Is Pate or Creighton the bad guy?

There is no definite proof that Creighton is actually the serial killer, and Pate pretty blatantly tries to get Creighton to kill you instead of him by setting you up with his armor set. That being said, Creighton is still not a good person, though.
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Should I kill both Creighton and Pate?

They're BOTH terrible people, there is no right choice, short of killing them both. Pate seems like the guy to kill. After all he does give you all his equipment very easily so you look just like him as a means of distracting Creighton.
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Is Pate a good guy?

Pate was created to capitalize on our metagame knowledge of Patches, he's basically a completely harmless and even helpful guy, surrounded by so much inherited suspicion and LORE IMPLICATIONS that we can't ever feel at ease around him.
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Was Creighton framed in DS2?

He is a wandering swordsman from the land of Mirrah who was tricked and is found locked in a jail cell. Upon freeing him, he will tell you who he is and what his goals for revenge are. He moves around the country in search of the man who backstabbed him.
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Who is Pate in Dark Souls 2?

Mild Mannered Pate is an NPC in Dark Souls 2. Mild-Mannered Pate can be encountered in the Forest of Fallen Giants. He presents himself as a humble traveler and treasure hunter, often sharing tales of his exploits with the player.
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Souls Lore. Pate Vs. Creighton. Who To Trust?

Is Creighton or Pate bad?

There is no definite proof that Creighton is actually the serial killer, and Pate pretty blatantly tries to get Creighton to kill you instead of him by setting you up with his armor set. That being said, Creighton is still not a good person, though.
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Who is the guy that betrays you in Dark Souls?

Dark Souls Characters Who Will Betray You In The End

There's also Lautrec, who can be saved from his prison in the Undead Parish. It's wise to kill him immediately afterward or else he will kill the aforementioned Anastacia and render the bonfire useless.
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Where did Creighton go in DS2?

Creighton can later be found in the Shaded Woods. He will tell the player that Pate lives near Brightstone Cove Tseldora, and gleefully anticipates finally tracking him down. He can be found for the last time at Brightstone Cove Tseldora, engaged in a fight with Pate. The player may choose to help either one.
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Who is the blood guy DS2?

Titchy Gren is an NPC and merchant located in the Undead Purgatory - past the Executioner's Chariot boss. After dialog is exhausted, Titchy Gren will offer to accept players in to the Brotherhood of Blood covenant.
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Who are the 4 great ones in DS2?

The four current owners of the Great Souls as of the Bearer of the Curse's arrival in Drangleic are the Old Iron King, the Lost Sinner, The Rotten and The Duke's Dear Freja. The Emerald Herald instructs the Bearer of the Curse to acquire the Great Souls to gain their power and use them as a beacon to reach Vendrick.
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Is Pate a girl or boy?

Much to some players' confusion, Pate is actually a female duck.
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Who is pretending to be Pate?

It has been theorized that Jaqen, disguised as the Alchemist, kills Pate in the Prologue of A Feast for Crows, and has subsequently stolen the boy's identity.
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Who did Pate meet?

He later meets with a mysterious character known as The Alchemist (or Jaqen H'ghar according to fan theory) to exchange this key for a golden dragon coin he means to use to purchase Rosey's maidenhood. Pate passes out after their exchange and that is the last you hear of The Alchemist.
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Should I kill the Lonesome Dung Eater?

Unlock the door and speak to the Dung Eater, commanding him to leave his cell. It can be tempting to kill him here, given what he informs you he's planning to do, but you must resist the urge if you're going to complete this quest.
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How to get Creighton's armor?

Accepted Answer. After you defeat him in Sirris' world you must have him invade you, later in Irithyll near the graveyard. Once you defeat him there you can return to the bridge where you fought him in Sirris' world to find the armor.
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How to free Creighton DS2?

This key gives the player access to the prison cell in which a bonfire can be found, along with the NPC Creighton Of Mirrah . The key is located past the large bridge in the Huntsman's Copse, and then either through the necromancer cave, or by taking the route around.
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Who is the strongest boss ds2?

  • 6 Sir Alonne (Crown of the Old King DLC) ...
  • 5 Elana, Squalid Queen (Crown of the Sunken King DLC) ...
  • 4 Sinh, The Slumbering Dragon (Crown of the Sunken King DLC) ...
  • 3 Lud And Zallen, The King's Pets (Crown of the Ivory King DLC) ...
  • 2 Fume Knight (Crown of the Old Iron King DLC) ...
  • 1 Burnt Ivory King (Crown of the Ivory King DLC)
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Who is the god of blood ds2?

Nahr Alma is the god of blood and bloodshed worshiped by the Brotherhood of Blood. Followers of Nahr Alma reject the world itself, and vow to travel a path stained with the blood of other undead. He is also associated with the "power of dark."
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Who is the final boss in ds2 base game?

The final boss of the game, Nashandra is the evil queen of the land. She wields a scythe, employs magic, and will be applying curse effects constantly throughout the fight. She seems to fairly resistant to all elements, although Fire and Magic weapons do seem to hit a bit harder.
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Where do Creighton and Pate fight?

You need to run through another trap area and then he will move on may even give you his armor if you summoned him for Last Giant and he lived. In Brightstone after the chapel go down the first rope slide and go left and inside the building there should be Pate and Creighton fighting help who ever you want.
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Who to give souls to ds2?

Straid in The Lost Bastille must be unpetrified using a Fragrant Branch of Yore for him to trade with you, Straid trades boss souls for both weapons and spells. Ornifex (found in the Shaded Ruins - relocates to Brightstone Cove) will also trade boss souls for weapons.
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Who is the first boss in Iron Keep ds2?

The fog gate will lead you to the Smelter Demon boss fight. The Smelter Demon is an optional boss located inside the Iron Keep. He is a heavily armored demonic knight who employs powerful melee and fire based attacks.
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Who is the saddest character in Dark Souls?

  • 8 The Crestfallen Warrior: Dark Souls 1. ...
  • 7 Solaire: Dark Souls 1. ...
  • 6 The Fair Lady: Dark Souls 1. ...
  • 5 The Ivory King: Dark Souls 2. ...
  • 4 Yhorm: Dark Souls 3. ...
  • 3 Lucatiel of Mirrah: Dark Souls 2. ...
  • 2 The Last Giant: Dark Souls 2. ...
  • 1 Artorias Of The Abyss: Dark Souls 1.
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Who is the true villain in Dark Souls?

Gwyn, also known as the Lord of Sunlight and the Lord of Cinder, is the main antagonist of the Dark Souls trilogy.
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Who is the freakiest boss in Dark Souls?

  • 8 The One Reborn – Bloodborne. ...
  • 7 Gaping Dragon – Dark Souls. ...
  • 6 Gravelord Nito – Dark Souls. ...
  • 5 Amygdala – Bloodborne. ...
  • 4 Oceiros, The Consumed King – Dark Souls 3. ...
  • 3 Ludwig, The Accursed/The Holy Blade – Bloodborne. ...
  • 2 Darkeater Midir – Dark Souls 3. ...
  • 1 Orphan Of Kos – Bloodborne.
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