Is it worth having Shadow Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

There are both good and bad reasons why players should hang on to a Shadow Pokemon. For one, their Moves will inflict more damage at the cost of having lower defense. Shadow Pokemon can be left at Gyms and assigned as a Buddy just like regular/Purified Pokemon. However, they can't be traded to other players.
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Are Shadow Pokemon good in Pokemon GO?

How Powerful Are Shadow Pokémon? As mentioned earlier, Shadow Pokémon pack a serious punch with attacks that deal an additional 20% damage. Though they also take 20% more damage from their opponent's attacks, the extra offensive power definitely outweighs this disadvantage in many situations.
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Which Pokémon are worth keeping Shadow?

1 Shadow Mewtwo

Undoubtedly, Shadow Mewtwo is the single best Shadow Pokemon to use in Raids as it has the strongest Attack stat (300), and that's after Niantic nerfed it. But, more than that, Shadow Mewtwo can learn almost any move of any type-specific move, from Thunderbolt to Hyper Beam.
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Are Shadow Pokemon better than 100% IV?

Remember a 0 IV shadow Pokemon has more damage per second than a 100% IV regular Pokemon! Here are some of the times when to purify a shadow Pokemon! Sometimes for pvp, if you need the move return, if you have a high IV shadow and want a strong mega, or if you like to collect hundos!
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Should I leave my Pokémon as Shadow?

As a rule of thumb, many trainers believe most Shadow Pokemon should remain as is due to the damage boost they receive. However, there are some situations (primarily in PvP) where purifying a Shadow Pokemon and removing its Defense stat debuff can be helpful.
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Shadow Pokémon Explained | Should You Purify Your Shadow's in Pokemon Go?

What are the cons of Shadow Pokemon?

For Shadow Pokémon, Powering Up and unlocking a second Charged Attack requires more Candy and Stardust than for regular Pokémon. Shadow Pokémon also deal more damage with their Fast and Charged Attacks, but they take more damage when attacked.
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Is there a reason to keep Shadow Pokémon?

Although it is a personal decision, most of the experts recommend keeping a Shadow Pokemon in Pokemon Go. This is because they are cheaper to upgrade and once purified, they can deal more damage to the enemy Pokemon. Not just that, they are just cooler to look at and would certainly enhance your Pokemon collection.
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Are 0 star Shadow Pokémon worth keeping?

Handy to keep some for when you get a task to purify also. keep them some research task will ask you to purify them.. Some may be good for PvP. Or you can save them for the task of purifying 100 shadow pokemon when you get to level 44 if you aren't there yet.
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How rare is a 0% IV in Pokemon GO?

However 0% pokemon are even rarer than 100% pokemon, since the former can never come from raids, eggs, research tasks or trades.
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Should I purify Mewtwo?

Conclusion. If you have the tenacity to undertake the grind, you should not purify Shadow Mewtwo in Pokemon GO. This version is objectively better in almost all situations. As far as the Mega-evolving Mewtwo is concerned, when Mega Mewtwo X and Y eventually come out, you can easily catch a non-Shadow version from raids ...
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What is a perfect Shadow Pokemon?

As a result, a Shadow Pokémon with 13 / 13 / 13 IVs is guaranteed to become a 100% Purified Pokémon.
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How to purify Shadow Pokemon?

How do I purify Shadow Pokémon? To purify Shadow Pokémon, you simply have to hit the button on their information screen. Purifying costs dust and candy, but it's a pretty simple process.
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Is a Shadow Pokémon better than a Hundo?

Keep in mind that Shadow Pokémon are stronger than their Hundo, normal counterparts. For example, a nundo shadow Groudon is still stronger than a Hundo normal Groudon. Check it out, decent IVs, Shadow Groudon. Keep in mind that Shadow Pokémon are stronger than their Hundo, normal counterparts.
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Should I remove frustration from Shadow Pokémon?

Pokemon Go players should remove Frustration from Shadow Mewtwo to unlock its battle potential, as with Frustration it is noticeably weaker. Elite Charged TMs won't work, meaning a Team GO Rocket Takeover event is the ideal way to remove Frustration, so players should not miss their chance to remove the ability.
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What happens if you evolve a Shadow Pokémon?

If you evolve a Shadow (Unpurified) Pokemon it will still evolve and keep the Shadow aura around it. Purifying a Shadow Pokémon is a better idea than keeping it the way it is. Purifying gives the Pokémon a significant increase in Combat Power and it will cost less candies to evolve.
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Is it possible to get a 100% Shadow Pokémon?

By purifying a Shadow Pokémon it gains at least 2 IV in every stat and possibly a small chance to gain 3 in a stat. With the stats being 15-13-13 that means the ones with 13 would reach 15 as well since it goes up by at least 2. So after purifying this Golbat, I had a 100% IV Purified Golbat.
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Is Shadow better than purified Pokemon GO?

Shadow Pokémon receive a 1.2x bonus to attack, whereas a Purified one will exchange that modifier for a few bonus IVs that don't provide as large a bonus. But as a tradeoff, Shadow Pokémon take more damage, are harder to level up, and can't unlearn Frustration outside of certain events.
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Should I power up Pokémon before evolving?

Trainers may wonder if they should power up a Pokemon before evolving it or vice versa. When deciding this, it is usually more economical to evolve first, then power up the desired Pokemon in Pokemon GO.
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Should I keep all my Shadow Pokemon?

There are both good and bad reasons why players should hang on to a Shadow Pokemon. For one, their Moves will inflict more damage at the cost of having lower defense. Shadow Pokemon can be left at Gyms and assigned as a Buddy just like regular/Purified Pokemon. However, they can't be traded to other players.
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Is there a benefit to Shadow Pokemon?

The upsides to keeping a Shadow Pokemon in Pokemon GO are: The attack power of a Shadow Pokemon is boosted by 1.2x or 20%, making its fast attack hit significantly harder. This can be great for raiding situations or for whittling down opposing Pokemon quickly in PvP in some situations.
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Should I get rid of 0 star Pokémon?

They can clog up the Pokemon Storage fairly quickly. Because it will take most players a long time before they can max out Pokemon Storage, it's best to just release the 0-stars and keep the 1/2/3/4-stars. Storage Expansions can be bought for 200 Coins at the Shop. This will add 50 Slots to the Storage if purchased.
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How to get Mewtwo in Pokemon GO?

The primary way to obtain Mewtwo is by defeating it in 5-star Raid battles when it is featured as the Raid Boss. As a Psychic-type, Mewtwo is vulnerable to Bug, Ghost and Dark attacks, so bringing top counters from those types is recommended.
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What beats Shadow Pokémon in Pokemon GO?

Here is a list of Pokémon, and the moves they can use, that would make an ideal team to take down a Shadow Snorlax or two:
  • Tyranitar - Ideal Moves: Smash Down / Crunch.
  • Ursaring - Ideal Moves: Counter / Close Combat.
  • Lucario - Ideal Moves: Counter / Power-Up Punch.
  • Weavile - Ideal Moves: Ice Shard / Avalanche.
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