Is Ornstein a girl?

Gaping Dragon was created by Seath for the sole purpose of acting as a surrogate mother to give birth to the breasts that would later be known as Gwynevere. Ornstein is actually a female.
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Is Ornstein a female in Dark Souls?

I always subconsciously thought that Ornstein was a woman, but since a friend told me he instead saw him as a man I realized that my woman theory has no basis.
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Is Ornstein a real name?

The Ornstein family name was found in the USA, the UK, and Canada between 1880 and 1920. The most Ornstein families were found in USA in 1920. In 1880 there were 15 Ornstein families living in Wisconsin. This was about 45% of all the recorded Ornstein's in USA.
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What happened to Real Ornstein?

However, after centuries of waiting for the Chosen Undead without success, Ornstein grew tired of his duty and left the cathedral and his companion in search of the Nameless King, while leaving also behind the ring that symbolized his membership in the four knights of Gwyn.
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Does Ornstein have red hair?

he said to me that perhaps the reason as to why when you obtain and wear the ornstein set in game, specifically his helm, his glorious red mane that you most certainly can see and adore while battling against him is absent, is because it's actually his own hair!
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Dark Souls - What happens if you kill Ornstein and Smough at the same time?

Do Ornstein and Smough bleed?

Pretty much anything you attack which spills blood can bleed. If you pay attention, you'll notice that bosses like the Asylum Demon and Smough and Ornstein spill blood when your attacks connect. Praise the Sun!
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Who is the red hair girl with a dragon?

The series follows the comedic exploits of Jane—an adolescent girl training to be a knight—and her friend Dragon—a talking, flying, 300-year-old, fire-breathing dragon. The program originally aired on YTV in Canada and on ABC in Australia.
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Where is smough's face?

Apparently, the face carved into the helmet isn't actually where Smough's face goes, that's just for decoration. The eyes carved into the saggy double-chin are what go over the character's head.
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Are Ornstein and Smough brothers?

It's often assumed that Ornstein and Smough must have been friends, or at least welcoming to one another. Evidence seems to suggest that they were simply co-workers tasked by Lord Gwyn to work with one another.
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Did Ornstein become a dragon?

A popular theory is that the King of the Storm, the Nameless King's dragon mount, is a transformed Ornstein. While there is little evidence that proves this, there is precedence that worshippers of dragons are able to transform themselves into dragons, with the player also able to transform into one for a brief time.
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Is Ornstein a demon?

As a Knight of Hell and one of the Five Knights of Lucifer, Ornstein is an extremely powerful demon behind Artorias himself and rivaling his fellow Vassal, Urxehl. As one of the knights, he possesses a wide array of powers and abilities exclusive only to his kind and not normally found with other demons.
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Who is the guy with the fake hands in Sons of Anarchy?

Michael Marisi Ornstein (born 1963) is an American actor. He is best known for his recurring role as Chucky Marstein on Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014) and its spin-off Mayans M.C. (2019–2023).
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Who is Chucky on Mayans?

Michael Ornstein: Chuck 'Chucky' Marstein.
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Who is Gwynevere married to?

Guinevere (/ˈɡwɪnɪvɪər/ GWIN-iv-eer; Welsh: Gwenhwyfar; Breton: Gwenivar, Cornish: Gwynnever), also often written in Modern English as Guenevere or Guenever, was, according to Arthurian legend, an early-medieval queen of Great Britain and the wife of King Arthur.
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Is Artorias human?

Artorias is not a human, he is a lord, of the same race as Gwyn and the other knights (except for Gough, who is a giant). Members of this race are generally known to be quite tall.
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Is Gwynevere a girl?

Gwynevere was born a girl, but had an affinity for the sun for which she was raised as a girl?
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Did Smough eat Ornstein?

If Ornstein is defeated first, a cinematic will show him get crushed and absorbed by Smough, who gains lightning attacks, which cause large amounts of damage.
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Did Aldrich eat Smough?

It's heavily implied he killed and, ironically, ate Executioner Smough, a similarly well loved character. Contrastingly, while Smough was also cannibal, he was nowhere near as sadistic as Aldrich, only eating ground up bone of already executed criminals, as well as being loyal to the powers in Anor Londo.
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Is Executioner Smough a cannibal?

Smough was, in fact, a cannibal, grinding the victims of his job of Executioner into his meals. This behavior is what kept him from joining Gwyn's Knights.
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Why does Smough laugh?

This was because not only he took pleasure in his brutal work that made him eerily gleeful but because he also ground the bones of his victims into his own feed to absorb them while his own hammer became capable of restoring health with attacks thanks to the continued use in his work.
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What is Ornstein's weakness?

Yes he's weak against fire. Fire - if you are a pyromancer he's a piece of cake. Get close to him and take him down with Combustion/Great Combustion.
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Who is pink dragon?

Pink Dragon is a white Hokkaido Wolf. He is very feminine-looking, even so that he was mistaken to be a female by many fans. He has a mane, possibly pink in color hence his name, which covers the other side of his face. Strangely, Pink Dragon's design changes during the manga.
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Who is the blonde girl in dragons?

Daenerys Targaryen (/dəˈnɛərɪs tɑːrˈɡɛəriən/ də-NAIR-iss tar-GAIR-ee-ən) is a fictional character in the series of epic fantasy novels A Song of Ice and Fire by American author George R. R. Martin. She is a prominent point-of-view character, and is one of the series' most popular characters.
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Who is the pink hair girl in dragon Ball?

Caway is a humanoid female with light-green skin, blue eyes, and long pink hair.
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