Is Psychic a good move for Gengar?

Psychic is a good charged move, but it has no utility on Gengar. Shadow Punch, Gengar's Community Day move, is too weak to be useful on offense.
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Should Gengar learn Psychic?

Just don't teach it Psychic, Gengar has better things to do than do extra damage to Psychic and Poison types which aren't a big threat to it anyway.
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What moveset is best for Gengar?

8 Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Sucker Punch, Hyper Beam

This move set is a stable, reliable move set for Gengar. Shadow Ball and Sucker Punch are both moves with above-average power scores.
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Should I teach Haunter Psychic?

But Ghost techniques are only strong against other Ghost Pokémon, so you should probably just teach your Ghost Poison and Psychic techniques instead. My favorite maneuver for Haunter and its brethren is to combine the power of Toxic with Confuse Ray or a Sleep move (like Hypnosis).
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Why doesn't Psychic affect Gengar?

Gengar was weak to Psychic back then too, since it has always been a Poison type. Gengar's Poison type lets it take Grass attacks with impunity, and it allows it to at least survive one hit from Bug attacks like Heracross' Megahorn. It also makes Gengar immune to Toxic, which never hurts.
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How Pokemon Ruined the Psychic Type

Is Psychic a good move?

Psychic's stats make it one of the best TMs to teach a Pokemon in need of a powerful attack. This move also has a small (10%) chance of lowering the opposing Pokemon's special defense by one stage, to a maximum of -6.
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Is Psybeam a good move?

Psychic and Psybeam are equally accurate, but the former is nearly 40% more powerful and seems like the obvious choice. Indeed, it will usually be the correct one.
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What should I teach Gengar?

Shadow ball and focus blast are easily his best moves. Beyond that T-bolt, energy ball and psychic are your best attacking options while hypnosis is an option.
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Is Gengar strong against Psychic?

Gengar is weak against: Dark, ground, ghost and psychic-type.
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Why is Gengar scary?

The one and only Ghost/Poison-type, giant-tongued Pokémon Gengar steals the life of its victim. It likes to hide in shadows and mimic victims to make them paranoid and frightened, and it enjoys their fear.
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What is Gengar's secret ability?

Hiding in people's shadows at night, it absorbs their heat. The chill it causes makes the victims shake. To steal the life of its target, it slips into the prey's shadow and silently waits for an opportunity. It can pass through other dimensions and appear anywhere.
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What is the fastest charge move for Gengar?

Shadow Ball is Gengar's best charge move, sharing the same type as its best fast moves. Sludge Bomb also has STAB, but its Poison typing lacks synergy with Ghost-type attacks.
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What are the best moves for Haunter Gengar?

Haunter's strongest moveset is Shadow Claw & Shadow Ball and it has a Max CP of 1,963. Haunter evolves into Gengar.
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What is Gengar's best moveset?

Best moveset for Gengar

The best moves for Gengar are Lick and Shadow Ball when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles.
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Why is Gengar so loved?

Gengar's thing is that it has a lot of cross-over appeal. It can be both cute and dark/edgy, plus being powerful in-game and competitively, and having the unique distinction of being THE original Ghost. A lot of other popular Pokemon also take advantage of cross-over appeal.
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What type is Gengar weak?

Gengar is weak to ground, psychic, dark, and ghost type attacks, with none of these being a double weakness. It also has slightly worse defense than special defense(base stat 60 versus 75), so all else equal, physical attacks will do more damage.
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Which is better, Psychic or ghost type?

Ghost has always been better versus Psychic. The Gastly line are half poison and Poison is weak to Psychic so that's probably where the confusion comes from. Psychic was never super-effective against Ghost.
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What type is best against Gengar?

Gengar counters are mostly strong Ghost, Psychic, Dark and Ground Pokémon like Shadow Ball Mewtwo, Groudon, Zen Headbutt / Psychic Metagross, Bite / Crunch Tyranitar and Psychic Latios.
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Can Gengar learn Psychic?

Gengar learns Destiny Bond at Level 39, in this game, Shadow Ball at Level 45 and gets Psychic and Thunderbolt from TMs, one of which you've already acquired and taught, given you already have Psychic; Thunderbolt, aka TM 24, is obtained as a Game Corner prize in Celadon City.
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Which nature is best for Gengar?

You want Timid Nature. Gengar hits hard with special moves, but it quite frail. So you want the higher Speed this Nature grants you, to dish out strong attacks, namely Shadow Ball. Gengar doesn't learn all that many physical moves, so its Attack stat is largely inconsequential.
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Can I beat Gengar alone?

Gengar has a high base Attack of 261 but has a poor base Defense of 149. As a 3-star raid boss, it will have a CP of 21,207 and a total HP of 3,600. You will have 180 seconds to complete this challenge. With high-level hard counters, you can defeat this critter on your own with relative ease.
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What is the most op Pokémon move ever?

As such, we've revamped this list of the strongest Pokémon moves out there.
  • 8 Eruption & Water Spout.
  • 7 Destiny Bond.
  • 6 Boomburst.
  • 5 Dragon Ascent.
  • 4 Scald.
  • 3 Geomancy.
  • 2 Spore.
  • 1 Explosion.
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Is Psycho Cut or Psybeam better?

They are both psychic, yet the attack that apparently does more damage (Psycho Cut, 70 base power) did less than the weaker one (Psybeam, 65 base power).
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Is Psywave better than Psychic?

Psywave will do anywhere from 50-150 HP damage. That doesn't mean that the base power will be between 50 and 150. Psychic, on the other hand, has a BASE POWER of 90, and depending on Special Attack, it'll do much more damage, and could easily do 200-300 HP damage.
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