Is it possible to complete Skyrim without killing anyone?

Thanks to the the game's many interlocking systems, this is totally possible—just difficult, particularly if you decide to role-play a hardcore pacifist who doesn't even let other people do the killing for them. First, let's assume 'pacifist' just means not killing anyone directly.
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Can you complete Skyrim without killing anyone?

If you're referring to the main quest line, it is technically possible to avoid killing people in the beginning, but very tricky, as the individual quests have people that get in your way and are hostile. Bleak Falls Barrow has a character you are meant to kill (Arvel the Swift).
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Is it possible to completely finish Skyrim?

Completing the entirety of the game itself is almost impossible, with all the side quests that seems to lead you nowhere near the end. However, beating the game is a whole different story and is actually very doable.
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Can you not kill in Skyrim?

Technically speaking, yes you can play Skyrim without killing someone. It is incredibly hard to do though because you are bound to have someone sneak up on you and be able to passively get out of the situation. If you go exploring dwemer ruins, you are bound to come across ancient constructs and the falmer.
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Does anyone have 100% in Skyrim?

A Reddit user named DiJGit states that they have completed a 100% playthrough of Skyrim after 700 hours. DiJGit finished every quest and collected all items, spells, and shouts in the game.
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Can You Beat Skyrim Without Killing Anything?

Has anyone beaten Skyrim?

Skyrim finally truly beaten as fanatical player does 'everything that can be done' in the game, nabbing every item and perk in quest to hit level 1,337.
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What is the highest level anyone has reached in Skyrim?

As reported by PCGamer (via GamesRadar), pawelos4's character level in Skyrim is a whopping 1,337. Between the standard and special edition versions of Skyrim, this player has also totalled up around 1,800 hours, putting the 113-hour estimate to shame.
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Can you beat Skyrim without killing Paarthurnax?

Finally, choosing not to kill Paarthurnax will unlock an additional ending cutscene. After the player has defeated the game's final boss, Paarthurnax will appear before them one last time. He'll explain that he aims to travel the world, lecturing other dragons in the Way of the Voice and urging them toward peace.
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Can you be evil in Skyrim?

RELATED: Skyrim: The Darkest Quests, RankedFrom putting a bucket on the head of a merchant and robbing them to slaughtering the population of a town, players can commit a variety of evil acts. However, some choices in Skyrim stand out over others, turning the Dragonborn into a truly evil individual.
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Who is the hardest to kill in Skyrim?

Magic Anomalies, high-leveled Werewolf Vargrs, Legendary Dragons, and the Ebony Warrior are just a few of the toughest enemies players will come across in Skyrim.
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How many endings does Skyrim have?

Skyrim doesn't exactly end, in the traditinal sense. There is no one last hurrah, and then a credits roll. Some quest arcs have varied endings, such as the Civil War, but the Free the World from Alduin main quest arc only has a single outcome.
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Does Skyrim have a true ending?

Questlines are resolved but there's never a game ending with credits nor any kind of “post game” or new game plus. The world is always open, you'll basically never run out of stuff to do, and your game just continues until you want to make a new character or stop playing.
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How do I know if I beat Skyrim?

The player has beaten Skyrim. Not just by defeating Alduin but by becoming the leader of guilds like the Dark Brotherhood, Companions, and the Thieves Guild.
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Is Skyrim pacifist run possible?

Thanks to the the game's many interlocking systems, this is totally possible—just difficult, particularly if you decide to role-play a hardcore pacifist who doesn't even let other people do the killing for them. First, let's assume 'pacifist' just means not killing anyone directly.
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Can you take a wife in Skyrim?

Getting married in Skyrim is actually pretty easy. All you need to do it head to Riften and find the Temple of Mara. Once there, speak to the priest about weddings to have them explain how the process works. You'll then need to buy an amulet of Mara, which you can then wear while speaking to your potential betrothed.
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Can you become a vampire after refusing Skyrim?

Later during the Dawnguard questline, you will have the opportunity to become a vampire again during the Chasing Echoes quest. This is helpful if you change your mind after refusing Harkon.
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Who can't be killed in Skyrim?

Mjoll, Serana, Freya, and Derkeethus are all essential and cannot die. The spooniest bard. Technically, most Followers 'cannot die' due to being Protected (see UESPwiki for moar).
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What is the rarest enemy in Skyrim?

Here are the rarest creatures in Skyrim.
  • 8 Spriggan.
  • 7 Werewolf.
  • 6 Hagraven.
  • 5 Chaurus Hunter.
  • 4 Dwarven Centurion.
  • 3 Dragon Priest.
  • 2 Wispmother.
  • 1 Dremora.
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What should you avoid in Skyrim?

Things Not to Do in Skyrim
  • Don't Spread Your Skills Too Thin.
  • Never Steal From a Chicken.
  • Don't Try to Murder Essential NPCs.
  • Resist the Urge to Pick Up Literally Everything.
  • Don't Sell Enchanted Items.
  • Don't Fight With the Guards.
  • Don't Store Items in Places You Don't Own.
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Can you ride Paarthurnax?

Certain named Dragons cannot be tamed (Alduin, Sahloknir, Paarthurnax, Durnehviir, and the Skeletal Dragon in Labyrinthian). Odahviing can be tamed and ridden by traveling to the Throat of the World where he circles the summit.
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Is Paarthurnax a villain?

Paarthurnax was never “pure good” or “pure evil.” He was flawed. No matter who or what anyone is in TES universe; god, man, mer, daedra, aedra, it doesn't matter. Beings of any classification are imperfect and history has proven this in TES universe.
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Is Killing Paarthurnax optional?

Though it's entirely up to the player on whether they kill Paarthurnax or not, it's arguably better to leave the dragon unharmed, as doing so will make it easier for players to locate Shouts.
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Can you level 100 everything in Skyrim?

All characters level up their skills at the same speed with use, and as such you're able to, eventually, reach the maximum level of 100 in every skill tree. Speaking of which, each individual skill has it's own skill tree that grants various Perks to the player.
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What happens at level 80 in Skyrim?

Upon reaching level 80, a warrior encased in ebony armor will approach you in any of the major cities and challenge you to a duel to the death.
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What is the legendary skill in Skyrim?

Legendary Skills in Skyrim are not unique skills unlocked late in the game, nor are they improvements on existing skills and abilities pertaining to each skill line. Legendary Skills are simply a part of the system that ensures characters are free to level up as much as possible.
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