sort of test of one's relationship with one's life.
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Is eternal life forever?

Eternal life is just that - eternal. It means "forever". It means when life ends here, it continues somewhere else. The Bible uses the phrase in a positive sense.
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What is the point of Nietzsche's eternal recurrence?

It's a path to living the best life possible. Nietzsche's conception of the Eternal Recurrence of the Same is intended to be an intellectual exercise that spurs us to live the most beautiful, fullest, and most interesting life possible.
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What are the three eternal things?

“Only three things last for eternity: God, the Word of God, and the human soul. To the extent that you are involved in these three things, you are involved in eternity.”
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What is the symbol of eternal return?

Everything irredeemably returns, that is why man soon found an image to convey this essential concern: it was named Ouroboros, a snake-like animal that, contorted in a circle, devours its own tail.
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What is the thought experiment of eternal return?

Nietzsche suggests that the affirmation of the eternal return is possible only if one is willing and able to become well-adjusted to life and to oneself. To be well-adjusted, for Nietzsche, is to choose, wholeheartedly, what we think and where we find and create meaning.
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What is the punishment for desertion?

Punishments for missing the movement deliberately may include: Reduction to the lowest enlisted grade. Forfeiture of all pay and allowances. Confinement for two years.
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