Is moveset or CP more important?

I would say, if you're planning to evolve the pokémon, go for high CP over preferred moveset, because it'll get a random new moveset when it evolves.
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Is CP more important than attack damage?

So yes for the same Pokemon, higher CP is higher damage (unless it's almost the same level and one has better attack IV). Example level 30 with 15/0/0 or level 30 with 0/15/15. CP is nothing more than a gauge of a Pokémon's combat potential, and a bad one at that.
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Is CP the most important thing in Pokemon GO?

In Pokémon GO, CP stands for "Combat Power" and is entirely separate from the Pokémon's Hit Points (HP). While the two usually correlate (meaning a higher CP will yield a higher HP), the CP is important if you want to use the Pokémon in battle. A Pokémon with a higher CP will perform better than one with a lower CP.
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Is better to evolve Pokemon with higher CP or better attack?

In general, you want higher CP Pokémon to evolve over lower CP Pokémon, but just because a Pokémon has a high CP doesn't mean it's actually very good. Since you can't see the underlying stats, you won't know if the numbers are getting goosed because it has one high stat and a bunch of low ones, for instance.
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Is CP or stars more important?

In Pokemon GO, the Pokemon with a higher CP (Combat Power) is generally preferred even if the Pokemon has low IVs. Although it's not a traditional Level-system, the CP somewhat functions as a Pokemon's "Level" in GO.
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How does CP, IV's, and LEVELS work in POKEMON GO!

Are Pokemon with higher CP better?

So, a combination of a Pokémon's hidden Base Stats, IVs, and Level are what dictate its CP - the higher the better, but remember that just because that Drowzee you caught has higher CP than your old one, that doesn't necessarily mean it's stronger. It might just be a higher Level.
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Do lucky Pokemon have higher CP?

Obtaining Lucky Pokémon

The Stardust cost for powering it up will be reduced by 50%, which means they can reach a higher CP much faster than other Pokémon. This cost reduction stacks with that of being Purified, making a Lucky Purified Pokémon far cheaper to upgrade.
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Should I max CP before evolving?

A Pokémon's CP potential and IVs are not affected by evolution: IVs (Attack, Defense, Stamina values hidden in the game) and CP potential (the max CP that can be reached when fully powered up) remains the same regardless of whether you Power Up before or after evolving.
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Should you evolve a 0 star Pokemon?

It's recommended to evolve the Pokemon with the higher CP or the better Appraisal. So, if a 0-star Pokemon has 1000+ CP, it may be worth evolving instead.
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Is it better to keep high CP or high IV Pokemon GO?

CP you can change by powering up the Pokemon, IVs cannot be changed, so higher IVs always have priority over high CP. The most ideal situation would be both, of course. Higher IVs will naturally give you a higher CP pokemon once it's fully evolved and powered up.
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Is IV or CP more important?

High CP Pokémon should be used during battling. However, IV scores are the most important factor if you're playing the long game, a desire that ideal Pokémon, and are prepared to pay Stardust to level it up.
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Does IV really matter in Pokemon GO?

Based on the way IVs affect damage output, the difference that 100% IVs make compared to 0% IVs is around 10%, i.e. they will last around 10% longer, deal around 10% more damage, and resist around 10% more damage.
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What are the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

The statistic indicates that as of July 2021, the Shiny Shadow Omanyte is considered the rarest Pokemon in the mobile game, Pokemon Go. This means that among all the different Pokemon species available in the game, the Shiny Shadow Omanyte is the hardest to find and obtain.
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What is the most important stat in Pokemon GO?

CP, or Combat Points, is by far the most important of a Pokémon's stats, and determines how much damage it deals in battle. There is also the Hit Points (HP) stat, which is the amount of damage a Pokémon can take, but HP tracks closely to CP, and the two upgrade simultaneously, so it's fine to focus just on CP.
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Is Defence or HP more important Pokémon?

It depends on a few things. Part of it is the pokemon and it's base stats. Part of it is the relevant threats to the pokemon. Some pokemon will get more out of boosting HP, some will get more out of boosting a defensive stat.
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Why is HP important in Pokémon?

Hit Points (HP) show how healthy a Pokémon is, indicating how much damage it can take before it faints. HP is one of three individual strengths that can be revealed when a Pokémon is appraised. The innate affinity each individual Pokémon has for Attack, Defense, and HP.
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Should I keep weak shiny Pokemon?

It's easy to think that a super rare variant of a Pokémon would be much stronger than its normal counterparts, but the reality is, unless you're playing in Pokémon Gold, Silver, or Crystal, the answer is a definite no, Shiny Pokémon are not any stronger or weaker than normal Pokémon! Period. It's purely cosmetic.
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Is it OK to not evolve Pokemon?

While Evolution is usually a welcome development, it might not always be the best choice for your Pokémon. Evolved Pokémon often learn particular moves at later levels than unevolved Pokémon, or they might learn different moves altogether.
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Is there a disadvantage to not evolving Pokemon?

For some reason, preventing evolution gives some Pokémon access to powers that are harder for evolved Pokémon to acquire. Having a strong move available in early battles can easily make the difference between defeat and victory.
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Should I power up before purifying Pokémon?

You can purify a Shadow Pokémon at any point, though it's best to do so before you power it up and accidentally burn through your hard-earned Candy and Stardust. It will cost you both Candy and Stardust to purify your Pokémon, and the amount is different depending on the Pokémon.
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What is the highest Pokémon GO level?

Trainer levels

The current maximum level a player can get is 50. Each time players level up, rewards are given to them based on what level has been achieved. Leveling-up past level 40 requires both XP and Level-up Research to be completed. Trainer Level is also tied to maximum level an owned Pokémon can have.
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Do gym battles increase CP?

Trainers from opposing teams battle to reduce the motivation of the Pokémon on the Gym. Pokémon gradually lose motivation over time and by losing battles against opposing team members. As a Pokémon loses motivation, its CP will temporarily decrease, making it weaker in battle.
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Are shiny Pokemon better?

Short Answer: No, They're Not Stronger

Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon GO are special because of their unique color, not their strength. They have the same stats as their non-shiny versions. So, a shiny Pikachu has the same power as a regular Pikachu. What makes shiny Pokemon special is their rarity.
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Should you purify Shadow Pokemon?

Shadow Pokemon works as angry Pokemon and will deal damage more faster then Normal or Purified Pokemon. The attack power of a Shadow Pokemon is boosted by 1.2x or 20%, making its fast attack hit significantly harder. So it's better to keep them unpurified.
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Are Lucky Pokémon rare?

The following are the odds of that will become Lucky: Having the creature for less than one year will stand a 5% chance of being Lucky. Having the creature for one year will stand a 10% chance of being Lucky. Having the creature for two years will stand a 15% chance of being Lucky.
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