Is Kratos chaotic neutral?

6 Kratos (God Of War): Chaotic Neutral A demigod of Zeus and trained as a Spartan warrior, Kratos is reckless, aggressive, and quick to fight, but also has a deep love for his wife and children.
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What character is chaotic neutral?

Loki, the God of Mischief in the MCU, is an excellent representation of a Chaotic Neutral character. He uses trickery and mischief to get away with whatever he wants. Whether that means working for Thanos or going against him, he decides how the current situation will help him succeed.
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What is Kratos' personality?

Personality… cruel, amoral, and violent. Whatever respect Kratos had for the gods before is now lost. He's vengeful and murderous, willing to kill anyone who stands in his way no matter who they are. Driven by guilt and rage, Kratos is less a man and more an unstoppable avatar of anger and hate.
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Can a hero be chaotic neutral?

Vast majority of heroes that fall under this alignment are Anti-Heroes and often walk a very thin line between good and bad, hence some of them have their pages on Villains Fandom as well. Their polar opposite is the Lawful Neutral alignment. Pure Good heroes NEVER fall under this alignment.
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Can a villain be chaotic neutral?

Villains whose approximate Character Alignment is Chaotic Neutral, known as the "Free Spirit" alignment. Chaotic Neutral characters are wild, unpredictable, and often follow their own personal code without a care for others; they are often selfish and the only thing predictable about them is their unpredictable nature.
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How to explain being Chaotic Neutral in DnD

Who would win Hulk vs Kratos?

It seems they are pretty evenly matched in terms of strength and stamina, however it's clear Kratos has a special kind of something that the Hulk doesn't. That being his brilliant tactical mind, and his ability to adapt well under pressure in any fighting situation.
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What does Kratos dislike?

He hates his nature. He is a god and he has a very, VERY, deep rooted hatred for gods. In his experience gods made him kill his own family and thus swore bloody vengeance upon the entire Greek pantheon.
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Is Chaotic Neutral good or bad?

A chaotic neutral character is an individualist who follows their own heart and generally shirks rules and traditions. Although chaotic neutral characters promote the ideals of freedom, it is their own freedom that comes first; good and evil come second to their need to be free.
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What races are chaotic neutral?

Creatures of chaotic neutral alignment
  • Aasimar.
  • Tabaxi.
  • Kenku.
  • Gem dragon.
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What alignment is Deadpool?

3 Deadpool: Chaotic Evil

Deadpool is not a hero. He is arguably the most evil person on this list, thus his alignment is Chaotic Evil.
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What is Kratos's accent?

Given that TC Carson voiced Kratos with an American accent during the original God of War series, having Christopher Judge speak with a British one wouldn't have made much sense for the Norse-set games.
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What is Kratos's style of speaking?

Kratos, being a foreigner who settled in not too long ago, has less grasp of the Norse language and talks with a very formal tone, while everybody else like Atreus, the dwarves, Mimir, and the gods talk much more naturally and casually and their words resembles modern day speech because they're fluent with it.
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Can Kratos shape shift?

You may not initially think of Kratos as a shape-shifter, but he does change his shape at least once in the God of War games.
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Is Kratos black coded?

By the character design of God of War's creators, Kratos's “race” is very much coded as overtly meant to be White. Regardless of the Ash in his skin. Because skin color and race are not equal.
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Is Kratos a full god?

While he wouldn't know it for most of his life, Kratos was a demigod as he is the son of Zeus, but he would later become a full-on god, the God of War to be precise, after killing Ares. After years of serving the Greek gods, Kratos became disillusioned, and resentment towards the gods grew strong.
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Who can easily beat Kratos?

Kratos may be a God, but even he cannot survive a Hakai burst. Beerus is strong enough to destroy half a planet with his finger, so a full-on punch should be able to take Kratos down. If Kratos tries to use any of his godly weapons or shield, Beerus can instantly destroy them with a Ki blast.
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Could Jesus beat Kratos?

Jesus would be down for the ten count and then some before he rolled that boulder away. However, that's not Jesus' only special power. Kratos pretty much just has 'healing' and 'strong' - ideal qualities for a fighter, but not all that creative. Jesus, if he can think outside the box, is onto a winner.
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Who is stronger, Kratos or Thanos?

However, despite facing off against the powerfully combined opposition and the wrath of Thor, Thanos still ultimately triumphed as he completed the Infinity Gauntlet, using it to finally complete his goal and had then caused the Snap, resulting in half of all life in the universe being wiped out at the snap from his ...
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Is Batman lawful or chaotic?

Batman/Bruce Wayne - Neutral Good

Batman is generally good but he is a vigilante. Despite the fact that he helps eradicate crime in Gotham, the police consider him a vigilante who doesn't follow proper procedures. This disqualifies him from being lawful good and makes him neutral good.
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Can chaotic neutral be good?

A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it. Chaotic neutral is the best alignment you can be because it represents true freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal.
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Who is chaotic neutral in Marvel?

Chaotic Neutral - Loki

Part of being a Chaotic Neutral is that you do whatever you can get away with. No one in the MCU fits that description more than the God of Mischief. Loki often sides with the villains in a film, but that's usually because he's getting something out of it.
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